They're back

Our reptilian/jewish hosts are very upset.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>planet X

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hey is that Zoroaster up there at the top?
What's going on?


that was just a video of a picture :/

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what does it mean?

It means the jews are going to fight our ancestors.

As a full blooded human, you should be able to feel what's happening if the jews haven't destroyed your endocrine system with their magic.

Can you feel it kike? Nope. You sure can't. Wrong side of history boy. Your puppet space force isn't going to save you.

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News aren’t Anunnaki. Jews are the Igigi worker race that they first put on Earth, who rebelled due to their replacement with humans. Hence the Jewish infertility complex and constant lie that they’re “muh God’s chosen people.”

>Igigi worker race
No the Jews were the Slave keepers. Blacks were the first slaves

I thought Agigi were black as night and resembled Mr. Popo from Dragon Ball? On the other hand that perspective does make sense; the servants of the gods being in total denial over their own rebellion.

That's good ole british theory.

Igigi, my bad.

>muh God’s chosen people.”
wouldn't mean shit if evangelicals (christian zionists) didn't enable that bullshit, but hey, christian zionists make good republicans so lets keep voting them into office.

Why are they upset. This shitty world is because of them. No what you are seeing is the indication of end times. Repent.

Because they are about to be destroyed in the next cataclysmic battle. With help from our visitors.

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We are in the Kaliyuga, the darkest age, or the Iron Age of the Greeks, and experiencing an accelerated involution. If we believe this, it will be very difficult to think about a possibility of a new faith. Politically there is not a solution, unless there is an intervention by the Hitlerists who survived the catastrophe of World War II, and who set up a new science and technology. We, the Esoteric Hitlerists, believe in that. It will be the magical phenomenon we await. But, that does not mean that we do not continue to fight to the very end for our Ideals, even if we are very realistic about the darkness of the near future.

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It is bullshit:

This is (((theosophy))) jewshit.

kek you can clearly see this is some monitor or tv

It is not "reptile people" who return.

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You are correct. He is wrong.

Don’t worry there is away to get reptilians.