My grandmother thinks I'm retarded (serious)

Hello Jow Forums my grandmother has always treated me like I'm mentally handicapped, but its been getting worse lately. I've confronted her about this a few times and politely asked her to stop. She plays dumb and gets angry at me. She does it at least once when I'm around her. For example me, my mom,my uncle, and her we're at a restaurant and they were talking while I was browsing the Internet. I overheard them talking about politics and I chimed in with my 2 cents and she said "wow you were able to keep up with our conversation, good job!". She is very condescending and it pisses me off as it would anyone. But what am I to do? I can't convince someone that they're doing something when they won't listen. My mom just yells at me when I say anything to her about it and tells me its all in my head. Can someone here please give me some advice on how to handle this situation? It's gotten so bad that I just avoid her now. I love my grandmother, but I don't know how to handle this without making anyone angry.

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You get trolled by a granny, kek. She literally destroyed you in the story

Just call her a retard

Look at that guys. The retard was able to actually write more than three sentences in a row. I bet his grandmother wouldn't believe him. Even I am shocked. Did you do that yourself?

She probably treats you that way because you do shit like play on your phone when at family outings.

if she’s patronizing it can be a bit frustrating, still she’s granny and you kinda gotta let old people be in their ways (as long as you can handle it)
the frustrating part is probably being dismissed when you tell others about this, as that non-acknowledgement is stopping your only real catharsis in this (having others see said bullshit as you are seeing it)
Just know that it’s not all in your head, and at the same time that it’s not a big deal.

treat her the same way

just let her be a retard

No. I'm not going to be mean to my own grandma dude

>they were talking while I was browsing the Internet
>I overheard them talking about politics and I chimed in with my 2 cents
>"wow you were able to keep up with our conversation, good job!"
user, you ARE retarded

1) If you're a teen or in your early 20s, she could be acting like that simply because you're still young.

2) It's your grandma, stop being such a whiny pussy, you retard. I'm getting my PhD soon and my grandma still thinks that I can't live alone and make my own food even though I've been living alone for years now. She also told me that If I don't find a gf within a year, I'm never going to marry. Old people say silly shit, no one gives a flying fuck. Grow a pair.

3) You might genuinely be retarded.

>Being on your phone while eating out with your family

Spotted the zoomer

A lot of rude comments here. It is Jow Forums so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

OP I have the same situation with my grandfather to the point where he speaks slowly to me, and believes I am incapable of speaking Spanish despite majoring in it in university and need to speak it on a daily basis even with him around sometimes. At this point I just live by the motto "respect the rank not the man". I don't like my grandfather and don't pretend to, but I show him the deference needed for since he is family after all. We just have to accept the fact that even older people can be rude, and condescending.

I had the opposite problem user.

I'm (slightly) autistic. My mother used to scold me for being incapable of doing basic social things, and other things which were mostly out of my control. Also, she'd only ever mention my autism when insulting me, or when convenient.

I don't speak to her anymore

Maybe ignoring her is the best thing desu

She's never going to change, so you have to decide whether to

a. ignore her
b. fight back every time she does it
c. never see her again.

I suggest the first.

Top kek. Granny knows how to dab on zoomers. Also on side not my grandma said i look cute and i should find girlfriend and if she was younger she would fuck me.


Next time you see her, open with "take your meds today you senile hag?" smile and wink, tell everyone you never said it if she tells on you

Sounds like you can't handle your bantz with grandma. Also, it's quite likely that you are retarded. Chiming in your two cents just to get your opinion out and otherwise browsing while at dinner suggests that you are a Trump-voting incel.

Actually I’m a Berniebro and everyone in my family voted for Trump. We get into heated debates often

Some people are incapable of understanding until you beat their teeth down their throat.