Red flag thread?

Red flag thread?
Red flag thread.

>porn addict
>had one night stands
>can't research for himself
>Can't read a study
>Can't have a debate without adhom
>Can't handle people having different opinions
>Doesn't like animals
>Poor hygiene
>Takes politics too seriously
>Bitter/upset about splitting the bill
>Uses his issues as an excuse, not a reason
>Makes small dick jokes about other dudes (unless genuine banter)
>Makes height jokes about random short men / tall chicks
>Thinks "dark humour" and "edgy humour" are interchangeable
>Spends a good deal of time complaining about how others live their lives

Attached: images.jpg (281x179, 9K)

now it's officially "tag yourself" game thread

>>porn addict +
>>had one night stands
>>can't research for himself
>>Can't read a study
>>Can't have a debate without adhom
>>Can't handle people having different opinions +
>>Doesn't like animals +
>>Poor hygiene +
>>Takes politics too seriously +
>>Bitter/upset about splitting the bill
>>Uses his issues as an excuse, not a reason +/-
>>Makes small dick jokes about other dudes (unless genuine banter)
>>Makes height jokes about random short men / tall chicks
>>Thinks "dark humour" and "edgy humour" are interchangeable +/-
>>Spends a good deal of time complaining about how others live their lives +

>is 'le enlightened centrist'
Kill yourself, fag

What do the symbols mean?

I'm certainly not a centrist user, my politics are actually considered quite extreme so I won't share them for the sake of not derailing the thread

kill yourself anyway for making me look bad

Boring, here's your (You)


+ means I’m agree or have it same
+/- means that I’m not quite sure
You know alike to these insta stories quizzes

I don't use Instagram, but thanks for the key. Why are you unsure on the two?

>Complains about his exes a lot, they're "all crazy bitches"
>Makes mean jokes about people's appearance
>Can't handle disagreements without sperging
>Screams, throws things, punches shit, insults people a lot
>Rude to service workers
>Victim complex, nothing is ever his fault
>Can't handle money
>Cares about social media
>Enjoys flirting with other women
>Gets offended easily
>Dirty house
>Talks to me about how smart he is
>Gives advice without me asking
>Takes himself too seriously

I agree with all these too

sounds like an alpha male. must have taken after me. good kid

Attached: 1564240494536.jpg (608x500, 116K)

are you my past self?!?!

Attached: kqerlu6oz0oz.png (380x443, 6K)

How do these threads work? Do you just post about yourself in the third person?

Your present self doesn't have standards?

No, you post red flags for relationships

>porn addict +
>>had one night stands -
>>can't research for himself +
>>Can't read a study +
>>Can't have a debate without adhom +
>>Can't handle people having different opinions +
>>Doesn't like animals -
>>Poor hygiene +
>>Takes politics too seriously +
>>Bitter/upset about splitting the bill +
>>Uses his issues as an excuse, not a reason +
>>Makes small dick jokes about other dudes -
>>Makes height jokes about random short men / tall chicks -
>>Thinks "dark humour" and "edgy humour" are interchangeable +
>>Spends a good deal of time complaining about how others live their lives ++
>>Complains about his exes a lot, they're "all crazy bitches" +
>>Makes mean jokes about people's appearance -
>>Can't handle disagreements without sperging +
>>Screams, throws things, punches shit, insults people a lot +
>>Rude to service workers +
>>Victim complex, nothing is ever his fault +
>>Can't handle money +
>>Cheater +
>>Cares about social media -
>>Enjoys flirting with other women -
>>Gets offended easily +
>>Dirty house +
>>Talks to me about how smart he is +
>>Gives advice without me asking +
>>Takes himself too seriously +

how about stop being such a negative piece of shit and instead think about green flags?

>just ignore my negative traits, I have a nice butt

Be the change you want to see in the world, user. I'll even post in it. I'm just curious about this at the moment.

if that's your requirements for a partner then no amount of red flags will matter, you'll be a tard anyway

>roastie toastie talking about negative traits

Attached: ce8.png (621x702, 56K)

Red flags are a good way to spot if someone has bad traits that aren't immediately noticeable.
It's a good way to gauge more complex personality traits that aren't immediately easy to spot. They're not dealbrakers, at least for me, but if you present a lot of them I'll be more wary and think carefully before getting close to you.
That's it. It's useful to know what your red flags are.

>can't have a debate without adhom

literally shrinking your dating pool by 99% there

ok I might've exaggerated in my initial post, you're right, it's good to have at least some rough idea of what just wouldn't work for you indeed
my badly expressed point was more that this shouldn't be the one and only way to think of people, walking around with a checklist and being like "oh you don't like onions and you don't like art house movies? sorry that's already 2 points, you're off the list"
so yes, I agree with you user

S'fine by me, rather wait ten years to get one good bf then go through ten bad bfs

>Can't read a study
>Can't have a debate without adhom
>Can't handle people having different opinions

and then

>Takes politics too seriously
>Thinks "dark humour" and "edgy humour" are interchangeable

I am going to take typical bait for 100

These are incredibly specific red flags. At least when red flags for women are made, they are realistic.

Just don't set your looks expectations too high, finding an educated and good looking man is quite difficult.

Oh and my red flags:

>doesn't know how to handle money
>doesn't want financial freedom
>can't properly express her/himself
>has no plans for the future
>bad conversationist
>doesn't speak at least one foreign language fluently
>can't play chess
>addicted to social media
>shit taste in music
>boring personality (eg: can only talk about tv shows and freezes if she/he has to engage in the least bit of thinking to answer)

>She has poor personal hygiene
>She is overweight
>She has a non-natural hair colour
>She has tattoos (Particularly on her lower back or text/quotes on her upper chest or arm)
>She had over 2 sexual partners
>She has mental issues
>She feels the need to shit-test / be passive agressive and not constructive
>"I am not like other girls"
>She is a femminist
>She is vegan
>She is an extreme collectivist/leftist
>She has an addiction (drugs or any other substance)

>porn addict
>had one night stands
>can't research for himself
>Can't read a study
>Can't have a debate without adhom
>Can't handle people having different opinions
>Doesn't like animals
>Poor hygiene
>Takes politics too seriously
>Bitter/upset about splitting the bill
>Uses his issues as an excuse, not a reason
>Makes small dick jokes about other dudes (unless genuine banter)
>Makes height jokes about random short men / tall chicks
>Thinks "dark humour" and "edgy humour" are interchangeable
not sure
>Spends a good deal of time complaining about how others live their lives

but you missed my red flag, I'm a massive Jow Forums addict with nothing else going on in my life. Date me OP!

Yikes OP! Run far away.
>>Uses his issues as an excuse, not a reason
I feel this one in particular^ My ex was on SSI and used it as an excuse to not to learn to drive or learn anything useful or productive with his life. He used to steal thinks from the self checkout at wallgreens and he bought drugs off the deepweb with taxpayer money. It made me so mad.

Attached: 1563819920746.jpg (318x400, 22K)

>Has had sex/relationships with significantly older men, 8years +
>Always someone else to blame for how messed up/upset you feel
>Takes politics too seriously
>Bad hygiene
>Significantly over/under weight
>Being difficult (some women like to try be difficult in a "sexy" "fun" way, it never works)
>Shit tests
>"I am not like other girls"
>Crossing my personal boundaries and laughing in my face (a lot of women like to do this shit)
>Defines herself by what she consumes (shit like Harry Potter and Funko Pops)
>Bad with her money/bad with yours
>History of cheating
>Nothing ever her fault

Probably other things but these were the first that came to mind.

>can't play chess
does this mean knowing the rules or actually knowing how to play?
if it is the latter you will have a hard time finding a partner lmao

There's a difference between insulting someone in the course of an argument and insulting someone AS an argument.

aren't you describing the typical Jow Forums user here?

an ad hominem is saying someones argument is bad or that your argument is good because the other is X insult.

Just insulting them is not an ad hominem.

That's what I said, yes.

not really mate

Attached: 1564106529711.jpg (894x894, 347K)

>Wants to have sex within 2-3 weeks of knowing each other