Brexit was a great ide--

>Brexit was a great ide--, sweetie. The insane capital flight from your tiny island that will occur from Brexit will be well enough to cultivate our land for an entire decade

You thought about this before voting leave, right? You *did* remember that the capital accumulated in the UK is mostly retained spoils of war and colonialism, and actually doesn't belong there, right? A leave will cause it to no longer feel safe on that island and flee, and you do not have the industry nor the geopolitical location to re-accumulate such capital, because it wasn't there for that reason to begin with - as I said above, it was just lucky spoils of war.

Attached: karneval brexit 2.jpg (940x627, 152K)

Other urls found in this thread: gif&rlz=1C1PRFC_enDE706DE706&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=X6gfaU0v-F70sM%3A%2CPkVQBBw-DAV_eM%2C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kSjKqszoR4ZRxh5tUgmLFxPUp0V7Q&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjTnsz4oPvhAhWCM-wKHXS0AQ4Q9QEwAHoECAkQBA#imgdii=wta4QNCPQaPquM:&imgrc=X6gfaU0v-F70sM:&vet=1

>foreigner posting about foreign politics
type something when germany is involved.

UK anons, can we join the UK?
I hate being the lapdog of our robot next door aka the fucking krauts.

Ever find it amusing how Germany found a way to have the most sway over Europe by having the highest number of MEP's?

I'm sorry to the rest of Europe this was allowed to happen. We failed, we should have wiped Germany from the face of the earth even if it did seem safely split in two for a while.

Let's make one thing clear: UK didn't vote for Brexit because of Polish migrants or the way Merkel handled the refugee crisis.

They voted for Brexit because they were tired of being stuck in 2nd place, eternally trailing Germany, a country they defeated twice and that still rose to eclipse them each time. They voted for Brexit because they are still clinging to the distant memories of their long-gone empire, distant echos of a past that will never return.

Brexit is the result of a British inferiority complex.

Attached: brit pepe.png (4000x3852, 301K)

Why don't you shut the fuck up and go look in the mirror you hypocritical autist. An American telling foreigners to not put their nose in foreign matters is like a pig covered in feces criticizing you for stepping in dogshit.

oh no! the capitalists will all go to germany!

>Thinking they're no.1
That's so cute.

America is a 3rd world shithole. We should probably start granting asylum to American refugees, you're certainly brown enough to qualify.

Attached: germany america.png (470x425, 105K)

>believing kraut parade meme floats
You guys get indoctrinated at every possible turn

says the american....

>believing Trump's lock her up chants
You goys get indoctrinated at every possible turn.

Attached: trump con.png (984x739, 698K)

>germany calling Britain a tiny island
>one of the top 10 largest islands in the world
>implying OP is German and not a larper

pic related

INB4 Texas
INB4 you can't INB4 your own post

Attached: asdasd.jpg (441x407, 41K)

I'm so sorry I called the Isle of Pakistan "tiny".

My apologies.

Attached: Flag of England.png (900x600, 16K)

You're going the same way inshallah

>where have I stated this

Man, I hate Anglos. They were supposed to exit on March 29 and now look at them. Still in and still quibbling.


haven't you taken in way more refugees than them

>apologising on the internet
absolute state of you

um sweetie biscuit honey muffins? it was a brilliant idea and we get to rape, flay and kill all german filth at the same time!


>When it hits you that Germany has more Muslims than the UK

Attached: France lel.jpg (464x930, 74K)

>sweetie biscuit honey muffins?
Ooo ya fuckin minx i'd luv ya ta wisper that in me lug 'ole



Attached: muslims_capitol.jpg (990x646, 161K)

England will perish. It is God's will.

Mr. Boy Mussmann wrote to Mrs. S.M. van Tender in 1949: ‘”Oom’ Klasie says he ‘sees’ a multicoloured pig standing in a well in England and it is so hungry that it is licking against the walls (Famine and scarcity of water). It will probably die from hunger and thirst when the struggle is at its worst here in South Africa. There is also a pot of fire in Russia (civil war) and then ‘Oom’ Klasie sees the grass catch alight in England-the start of civil war. (Possibly this could indicate another major flare-up in the long drawn-out conflict between England and Ireland).

“‘Oom’ Klasie saw pigs (English statesmen) running across a dam wall to go and drink water. But when he looked again, he saw the dam was almost empty and the pigs wallowing in the mud.” (England will experience extreme financial problems).

“I see a woman decorated with ribbons (a symbol of the English nation). Then I see the ribbons unwinding one by one until she is totally naked-and eventually I see her die. This means that in time England will lose all her possessions and colonies…”

Attached: Siener-van-Rensburg--e1387063904422.jpg (450x325, 25K)


Great Shitain is BLACKED.

It's basically America 0.5

Attached: white british pop.png (493x159, 59K)

this graphic is at least 10 years old

Only that it doesn’t. The UK muslim population doubles every 10yrs. It was 2.6 million in the 2011 Census, it’s above 5 million now.

Germany’s most important Muslim population, the Turks/Kurds/Balkan Muslims have a fertility rate below replacement and their numbers are declining. Germany’s current Muslim population, despite the refugee crisis, is below 5 million.

Attached: 767D3EAC-D01B-4474-88FA-2DB42D3CC715.jpg (1024x768, 82K)

>Germany has more Muslims than the UK

You're breeding them much faster.

Attached: rotheram pregnant.png (865x838, 962K)

Hans, you know most of that can be contributed to niggers and spic, right? You're not that autistic... are you?

>most of that can be contributed to niggers and spic

So can your genome.

Attached: white americans.jpg (1580x3391, 1011K)

Most white Americans are exceptionally white. Compare white Americans with White Europeans and we blow you out of the fucking water every time.

White British is a specific classification, the census allows options for 'White Scottish', 'White Irish'' 'White other' etc.

>Most white Americans

Both of them?

Attached: american mall.webm (720x404, 2.94M)

>White British is a specific classification

I wouldn't know, I'm not a zoologist.

There are 197 million non-hispanic whites in the US. Why are you shilling so hard, and attempting to divide and demoralize the thread?

We all know how you count your "whites". Fuck off, niggerburger.

Attached: usa white.png (1504x1820, 482K)

USA is marjoritary white? Jow Forums lied to me?

You're being autistic and willfully ignorant. Most of the 197 million are of European decent. You know this, but you are a jewish shill attempting to demoralize the board. Not very clever, and kind of ham handed.

stale pasta

>Most white Americans are exceptionally white
>56% is exceptionally white

The EU will not survive ten more years. The EU was created for France to dominate the continent and since 07 that has been logistically impossible. Britain is leaving and as soon as France gets done praying at the mosque, they're next.

Oh please go and sell some of your smelly german beer and weed elsewhere you fat kike

If there would be any capital flight it would already have happened by now.
If anything their pussyfooting is doing more damage than just fucking leaving already.

56% of US citizens are essentially fully European. Do you not understand that? Does that not compute with you? Not every person in the U.S in 56% white. 56% of people of fully white European, and 44% or darkies or spics or Germans.

If it was so great for you why are you against it? Your shitty commufasist mafia wouldn't be kicking and screaming so hard against it if it didn't fuck them over so badly.

Attached: 1532330588876.png (616x480, 237K)

That fleisch. Zo jung.

>wanting to replace a foreign union with another foreign union
We'd make great partners, but no shared country thanks.

>implying I didn't vote brexit to be a paypig for euros

Makes my dick hard just thinking about it :3


Attached: NORFERN RAGE.webm (360x360, 2.96M)

>If anything their pussyfooting is doing more damage than just fucking leaving already.
This. I've seen reports from none other than a German economist that a No deal Brexit would actually be better than a soft Brexit for us.

Creating economic uncertainty from the politic panic at the minute is the worst thing we can do. We should have decided our fate in March.

How can any Right Wing German actually think the EU in its current state is a good idea. It's genuinely comical. Look at what is happening to Europe with mass immigration. None of this would be possible without the EU.

There is literally no reason the EU needed to develop beyond the point of the EEC. Why sign your sovereignty over to a foreign government when we can just trade and work together.

Attached: British lion.jpg (550x413, 33K)

>How can any Right Wing German

I'm a lefty. You piece of shit.

We noticed. I could smell the faggotry all the way across the Atlantic.

Makes sense then. Also the concentrating on the Economic aspect of Brexit is a strawman, the whole point was to gain our sovereignty back, not to better ourselves economically.

>the whole point was to gain our sovereignty back


Attached: UK non-eu migration post brexit.png (640x630, 112K)

Gotta pay boomer pensions somehow

The E.U. is the 4th Reich. Without the euro, Germany returns to the Deutschmark and its currency valuation skyrockets, its goods become unaffordable, and the German economy plummets. Germany needs to keep the Reich in tact by any means necessary.

Attached: IMG_8817.jpg (1024x576, 49K)


It’s spelled “sweatie” retard

Do you know what sovereignty means? Why are you posting a picture of immigration stats...

(((Spelling))) is a Jewish psyop created and perpetuated in order to get us to (((buy))) more (((dictionaries))).

Brexit is a fucking retarded idea: was in 2016 and is now in 2019.

The Eternal ((( KRAUT )))

Attached: IMG_0124.png (1254x1787, 169K)

>Do you know what sovereignty means?

Yes, it apparently means not controlling your borders, not curbing immigration, not kicking out all the Poles.

UK is very sovereign.

>Brexit is a fucking retarded idea: was in 2016 and is now in 2019.

Attached: IMG_0138.png (144x151, 11K)

How DARE you.

This has to be a meme. Do you realise how many European countries were untouched by immigration until 1960? There wasn't even the possibility for admixture here, we weren't the ones mixing with Cherokee Indians and black slaves, let alone every other blend of European.

Attached: 1556659146905.jpg (496x429, 51K)

No my Kraut friend it means "the authority of a state to govern itself or another state."

Tell my why any European nation shouldn't govern it's own laws?

>the authority of a state to govern itself or another state

This means England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland aren't sovereign. What are you going to do about that?

EU laws undermine a sovereign nation, just look at Switzerland and their gun laws that the ((( krauts ))) are trying to impede on for more control.
Also why is it that all the ((( krauts ))) are seething about Brexit, scared that you won't have your piggy bank to carry out the Kalergi Plan.

If Switzerland moves to restrict their gun rights, than that is their sovereign decision as a sovereign nation.

>This means England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland aren't sovereign. What are you going to do about that?

Why are you coming up with bullshit points instead of answering my questions? Both times. You love a good strawman argument.

England, Scotland, Wales and NI aren't technically countries, the UK is the country, they are states within it. Scotland and NI also have a devolved government and make their own laws. This has nothing to do with the UK leaving Europe.

>consumes 99.66% more oil
hippies btfo. just hit the remote start on my car for no reason.

Scotland cannot be a sovereign nation as long as it's tied up in a union that decides Scotland's fate.

>Scotland cannot be a sovereign nation as long as it's tied up in a union that decides Scotland's fate.

What does this have to do with the UK leaving the EU. You genuinely need to learn how to debate and what the strawman/red herring fallacies are.

>The insane capital flight
its just jews moving THEIR money around. You may as well slit your wrist if youre willing to let jewish money tricks scare you into slavery.

And thus the hipocrisy of Brexitards is revealed. It was never about sovereignty.

Scotland wants to be part of the union. They have a sweet deal and take a lot more than they give to England. Only retard "bravehearts" want to leave.

>And thus the hipocrisy of Brexitards is revealed. It was never about sovereignty.

You have to be trolling. I never claimed Scotland needed to be Sovereign. Scotland is just a state in the UK, the UK is the country.

Bald face bullshit. Britain reverse mortgaged their empire during WWII.

There is more than money in this world. Typical German.

>I never claimed Scotland needed to be Sovereign

"Sovereignty for me, not for thee."

Got it.

What does this have to do with the UK leaving the EU? This is hilarious.

Scotland is just an area of the UK, like Bavaria is in Germany. It is not a separate country, why would it have sovereignty?

This is not about domestic policy, this is about the UK (as a whole) having the right to determine its own laws. If Scotland wants that they can leave, but they have chosen not to. It's like you saying that Spain can't leave the EU because it dictates the laws in Catalonia.

Capital investments are shaky bc of the uncertainty. May and company tanked Brexit to stall and stop it. Had they came up with a plan and pushed through with it, capital wouldn’t be as spooked.

Brexit won’t hurt the UK in the long run. If it was a good financial bet before hand, it will be after. In fact, once it’s free of EU regulations it will likely be a better bet.

But all that depends on UK leadership not sabotaging it which they consistently done.

based & redpilled mein Freund

>May and company tanked Brexit to stall and stop it
Correct. She was a remainer and still is, it was a terrible choice to put her into the role of PM and it was likely done on purpose as many of the Tories have shares in Corporations that benefit from the EU or at least don't want to risk losing anything.

If you look at the world as a whole, the economic growth is outside of Europe. Europe is in decline, Germany is in recession. Having better relations with the US, India and China would likely benefit us more in the long term.

Either way, the concentration on Brexit as an economic decision is a Red Herring. It is a Politically based situation, not Economically based.

Its because we don't allow them to rarely skip kindergarden or school, and cost of living is so high that a crappy trash collector simply can't afford 5 kids. there is also not enough social housing in the cities for 5 kids
in UK, they have no issues to move to shit village with 8 room houses and get more kids

Some Scots do want to leave but that doesn't really have anything to do with the UK leaving the EU as OP suggested it did. Scots are welcome to leave the UK if they want, just as the UK is welcome to leave the EU if we want.

>mfw gif&rlz=1C1PRFC_enDE706DE706&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=X6gfaU0v-F70sM%3A%2CPkVQBBw-DAV_eM%2C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kSjKqszoR4ZRxh5tUgmLFxPUp0V7Q&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjTnsz4oPvhAhWCM-wKHXS0AQ4Q9QEwAHoECAkQBA#imgdii=wta4QNCPQaPquM:&imgrc=X6gfaU0v-F70sM:&vet=1

I'm not sure it was. Brexit was a terrible error but the UK mindset doesn't compare ourselves consistently with other countries, let alone Germany. If there is one thing the UK doesn't have it is an inferiority complex (except for Scotland, but that is specific to hating England).

I appreciate you are the OP samefagging, but if you were to ask an ordinary Brexit voter they would be genuinely confused if you said the UK was 'constantly trailing Germany'. It's not a mindset that exists here.

oh sorry I've just read the thread and it's just the OP trying to troll. I thought it was an actual debate. ignore me.

good luck when duescth bank goes belly up nest year, jej

I've meant everything I've said in the OP.

I actually love the 56% meme. I love how much it pisses people off. How a spurious insinuation can make people so defensive.

Based kraut .
Keep fighting the good fight .
I fucking hate UK with all of my bones .
I hope brexit will destroy their union for good .
Fuck the UK .

Attached: C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1553871983855.gif (495x399, 58K)

good thing because many shitskins will leave and go to germanistan. whites will stay and should get their guns back. make a new ethnostate, recolonize the world, rinse, repeat.

dont think like that. brexit was a great idea. it fucks the banks up and they pass the burden on to you, which will result in clashes, and a form of anarchy within the whites. im telling you, the shitties will leave by droves because they want the big german cuck-cock if the alternative "sucks". You guys have a real fucking chance of pulling an Independence Day 2.0 against the globalist cartels, would definitely put you above US status. But you have to fight, and you have to win.

>, sweetie
another sweetie poster
what is the source of this nonsense?

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