Can Arab people be white?
White Arab's
They’re considered it on the US census
WTF stupid question is that?!?
Can apples be pears?
How is it stupid? I am talking blood wise not skin color.
Filthy arabs are about as white as the stuff that I flush down the toilet after my morning coffee.
You again? First you ask us if we would date you, now you think you can be white?
Are you daydreaming? Eat a bucket of sand and go fuck yourself, I told you in the other thread already.
Arabs barely qualify as people, much less white. No consensus anywhere will make a lick of difference otherwise.
If you can't play the hand you're dealt, fold.
Different question's and I just want to see who are traitors to our race.
>brown skin
>brown eyes
>brown hair
The only white ones are Ottoman rape babies.
>Can Arab people be white?
Depends who these Arabs are and where they are from.
Pakis are not Arabs for example.
Libyans on the other hand are primitives compared to Lebanese who considering by the rest of the Arab world as the most secular and progressive people.
Ottomans weren’t whitr
Is she white? I mean base on facial features.
Hve you seen her without makeup? Have you seen her nose?
>The only white ones are Ottoman rape babies.
Ottomans are chinks actually from the Altai Mountains not Arabs.
first, define white cracker.
Yeah she looks white as snow but her nose looks like it's Arab.
She’s berber.
Under the Ottoman Empire, which encompassed Arabia total, they imported slaves from the Balkans to breed with because Arab and Turkish women are so disgusting by and large, which is where your few "white" Arabs get their human-like features.
They’re indo-Europeans so technically. I think of them as pronto-whites. They’re more white than Asians and Blacks, but they’re not really white. Maybe after they replace us all in Northern Europe they’ll eventually turn white like we did.
Whiter than you, Muhammed.
>Under the Ottoman Empire, which encompassed Arabia total, they imported slaves from the Balkans to breed with because Arab and Turkish women are so disgusting by and large, which is where your few "white" Arabs get their human-like features.
We doing that not the Ottomans. The most known historic monument of Jordan "the city of Petra" was sculptured by Greeks.
Open a book about Constantinople to see that before the siege of European crusades, there's muslim Arabs Jewish and Italians except from Greeks who defending it.
I have blue eye's and white as a Nordic man you can't get any whiter.
An animal cannot fit into any color of the human race spectrum. So the answer is NO. the real question is:
So far the answer is unknown.
I feel like to an extent, some can be considered white. Some Assyrian people, some Kurds, some Armenian people, and some Syrian people can look pretty white. They are comparable to Sicilian people with different facial structures. They by no means at all are European white in the sense. A few chicks in my high school who looked completely white but maybe half northern Italian or something, were actually from Iran and Syria. Other people I know are half Syrian or half Lebanese and they look almost indistinguishable from other whites. They tend to blend in pretty well, especially after just one or two generations of race mixing with europeans. Not advocating for race mixing by any means at all, but if it were too happen, whites with certain types of arabs seems to half the least amount of mongrel look.
Arabs are Semite, same as Ethnic Jews. They can look White but are not true White in the sense of being Europeans. The White 'race' are Europeans. Just as not everyone with dark skin is from Africa.
I want a white Arab gf
Kek, this shit again.
Mutt shitskin, leaf shitskin and memeflag shitskin starting slow, en when halfway through suddenly say that berbers are white as they did some cherry picking on google.
Berbers are niggers and not white.
Arabs and Berbers are not white, North Africans and Middle Easterners are NOT white. We are not white and we were NEVER white, we're brown!
Reminder that no matter if you're "white," if you have a comparatively light complexion, you will still be accused of having the original sin of privilege. Look up "colorism."
So is my father after he comes back from a holiday in Italy. Skin colour is not the only factor which determines ones race.
My brother