How do I get over my fears of the world ending due to climate change...

How do I get over my fears of the world ending due to climate change? With the heatwave at the moment and all the talk in the news of the horrible future ahead of us, I can't get the thoughts out of my head that apocalypse will happen within my lifetime. It makes me suicidally depressed. I feel like I've been diagnosed with a terminal illness, and I'm just waiting around to die. The thought of slowly burning to death, starving due to lack of resources, or of being killed by savage marauding barbarians in a post-apocalypse society makes me sick. I feel like there is no point to living when this is the only future that awaits me. I haven't been able to leave the house in a week, and I have lost all passion for everything in life because of these thoughts.

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World will not end becuase of climate change dumbass.

But every scientists and person of knowledge in this area predicts that it will. The latest forecasts are that if we don't drastically reduce emissions within 18 months, the world WILL be guaranteed to eventually become uninhabitable and thus we WILL die as a species. There are scientists who predict the total collapse of human civilization and society within just 10 years. They are predicting a literal Mad Max style post-apocalyptic scenario.

You don't know that, professor retard. I mean yeah literally the planet itself isn't going to explode and turn to dust, but humanity and complex life on earth's future is in doubt.

I used to be a nihilist and misanthrope, actually was a anarcho-primitivist as well but while humans are not strong or fast or agile or anything like all the other animals and insects on earth, we're at least smart. I do believe that we'll be able to manage and deal with the horrible mess we've been creating for the last 150 years.

Even if it's all fucked, it's not gonna pop off overnight, people eating rats in the streets and mad max gang killing for water is at least two or three generations away still.

In the meantime, don't waste shit and don't pollute.

>I can't get the thoughts out of my head that apocalypse will happen within my lifetime.
It won't.
>B-b-but scientist say...

>There are scientists who predict the total collapse of human civilization and society within just 10 years.
I'm on your side and I'm an evironamentalist I guess, but no scientist has said that. There was one recent report that said by 2050 it'll be a point of no return possibly. Not that by 2050 or by 2029 civilization will have ended.

You're just as dumb as him, just on opposite ends if you think you know for a fact that the possibility isn't there at all.

No, there is a guy who wrote a paper called "Deep Adaptation" which predicts with good evidence supported by scientists that society will TOTALLY collapse within 10 years due to the effects of climate change.

Ever since I found this out I've been horrifyingly depressed, to the point of not being able to leave the house and I am also struggling to eat. It feels like there's no point in living or doing anything.

>there is a guy who wrote a paper

okay but who gives a shit a bout some fuckin guy whose name you can't even remember.

I looked him up, he's a sociologist. not a climate scientist.

Michael E. Mann, an actual Climatologist, called it "crap" and rightfully so.

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There is. But it's just so low that OP shouldn't take it into consideration.

That's unfortunately part of the problem. People tell themselves that there's no chance or next to no chance of anything bad ever happening to them and humanity. They should at least be aware of the potential problem and want to take some steps in preventing said problems or even treating them. Rather than just keep on dumping plastic in the ocean and having golf courses in the desert.

I really want to believe this, but I don't know who is reputable anymore. I don't know who this Michael Mann guy is, is he a reputable scientist? From reading media, social media, and activist articles I am lead to believe that the world is pretty much going to end, best case scenario within this century, worst case scenario within the next decade, and that people who are denying this is the case are anti-scientific. I don't know who to believe. I'm scared, so so scared to the point of constant sickness.

With a fear like this, you always have the comfort that we're all in this together. A lot of people have anxiety over things in their own lives and feel very alone and isolated because of it. But climate change is on many people's minds, and if this scenario ended up happening we'd all be in it together as well. Think of that.

Oh don't get me wrong, I totally agree that humanity is fucked. People are selfish by nature, which will evantually lead to our downfall. I could be the most enviromentally friendly person I could be, but seeing that others won't put in the effort without being forced (government putting higher taxes on gas and lowering taxes on electric cars). But I was trying to stop OP from acting like a sperg with my original comment.

I just try and tell myself that if the world does end, then it’s our fault. We’re the only ones to blame for this clusterfuck, but there’s a small part of me that believes that future Generations will adapt to the temperature and life can go on.

>. I don't know who this Michael Mann guy is, is he a reputable scientist?

I just said that he isn't.

He's a sociologist, he's not qualified to write on climate.

> but I don't know who is reputable anymore
> I don't know who to believe

You should start with reading actual climatology papers instead of clickbait and bullshit written by anyone.

The absolute absolute worst worst worst case scenario is that things could start to get bad by 2050. Not that the fucking planet is going to be boiled over and dead by the time the next Playstation console drops.

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>But climate change is on many people's minds, and if this scenario ended up happening we'd all be in it together as well. Think of that.
I don't have any faith in other people. I keep running through the many possible scenarios, if the earth was to go through an apocalypse type scenario.

Rich people might just openly tell everyone else to fuck off and go hide away in bunkers. Governments could collapse. Once governments collapse, people will start looting, raping and murdering everyone. Religious people will take the climate apocalypse as a sign of biblical/quranic "end times" and will start going crazy, actively wishing for the world to end as soon as possible so that they can in their eyes be reunited with god.

>humanity is fucked
So whats the point in living? No one can tell me what the point is. Just a few months ago I was full of optimism, hope and ambition for my future. For the first time in a long while I was optimistic. Now, all I can think about is inevitable DOOM. I don't see the point, if humanity is fucked, in me doing anything or planning for the future in any way. We're all going to die and society will collapse, so whats the point? Why not just kill myself now and spare myself the harrowing fate of a slow death in 10 years time in the post-apocalypse mad max world?

>I totally agree that humanity is fucked. People are selfish by nature, which will evantually lead to our downfall.

I disagree, it's exactly because people are selfish that we're going to turn things around. of course not too many people give a shit about the environment if you're like "oh no the West Tibetan Slug is at risk of losing its habitat". If you tell them "hey you might die and not be able to netflix and chill anymore" then people are concerned.

There were plenty of environmental issues that we overcame. You know we used to just set off nuclear bombs all the time like on islands and in the ocean and on land nearby towns and everything. We put a stop to that.

We avoided a major disaster in the 60s when post-war people were just spraying and dumping pesticides and herbicides all over fuckin place including on themselves. Rachel Carson and her book Silent Spring predicted a terrible future that we avoided.

Not to be an armchair psychoanalyst, but if this is truly an obsession for you, maybe you're afraid of untrustworthy people or the structures in your life breaking down and you're projecting it onto this obsession with a post-apocalyptic scenario.

Its gonna go down like this. Food prices will soar. Countries doing subsistance farming will become unstable and move north into Europe US, Canada, basically the WEST. So we will start doing hydroponics and shiet. Mass storms will hit and there will be tons of poos and browns in our country all the time and lots of crime. GG. Climate change will be a real bitch.

I can see your point of view, and I hope that this happens for the sake of my children. I just think people start to worry about these things when they start affecting their everyday lives, when it will be too late. Ignorance is bliss. Let's hope for a bright future tho.

So what do you think the point of living was before you heard these things? The chances of your life having any meaningful impact on the human race is almost none-existing. People will forget that you ever existed evantually. But why would you care what others think about you anyway when you're gone. Here's a idea: Try to live your life the best way you can for the next 10 years, doing things with the mindset that "we're all going to die anyway, so why not?" And if the apocalypse does come? We'll you can always end it all then, if it doesn't, keep on living.

This has been a long running issue for me to be honest. But its never been as bad as it is for me now.

When I was young, say in 2012, I used to be absolutely certain the world would end from nuclear war. I used to look at dates that were then in the future, like "2017" and "2018" and I would think to myself "hmm, maybe we'll all be dead by then because of nuclear catastrophe". But I would still be able to get on with my life, and the thoughts didn't dominate my mind like they do now.

I remember when ebola was still a very serious thing, I had these horrible thoughts of it becoming a world pandemic and wiping out large swathes of humanity across the entire globe. Also after the terrorist attacks in Paris in 2015, I went through a brief but distinct period for abot a week afterwards where I struggled to go outside because I kept thinking I could be shot, stabbed, or blown up by anyone at any random moment.

But it's never been as bad as it is now. There's something about the idea of climate change, and how it's totally final and uncontrollable for humanity, that just makes it seem so forboding and harrowing. I always wanted to live a long life, have children and grandchildren, make a career for myself. Sure I always considered the possibility that I could die young from an illness, like cancer or something, but it didn't worry me as much because I am a strong believer in the idea that if the world goes on and people remember you or your legacy, then you can be at peace when you die. But the idea of the world ending is just miserable to me. It means you die, and there's nothing left, and there was no point to your entire life.


Again, we're all in this together in this kind of situation, even if people are as selfish as you say. The average person doesn't want civilization to end. The average person wants to be remembered or their loved ones to be remembered. If the world comes to this, humanity will mourn itself together. If you're alive, you will be part of the great last chapter of humanity's epic.

You're worried about 100 years or 50 or next month so much you don't live today? That's incredibly dumb, user. What if you waste this year like last, then next year, and the ten after that and boom some guy in his backyard invents a way to undo it all in a week? Problem solved but you wasted all your time worrying. Ever consider that? People worried nukes would wipe us all out long before now. Didn't happen. People worried the plague would kill everyone. Didn't happen. Notice the trend? You don't know what tomorrow has in store. So live, dumb dumb. If it happens you'll at least have done something.

reasonable reasons to worry are israels samson option and general societal collapse following the inevitable collapse of the interest-based financial system where the new world order will bring order to chaos, with RFID chips implanted at birth and total population control

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Quotes CNN like it’s real news lol

YouTube a guy named John L Casey. He did extensive climate change research professionally and his career was ruined because he said man made climate change was a hoax

At least you have a *bright* future ahead of you!

If you really believe things are going to get worse then just enjoy life all the more while you still can. If you can't enjoy life then maybe do something about what's keeping you down. Otherwise your fucked. Your choice be fucked or fuck it.

The world was going to end within 10 years due to climate change for at least 50 years now.