Kissed a girl who sucked cock

Just kissed with someone who gave a blowjob to some guy who's 5 years older (the girl is 19, I'm 18). Will this give me health problems?

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No it's okay because that means there's six years between you and the guy, so your immune system will recognize and attack his sperm. It's only if you were any closer in age that your body might not differentiate his sperm from yours. Then it could lay dormant until one day you impregnate your future wife with his sperm and raise another man's baby.


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an incel would write this lmfao

Please guys I'm paranoid

fuck off incel go see a doctor
You probably got AIDS now

Incels don't kiss lmao

Don't make excuses, incel

Tell me the risks then

You just die. Tomorrow.

Everything you do will potentially give you health problems. How you solve those problems is what matters.

God, you have to be a faggot white leftist with not using that term correctly.

That guy shits up /o/ too
Just ignore and go on with your life

How do you know she gave someone else a blowjob?

Good question. How did you know? Could you... taste him? long after did you kiss her? Did she just take the load and you got a mouthful?


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I see you couldnt quite cope with the quads of truth

delete this alphonse. your post triggered me

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The guy is a motherfucker who has sexy on weekly base with random people


Did you swallow it or she did it before you got the chance

Your main problem here is... you kissed a slut? Stop being stupid.