
>tfw my body my choice only applies to females
>tfw security of person is on the UDHR
>tfw it is proven to reduce sexual function and pleasure
>tfw you can't circumcise your dog but you can circumcise your son
>tfw is still isn't illegal

How do we get this banned? We need to protect our baby boys from this literal human rights violation!

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Other urls found in this thread: reconstruction&oq=circumcision reconstruction&aqs=chrome..69i57.10450j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 permanently alters the brain&oq=circumcision perm&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0j0i22i30l7.73690.75916..77661...1.0..0.123.824.4j4......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i131j0i67.ZA7DRF9du4g

Why don't republicans use this as a talking point? Why don't this point out the hypocrisy of women getting their son's dicks cut for aesthetics but it being banned vise versa? Why don't the democrats use this as a talking point? Why don't they mention this violates a person's choice? Why isn't anybody talking about this?

Why do we have a cosmetic surgery done to our sons before they go home?

Jow Forums sucks. We have a thousand threads about the same posts every single day, but then we skip the ones that matter...


Here in europe no christian get circumcised. What's wrong with you?

>How do we get this banned?
When your wife says "I want to have him circumcised".
You say "If you do, I'll divorce you.".

But then you'll lose custody of your son, your son will still be circumcised, and the cycle will continue...

I guess the only way to prevent it is to discuss it before conception and to sign some sort of prenup... I wonder if there is a way to prevent it on a large scale

circumcision is only for based boomers and gen x

only zoomer faggots with parents from san francisco are uncut

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Well it's certainly not because of the Jews and AIPAC. That couldn't be the reason.

If you were snipped you were robbed. That's all it is. There's nothing more to think about.

>but dude, it makes it easier to jerk off!

Great, because what we have a lack of today is young men jerking off.

Take the circumcision pill, it's what made America great. Every man who's walked on the moon was circumcised. No uncircumcised man has ever set foot on the moon. Coincidence? Uncutfags are just jelly of our accomplishments.

Nothing makes someone thirst for vengeance like knowing the true joy of sex was taken from them in a jewish mutilation ritual.

Also get a couple appropriately sized baby bottle nipples and make a foreskin protector. Easy as fuck and feelsgoodman.

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Why do you defend your mutilation? Do you know what it means for a goy to be circumcised? It's how jews marked their slaves.

Shit should have been outlawed decades ago.

Unironic answer is national socialism. Look to Iceland to see why. All paths lead to the same end. You will never be able to decide anything for yourself until you deal with (((those))) that rule over you

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My nigga Paul gets so frustrated with kikes going on about foreskin snipping he says he wishes they would cut their dicks off.

>I wish those who unsettle you would emasculate themselves!

Galatians 5:12 ESV

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>robbed... of nothing of significance

Interdasting. Seems more complicated than getting better underwear and with less protection, but probably worth trying.

>Why don't republicans use this as a talking point?
cause theyre all cut themselves

I wonder...

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just a lil' pleasure

Your glans will be a callus if it's exposed to air for long peroids of time. Mine is now nice, pink and slippery. Also sex feelings absurdly better. It only takes a couple days to make a huge difference. Best 3 dollars you'll ever spend in your life, man.

Also gas every yid.

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There's not a whole lot of air in my undies, but it's interesting to hear it gets pink and slippery that fast. Good infos. Next level would be to get the remaining inner foreskin in on that action, since imo it feels best of all and the only real option is stretching anyway.

The bottle nipples actually hold well enough that when you get a sleep boner, it stays on and gives a pretty good stretch.

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if jews cut the clitoris then also female circumcision would be legal

but yes feminist are massive hypocrites, they dont give a shit about mens issues, in fact they openly mock and deride anyone who talks about mens issues

most people are disgusting hypocrites

My my. I'd rather tug by the scar line or thereabouts, but maybe this is a whole new way to just get the process started.

jesus christ

It's what we've been reduced to. Pun intended. At this point all you can do is try to figure out how to make the best of what's left.

>Nothing makes someone thirst for vengeance like knowing the true joy of sex was taken from them in a jewish mutilation ritual.

DM me. We have a cult.

If the kikes mutiliated you as a slave mark in your infancy wouldn't you try to undo it?

Then line up your foreskin line with the end of the cup. Can't go wrong at 3 bucks, just make sure to remove it if you feel any discomfort.

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I know it must be brutal to get reminded every day that you have no foreskin.

blame the boomers... they cut off all their kids foreskin... they weren't forced to.

That's quite innovative. I'm glad anons like you are sharing their ideas.

Accepting that you have been mutilated is the first step towards restoration, friend. The function can be restored. The tip of your dick does not have to be a callus.

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Equal rights mean equal circumcisions. If men get it, so do women.
>glad to be uncut

doesn't work

If you can fit gauges in your ear and niggers can put plates in their tongues, so to can skin on the penis be slowly stretched out if put under mild but consistent tension. Why not ask him what the notch he cut out is for instead?

there is no undoing it, your foreskin is not the same kind of skin as is on the rest of your penis
do what you want with your body, I can't blame you for wanting a penis that at least looks normal, but understand you're only mutilating yourself further, not "restoring" your foreskin

Got the idea from youtube. I try to tell as many burgerbros as I can that you can undo the mark of the jew and make sex feel great again, but jannies always shut me down :(

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On the contrary, it works quite well.

Never had one so I don't know what I'm missing out on. All I know now is that the tip of my dick is no longer less sensitive than my fucking thumb.

Did you even try?

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The main purpose of the foreskin is to protect the glans. The pleasure it gives is secondary to it's mechanical function.

There is nothing wrong with wanting a cleaner, more aesthetic, better looking, better smelling, better tasting, cheese free, disease free penis.

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Acceptance is the first step user.

Wearing a foreskin protector is the best of both works if that's how you think. Sorry the rabbi gnawed the tip of your cock off when you were 8 days old, Ari. You don't have to remain mutilated.


Deep cope. I'm cut, but it's plain to see that the glans is intended by evolution to be an internal organ. It's the clitoris, the foreskin is the hood. The skin on the glans of my cut penis is crackly and was never meant to be exposed liked this.

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>tfw you can't circumcise your dog but you can circumcise your son

My dogs not shy about his red rocket, I'm 99% foreskins aren't found on dogs

>the rabbi gnawed the tip of your cock off
Mine was done in a doctor's office, like my son's. The ritual to which you are referring is done by ultra orthodox jews and represent a very tiny fraction of circumcisions. I know you fantasize about sucking baby dicks but please, stop projecting, it's pathetic.

It has a different technical name, but a similar function in some important ways.

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Friendly reminder that anyone pro-circumcision or anti-foreskin restoration is either the world's most obvious shill or the world's biggest, saddest cope.

How does this work? Do you just put it on your dick before you sleep? Make sure it forms a seal around the head? Do you put anything on the head liquid wise or just the cap? I've never heard of this in my life.

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Cool story but having your dick mutilated means something very different to your tribe of desert wanderers. For the goyim it's the mark of a slave and if you think I'm going to leave my dick insensitive and fucked up for the rest of my life to prove what a good goy I am, I'm not really sure what to tell you.

Start restoring, fren. Your dick can be pink and sensitive again in like 2 days, just slap a couple of bottle nipples together like Whatever the thing that dogs have is serves the same function as a human foreskin. To protect your dick from turning into a callus.

One cup goes inside over your glans, then you just flip the top cap down to hold it in place. I just put some Vaseline on the inside and wash it out every time I shower.

Your glans can be whole again, fren.

Also you just wear it around all day. Life is much more comfortable without the tip of your dick rubbing on the inside of your pants all day.

Take the restoration-pill

As I type this I'm wearing a TLC-X, and I gotta say, the difference is night and day. I've only been wearing it a month, but boyo do things look and feel better down south.

We should not ban it - there are good reasons for it

I've been thinking about upgrading from some cheapo diy silicon bottle nipples. Have you tried any others?

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lmao your cock is fucking ruined, jew. This isn't the fucking bronze age desert anymore, we have these things called "showers" now.

I think the TLC tugger or something similar to it has instructions on youtube if you look it up. It's a similar idea, looks to me like maybe a good way to get started if you can't get the regular kinds of devices to stay on at first. I imagine later on you'd have to do something different to apply more tension unless you're happy just wearing that getup all the time.

because republicans have been infiltrated by the jews

It's not hard to make some version of the TLC by yourself. I found that the end of a plastic easter egg shell was just right for my glans (file the edge down to be round after you cut it). I forget what I used for the top part, but probably your baby bottle idea would work at least as well.

Hmm what makes you think i'm a jew?

Is it really easier?, how?
Uncut fag here

Oh right I forgot muslims do that shit too. Oof.

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Imagine if your dick tip was less sensitive than your thumb. Kind of takes some of the fun out of it.

I assure you I am no muslim...

Satanism is about altering or ruining things.
Just saying.

> reconstruction&oq=circumcision reconstruction&aqs=chrome..69i57.10450j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Do it Jow Forums it fucking works, you can't undo the permanent brain damage which gives you a predisposition to aggression and anxiety tho. You need to meditate to fix that. permanently alters the brain&oq=circumcision perm&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0j0i22i30l7.73690.75916..77661...1.0..0.123.824.4j4......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i131j0i67.ZA7DRF9du4g

I have hatred for kikes and the kike infested "medical" community for doing this to me and all non kike men. How the fuck cutting an infant's dick is acceptable is beyond me. I hate the satanic kikes.

>pic related my glorious cock with beautiful foreksin

The head gets super pink, self lubricates as it is suppose to, and feels a million times more sensitive. I am pissed that my cock was mutilated at birth and that it will take a long time before the entire length of the foreskin is back but I am very happy right now that my inner foreskin now covers my head and it due time the inner fold will recede back and it will be like it was never cut in the first place.

When I am hard the flesh bunches up behind the head in a pink band and looks completely normal. Any stroking causes the skin to cover the head so it already functions like its suppose to. I am UNCIRCUMCISED despite being CIRCUMCISED at birth.

>I hate kikes for this practice alone. I am not even going to mention the holohaox, infiltration, satanism, undermining nations, the genocides they are responsible for, etc., etc., etc.

When the public wakes up in mass men will be so infuriated by the practice of circumcision that castrating and hanging jews will be a common practice across the planet

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Also I don't understand why you have such an aversion to circumcision...

Some people have phimosis, but amputation of the foreskin is absurd overkill. You can just get a set of ear guagues and stick them in your dickhole.

That's a funny way to spell kill

coping very hard

No idea if it's easier, but you kind of want to get to the ending faster if the mid-game has a way of getting boring.

>How do we get this banned?
Coopt the trans movement and claim circumcision is unethical because you don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl yet, and female circumcision is illegal

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would you to having a eyelid cut off?

Based and restorationpilled. Next time post a link to an outside site though for show and tell though, so we don't get shut down.

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had that shit as a kid, got circumsized
anesthesia + pretzel sticks = best days of my life

How much frenulum did you start with? And that's just starting to be a semi, right?

I don’t get it

When I went to Finland I didn't want to sauna with other people because of my mutilated dick. Your dick tip is only supposed to be out for sexy time and I hated that it was out all the time.

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>Bottom cup goes on top of your glans
>bring your foreskin up
>flip top cup down

Now your foreskin is protected. Wear it for 3 days and your fucking mind will be blown by how much better everything feels.

Republicans are more Jewed than even Dems but you alread knew that

I only sauna with my wife anyways
am german so very comfortable with my body

Serious question do I qualify as a Jew?

I'm circumscribed believe in God, yet have never been to a jewish synagogue in my life

I also don't really believe in Jesus.

Recently a Jew was looking at me with real interest like openly staring at me.

Oh and fun fact I used to be an antisemite like most on this I get the rope too?

So I have a baby bottle nipple poking my dick hole all day?

Circumcision should be mandatory. Also, feminists push their shit because they don't want forced abortion to be legally allowed. Most abortions are the result of shitty men manipulating/forcing women to do it.

The friction and tension between the two cups is supposed to keep your shaft skin clamped in place over your glans. This provides the tension to gradually stretch it out until it can cover the glans on its own and act about as much like a real whole foreskin as it can.

>Why do we have a cosmetic surgery done to our sons before they go home?

Circumcising goys is how jews branded their slaves.

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Or am I pinching my foreskin between nipples all day?
Sorry I’m so confused.

No. I’m happy my parents loved me enough to get ugly shmegma collector off. There’s zero reason not to be circumcised. The US is the leading nation and should act like, we aren’t europoors who severely lack in hygiene.

You can cut a hole in it if you want to pee through it, but you'll have to wash it. Some people find wearing it at night works better.

>only zoomer faggots with parents from san francisco are uncut

Found the guy whose glans is a lumpy and numb ball of scar tissue

Not true at all. Has zero impact actually

You'll never know, will you?

I just made a discord where we can talk about this and campaign awareness about circumcision and figure out how to go about stopping the practice

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It really wierd me out how adamantly people defend circumcision.

I mean, I’m not mad at my parents like some of the losers here, but I would never do it to my child and would prefer it wasn’t done to me.

Yeah but it doesn't matter. It's a lot better than your glans chafing on your undies all day.

>am I pinching my foreskin between nipples all day

Pretty much. Here's the video I got my design from. He shows you how to use it as well.

Don't allow it to happen to your own children. The end.