Should transgenders be allowed to participate in women's sports?
Should transgenders be allowed to participate in women's sports?
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Transgenders shouldn't be allowed to live
Made my bed now I'm gonna lie in it
Made my bed now I'm gonna lie in it
I didn't know my Ma
Didn't see my Pa,
How can you understand
When you're the son of no man, no man
Made my bed now I'm gonna lie in it
Made my bed now I'm gonna lie in it
Made my bed now I'm gonna lie in it
>man calls himself a woman
>suddenly becomes best 'woman' in a sport
Hmm just kinda sorta gets the old brain cells activated
Yes. Men should hold all the competitive records in the world, including the women ones.
Is this even a question? Those god hating degenerate promoting self mutilating sodomites should be burned.
>the look on her face
women, so strong so independent
Other Way round genius
>woman declares herself man
>wants to compete with men
>not allowed and made to fight with women, crushing them in the process.
Yes, the quicker women are told to give up their dreams and get back to the kitchen, the better.
It's a girl on testosterone.
Transgender is a fantasy word.
Delusional, just like the people who unironically use it.
Of course!! What better way to stick it to the feminists than by joining their sports and beating them? I dare women to say they're equal to us (men) when we make better women than they do!
Trannies, because men do everything better than women, including being women.
this article is about a transgender man (in the image) not being allowed to wrestle with men and they are forced to wrestle with other women instead
Jow Forums's position on this should be 100% behind trans athletes.
The women that want us all to be open and accepting to all retarded bullshit should be forced to cheer while heavy-set, bearded, "women" take gold, silver, and bronze in every sporting event.
It should be like this in every sport:
>all natty no drugs male league
>all natty no drugs female league
>literally anything goes league
Any gender, any drugs, scientifically engineered monsters, clones, robots, ANYTHING.
Trannies abuse hormones. That's just not right.
who would care about any other league?
God this image gets me every time
>should men be allowed to participate in women’s sports
>should women on steroids be allowed to play women’s sports
So, who do you think will win in this war between feminists and trannies, Jow Forums?
How progressive...fucking degenerate scum
All sports are fucking retarded anyway. At least trannies getting mauled by robots would be fun.
Yes. Once trannies dominate women's sports, watch the feminist sic the trannies and enjoy the ensuing bloodsports.
>Implying the beating of women
Of course
its a biological girl hopped up on roids, she wants to face off vs men but texas wont allow it. i think there was some legislature put forth in the house back in 2016 2017 to remove the doctor's note exemption but never got past the committee
The weak should fear the strong
In that pic that's two biological girls, don't believe me read the article...
Jow Forums is now reddit-tier.
Good job redditors you've ruined this place.
People still post shitty Sam Hyde memes in 2019?
Didn't it turn out that he got caught fucking one of his underage fans?
Shut up you stupid motherfucker.
so what? Take your medicine charls.
when the diversity kicks in
>Men are better women
>Transgender man to give birth to 6 babies at the same time
>make lots of money with sports
>can't compete in men division
>"become" a women
>wins, gets money and contracts
>capitalism is fine, its brings the fucking best and sound ideas into a well rounded marketplace
you can not change your gender
"transgender" is a made up term and a lie
so the answer is NO
No; men should not be allowed to compete on women's sports teams
>And it was here
>In this blighted place
>where he live again
>2-3 years ago
remember when non-libtards were making those arguments, that transshits will one day crush women in sports?
they all laughed and dismissed it by saying "that's not a real thing" and "that will never happen".
>so what's next?
next thing will be women only business loans and scholarships. Transfags will (((identify))) as women and enjoy their financial benefits.
in the end they will have to make a separate category for transistors and thus (((marginalize))) them themselves - something they specifically wanted to fight against. Gonna go full circle. The left eats its own, since it's an incoherent ideology.
Ok you stupid fucking non-American faggot, tell us what makes the winning biological girl so much better than her opponent. Why does she keep winning? Fucking retard
>implying you wouldn't
this noble transwoman is showing the world that in reality genetics is a factor unlike all the movies and shows that act like a woman can easily take on several men
they should just to a muscular strenght test and change the competitions by class, like in boxing
then its irrelevant if you are an trans or just a russian girl pumped up with chemicals to look like a huge potato
there must be more to life
> muh protec wahmen
Faggot, didn't wahmen support this?
Let them get destroyed.
No. Absolutely not. They are not real women. They are mutilated men.
just Join the Happiness Club
Yes. It’s funny.
I disagree. I think they should be offered psychotherapy and empirically studied, extensively. This will create a data set that will unequivocally destroy the unfounded assertion that transgenderism is healthy and cement it in the DSM as a mental illness and offer APPROPRIATE treatment. Whether its cognitive therapy, psychoanalysis, etc...
yes. women must be btfo so hard that they never recover again and go back to the kitchen
What’s to stop people from intentionally performing poorly on the strength test ? Also of note, even in non-strength sports men always outperform women
Wow, how did she do it?
that kid is based, fucking roasties getting BTFO LUL
>obviously Captain Marvel is a Transwoman
an xx woman would have totally had her ass kicked
ofc they should and all men should identify as transgender.
Turn male dominance in two fields, the masculine and the feminine
oh yuss he did and he fucking loved it mate
*record scratch*
>yup, that's me
That's stupid. It won't happen.
afaik in most sports there's regulations in place that ban males from participating in women's leagues. You need to be legally recognized as a woman and have low testosterone levels.
I would argue that all restrictions should be lifted because "gender is just a social construct" right?
Let's see some actual chads dominating women's sports.
They made their bed...
>>other women
It's a man, Gina!!!
>all restrictions should be lifted because "gender is just a social construct" right
absolutely, hang them with their own rope
>They are mutilated men.
No, you don't even have to get the surgery. You can keep your male genitals and still be a woman just by identifying as a trans woman. It's the best of both worlds.
they at least gave her (him) a reason for the strength. it's more obnoxious when it's a regular human female doing it.
it's the man's burden, we must succeed at everything, even at being women.
all the advantage, none of the "privileged"
maybe its time to abolish the womens sports category entirely and allow the best rise to the top regardless of gender, mano a mano. chicks are badass in movies im sure reality shouldnt be much different.
No lol, should be allowed o2 either honk honk
still a flat character.
the only thing multidimensional about her was her tits
Makes him even more based.
in boxing is via weight
the images shown here in the thread show huge men against small wemen
the same goes for bone strenght
you can put sensors on muscles to see if they are really "performing"
my friend was in the army and they had lots of testing instruments to see if you are fit for foreign deployment so they can weed those out who claim "backpain" and stuff
MtF should compete in the mens division
FtM should compete in the womens unless they are on hormones in which case they are barred from competing anywhere since they are on a controlled substance
let the women decide. they made this mess, they can clean it up. lmfao
Now you're getting it.
ummm check the OP pic??
That's a grill on gear m8.
yes, purely for the comedy
>let the women decide
you have to go back
No it’s not u dumb roach
In that case, let the chick compete with men. Woman's sports should be a protected category, not men's sports.
The West is fucked.
you do realise that this is what happened in op pic?
it prooved that taking male hormones increases performance. Who could have known
Women’s sports are generally a joke, and this just makes it funnier
Yes, they wanted this, why shouldn’t they get it?
no, fuck off
i dont want to touch freaks like that one
>Lets make a third league
Lets not socially encourage mentally ill people at all, and provide them treatment instead.
if you buy the ticket you are taking the ride and the ride never ends