I lost a tooth about a year ago from decay due to lack of funds or ability to treat a cavity I've had since highschool (I'm nearly 30 now). I've had next to no pain in the tooth honestly for as long as I can remember, even after actually having it break off at the base and losing it. As of last night I've experienced some extreme pain any time pressure is put on the tooth/what remains of it. I've noticed swelling at the gums, and its been gradually feeling worse and worse all day. I've since tried to lance the bulge on the side of my gums, but only got blood. I probably need to pierce deeper, but I'm afraid of fucking myself up so I'm not going to. Since I've brushed heavily, gargled with peroxide to sterilize, and put orajel on it and taken 3 ibuprofen. Is there anything else I can do to lessen the pain while I wait for these meds to kick in? Cause fuck this hurts like hell.
>what remains of it. Pull it out with some pliers you pussy. The pus will come of from the hole if there is any. Most likely it's just inflammation.
Adam Campbell
It broke off at the base, the rest of my tooth is still solidly in my jaw.
David Roberts
How could you not afford a tooth filling? Are you a literal hobo?
Luis King
Fear of a dentist, and didn't tell my parents back in highschool. I was foolish in college, but by the time I quit being a bitch and went to the dentist, it needs pulled. That shit is expensive.
Charles Perry
Just stick some sharp pliers in. There will be blood but mouth wounds heal fast if you keep good hygiene.
Don't end up dying from sepsis due to an easily treatable infection. Find the money and don't fuck around with your health. Ignore the pliers retard.
John Walker
It literally is not a loose tooth at all though. I'm not gonna perform oral surgery on myself. I've been saving to get this done proper with an implant. I don't want to fuck this up.
Kevin Price
Yeah it is because they spent about half a million dollars for schooling to learn how to do their job without killing you. You have an infection. If it goes to your brain, you will die. I’d recommend spending the money.
Luis Jenkins
Then go to the dentist you sped. They have emergency numbers for shit like this.
Evan Hernandez
Pain is actually subsiding. I will be going later this week. I experienced this pain once before early on, but went away after a day or two.
Thomas Fisher
Yeah mate, I'm not doing the pliers. Thats shits moronic as hell. Like I said I've been saving up to get this fixed.
Isaiah Gomez
Antibiotics. Amoxicillin works good.
Samuel Barnes
Woke up to no real pain. I can feel pressure slightly if press on it, but my cheek is slightly swollen though and the gums are def more swollen than last night. Should I be concerned if I'm no longer feeling the pain from it?
Can you get that over the counter? Everything I see when I google it is for pets.
Eli Powell
Meant for
Jack Gonzalez
OP is gonna die.
John Reed
Found your thread! I worked in the medical field before, for around 4 years (before hitting my depression and went to south with my mouth hygiene - yes, it's me from the other thread) and i learned that you should never ever open a tumescence, no matter what. For example a brand bubble needs the protection from the bubble that nothing can contaminate the wound and it can heal with it's own atmosphere. Sure, there is always an exception for every rule, but 99% it's better or even needed to let things be as they are. Now for abscesses, well, they have to be openend, true, but let rethink this; The abscess itself isn't causing much probelsm aslong it doesn't get into you blood stream or could infect other healthy parts around it. With a damp environment like the oral mucosa, it would be veary easy to make the infection worse, if it's not getting removed completly. I wouldn't recomend to do that by yourself - as much as i know the pain and would ove to hear you got rid of it now, the abscess could remain little rest bacteria, which then spreads around in the whole mouth... Of course your motuh is a giant bacteria collection, but i wouldn't risk it. Also, you could pierce through your healthy gums while you want to open it up, allowing the bacteria to enter a new spot to infcect your gums... You saw in my thread i'm not the best to give tips, but i would suggest to see the dentist tomorrow and let him take care of it - until then i wouldn't risk anything that you haven't allready done yet... Hope the meds are kicking in now mate - hang in there!
Brayden Martin
Thanks for the advice. I did pierce it this morning and some small amount of pus did come out. This may not have been the best idea, reading your post, but its what I did. Can't take it back now. That said I have taken some measures to make sure its as clean as can be. I rinsed with peroxide immediately after doing so, brushed twice actually, followed by another peroxide rinse, and mouthwash. I've not eaten anything since lancing it, and I'm only drinking water. Plan to keep this up for a few more hours before actually eating anything so it can seal itself up a bit. Just periodically using a peroxide rinse.
Its still swollen, but I know it'll take some time to reduce just from irritation alone and I doubt I got everything anyway. Though the pressure does feel like its reducing more and more time passes. As for how I got rid of the pain? To be honestly I'm not sure why it stopped. I still feel the pressure and if I bite down real hard or push on it I do feel some pain, but nothing like yesterday. All I did was basically everything I said before. I brushed it a lot, even through the pain making sure to get my gums as well. Peroxide and mouthwash rinse. Followed up with some orajel to slightly numb the area (though I only did that last night I haven't done it since and haven't felt the need to) and took some ibuprofen (of which I also haven't felt the need to take more than the 2 I took last night).
But yeah, typically I'm not about playing doctor with myself. Even doing what I did was a slight rarity for my, but when you wake up feeling much better, look in your mouth and see a giant bubble below your tooth/gumline its a little scary. Especially when its a day when dentists are closed.
I need to get my dental insurance information from my work tomorrow and head on in though. If I can manage it I'm going to just leave work early tomorrow and go in. If not then it'll be another day this week.
Hunter Sullivan
Well, it wasn't a huge help but glad to hear it helped you to think about other things than your mouth for a moment - same reason i came to this place today next to maybe one or two good advices. Sounds like you did everything good so far - piercing it open doesn't had to be bad if the pain is now decreased, am i right? An abscess normaly takes up to two weeks when it once started healing - since you most likely didn't got anything out it might could swell back to the size it has before over night - nothing to fear about it actually as long as you go check it out in the next days, the best of course would be right tomorrow... You might emptied it enough so the swollen surface has now more room to "breath" and regenerate itself now, that's why the pain could be down now to a minimum, but that's just another guess! >look in your mouth and see a giant bubble below your tooth/gumline its a little scary Oh yeah, agree with this so much and i guess we both had a hard weekend with our teeths... I'm trying to call my dentist tomorrow aswell - i will think about you then and hope you can make it to that point too and don't have to wait when we finally, once in a lifetime you could say, call them again! ^^'
As long it doesn't change colour or start eating down the root, i would let it rest and eat something light tonight, maybe not hard bread with chips and something else that could provoke the gums around the abscess - maybe soup, mashed potates or something else you like that could be easely chewed - otherwise you're doing everything right so far i would say! Keep it on!
Matthew Gray
I would actually say the pain is getting less and less even now. I'm about to go out for lunch now, hoping for more swelling reduction by tonight. Just getting noodles with a friend, so it shouldn't irritate it much by putting pressure on it. Will re-sterilize when I get back home. >As long it doesn't change colour or start eating down the root I'm not sure how I would know if it went down the root or not, but I'll definitely keep an eye on its coloration.
Thanks for the words of encouragement friend. Hopefully we both get our mouths fixed soon. I'll make sure to get to a dentist as soon as I am able.
Nicholas Phillips
>I'm not sure how I would know if it went down the root or not Can't tell for myself, but as far as i heared, you would notice it, no chance to miss this huge pain - it basically starts eating up your nerves inside the tooth - so it must feel like your abscess multilpied with 10 or something - no way you can eat then anything! ;)
Well then - enjoy your lunch and get well soon mate - let's hope for the best for our future and thanks to you aswell!