Daily reminder to stop watching porn

Porn is bad for your mental health. Make the positive change in your life and stop watching pornography. If you watch porn more than a couple times a week regularly you probably have a problem. NO MORE PORN

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I watch it twice a day

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Fighting through porn addiction builds mental toughness

I usually feel pretty shitty after masturbating. Which is why I don't do it often.

My judgement improved to extreme's but took all my natural ape aggression away to find a mate

I feel fucking great. I like to imagine I'm the guy in the videos and time my extraction with theirs

I havent fapped for 15 days and I legit dont care. I dont feel any different, just I don't fap. But I always knee I didnt have an addictive personality so..

not necessarily talking about fapping mate, i'm not so sure about that one. But I think that most men would be far better off if they didn't watch porn. Some people get addicted and it creates problems. No porn.

that's the only thing i do
i cant put it away
there's just no point in doing anything else
nothing brings me joy anymore and masturbation is only a habit
the only habit i've kept after all these years
everything's gone to shit, movies, video games, shows, nothing's good anymore

Today, May 1, is the last day I watch porn for the next 365 days WHO'S ON BOARD??

I’ve been addicted to porn since I was 12. I’ve had long stretches of abstinence but have relapsed again and again.

Cut it out man, change one thing at a time. Why not start with pornography? You don't even have to stop masturbating. Just stop staring at the screen when you do it. Later on if you want to go nofap then more power to you, but stop with porn and go from there.


Let's do it

>sourceless infographic

Listen anons everytime ive relapsed it was because I had nothing else to do, it's imperative that you find something to busy yourself because otherwise you will succumb to that jew poison. Just do literally anything else eg. Take a walk, exercise, read, anything BUT porn. Goodluck both

What if I jack off twice a day without porn, just with my imagination?
I don't see how porn is bad but fapping without porn is fine?

Yep, fell from grace after about a month of no masturbating. Let’s do it

I am on, we can do it!

Sissy hypno is good for you.

i did a nofap for 50 days about a year ago, ignoring porn completely
before that i didn't use to masturbate as much, maybe 4 times a week, which was steadily on the rise before i started the nofap, but after that it's been 2-3 times a day every single day, it's not even enjoyable anymore
i can't look myself in the mirror knowing it's been a year since i didnt jack off for a while because i still feel like it was yesterday

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Majority of people dont watch gay porn leaf


also men wayn

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I've never understood 'porn addiction'; I just said to myself one day 'Right, no more porn' and that was it, I never watched porn again.

Are you sure this isn't an addiction to orgasm/masturbation?

Is it though? I was prepared to kill myself at the end of this month, even wrote a suicide letter. Jacked off today and now feel fine.

What fun would porn be without the relief in the form of masturbation? It'd just be frustrating.

Hahahah kdng, beirut u?

mn l jabel

I've never understood alcoholism. I've gone through periods of massive drinking but I've never felt addicted to it and never had a problem staying sober. Just because it was easy to quit for you, doesn't mean it's the same for everyone.

OP thank you for not posting a damn porn image along with this. Genuinely trying to not relapse haven't jerked since early April. It's absolutely comfy with the high levels of energy. The main thing that's gotten me is just blatant curiosity of the new shit i'm missing out on. At least I recognize it and know to not give in. Better to stay away from dopamine cope tools and keep productive with objective improvements and steps forward in bettering our lives.

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aye, captain

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my focus goes to shit if I don't fap at least once a week, maybe ADHD meds can help?

What about just jackin kt

Stop watching porn.

Go out on the weekends and impregnate as many white women as you can.

Do it for your country! Do it for the white race!

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>men wayn
porn is haram in islam, youll get the stone soon user

My point is that is it the porn or the orgasm we're addicted to? I was still compelled to fap after I quit porn and I just used my imagination. Are there people who can't get aroused by porn or something and that's what 'porn addiction' means?

Just as a side note, you should be quitting porn regardless because it's a Jewish trick and it subverts your expectations of sex and relationships.

I already deleted the massive stash on my external hard drive. Now's the time.
All right lads: even if we backslide, just start again until it sticks: step by step.


>can't get aroused by porn
*without porn

I'm not sure I want mental health anymore.

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Who that?

Well no I think porn is more addicting then masturbation. I'm a heavy porn user since childhood. People say, just jerk off without watching porn and the urge will go away. But that doesn't work for me. I still have the urge to watch porn after orgasm.

this post isnt ham you retarded ai doubles for not doing it

delete her image from your mind. its a jewish ploy user. dont fall for it

>I still have the urge to watch porn after orgasm.
Now that's highly irregular my fren.

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Best way to stop watching porn is by working out. After fapping I would punish myself by doing 100 push ups. And my urges slowly faded away.

All you have to do is stop. Unlike for me in the 90s through the 00s, there is now a strong internet movement that points out how it's drawbags and promote your cessation of the habit

Personally real humans cant do it for me. All I need is a story. Still addictive, cant go a week without and when I deep in I need it 2 times a day and only stop because it hurts. Still eant to fap but the pain makes it so I can't.

lmao muslim countries are the biggest consumers of porn

This, if you're rubbing one out all the time you're probably depressed and it's the only place your brain is receiving dopamine. Get your shit together and hit the gym.

>Just as a side note, you should be quitting porn regardless because it's a Jewish trick and it subverts your expectations of sex and relationships.

I won't use a meme tier image next thread, that's my bad. But this is one of the principle reasons for my thread yeah. (((porn))) fucks with your head in a lot of ways

Even if you don't experience any significant mental changes after stopping porn, you should still do it for your little man. You'll be surprised how much sensitivity you've lost over the years from deathgrip masturbation

Agree this is one of the best ways to start. Been hitting the gym hard the last couple months and stopped with porn at the same time.

I'm with you fren

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>Tfw you realise how easy porn overrides the pathways of sane thought
You're here for boobs one second
The next you're viewing incestual rape content or some other grotesque perversion you'd never dare enact in real life
Honestly, it's incredible how hard it is to snap out of it in the moment, it's a hypnotic trance like state

I'm ashamed to say that I've sunken to greater depths.

>incestual rape content
you're like a little baby

Viola Bailey

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Just popped over from PornHub to say OP is so right.....

I fapped to gay fury porn when I was 12 bro

Imagine how perverted I am right now ...

Pretty sure the first porn I watched was ebony oil solo

>ebony oil solo
kek x1000

I blaim my parents for not restricting the fucking internet I mean what were they thinking? that I won't search for boobs and vagina lol? I was a curious kid like all kids are

fuck my life

Yeah I tell myself that every day, then I proceed to fap about 4-5 times that day...

I think the first porn I watched was some MILF shit, I don't even remember the actress

I'm 3 days sober. Feels like a million years. It's just so easy and fun. I can't believe it's bad for you.

Fix me , Jow Forums

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if porn were good for you, then why would jews be pushing it as hard as they do?

>Tfw so far down the rabbit hole of porn that I can only get off to amateur dog-on-girl videos.

I want out.

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Sex is a biological function and you need to service yourself occasionally if you don’t have a partner.
I don’t use porn, I use my image nation and remember past encounters.


Worth the look...if for nothing other than ED.

I've watched that, not my proudest fap...

Every time I see this thread I watch porn out of spite. Fuck you moralistic boomers trying to tell me what to do

yeah fuck you guys, I might just go watch some double anal trap hentai just to spite you fags!

Hey what does this have to do with politics?

I'm in brother

Jews are behind it

Yeah I got real bad PIED in highschool cause of porn, was a virgin till sophomore year of college even though I had hooked up with a ton of girls. Really fucked my mental health cause my bros would always give me shit. I was 100% a chad too. Virgin Chad
My porn habits never got much worse than blacked/gangbangs/hentai but it still grosses me out that it got me diamonds.

Listen CIA, FBI, IRA. I was 14 days no fap. My hair was beautiful, my spirits were high, my brain was truckin along.

Now I hate myself. Thanks a lot granny porn.

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Fapping/edging is the only thing that makes me happy anymore. Like said, liberals have ruined literally everything else, so on my days off from work I just browse Jow Forums and YouTube until the sun goes down and then edge for [spoiler]five hours.[/spoiler]

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Fuck it. Let's do this.

>May First
May 1st is Beltane in traditional Celtic paganism.
It Mark's the beginning of summer.
It was traditionally celebrated with much indulgence in sex. Bonfires and orgies are not unusual.
Sorry, but I refuse to do this. You can't stop the habit now. I need practice for the orgies by fire light.

Beltane -- May 1st, beginning of Summer
Midsummer -- June Solstice
Lughnasadh -- August 1st, end of Summer

Porn can be part of a sacred rite

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i'm in


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always liked that little tree on your flag man, I'm on board.

>My porn habits never got much worse than blacked/gangbangs

This is my favorite porn and it makes me feel like such a disgusting cuck.

Disgusting cuck is exactly right. I also feel like I'm contributing to the degradation of women by giving that type of porn more views. I really don't understand why I like it either cause IRL that shit would gross me the fuck out

I hate thinking that it happens outside of porn even though I know it has. I don't want to see it outside of porn but me being into the porn of course makes me a bit hypocritical.

Do cam girls count as “porn”

4/30 for me fren

Porn is jewish degeneracy

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Take the nofap pill
Jow Forums

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Do people like you not understand that the mere fact that you edge for so long or masturbate so frequently is WHY you don't feel pleasure from anything else anymore? It's like shooting a towel with a fire hose and complaining your garden hose isn't getting it wet anymore. Turn off the fucking firehose dude, put it back in your pants

Nice sourceless picture

Reminder that there’s no solid evidence sex/porn addiction even exists and most of the people crying about it are Christiaj bitches with religious guilt

> Fapping/edging is the only thing that makes me happy anymore. Like # said, liberals have ruined literally everything else
>Do people like you not understand that the mere fact that you edge for so long or masturbate so frequently is WHY you don't feel pleasure from anything else anymore?

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Obviously fapping to real women is fine. Past sexual experiences is optimal. Don't be a creepy virgin with a weird fetish is basically the best thing you can do for yourself.

>jerking off in public