Jow Forums explain this to me in a non-pozzed way because this system sounds like a total jewish scam. Trying to apply for credit, records an inquiry on your credit score, which negatively effects it. wtf
Jow Forums explain this to me in a non-pozzed way because this system sounds like a total jewish scam...
It's the jewish implementation of social credit scores, only it's entirely money centric because jews.
I look at my credit score like once a month on my bank's website and it doesn't seem to be negatively affecting my (800+ master race) score
>Using credit
Master good goy you mean
What exactly do you mean by "apply for credit"?
Also it should be 300-700 Vegas suicide teir 700-800 fair and above "good"
but it is a complete scam.
buy a credit card and pay it off each month, so that you buy the bank's trust so that they charge you less when you take out a loan.
The only problem is that there really isn't a viable alternative when it comes to buying a house or other escrow where an inordinately large sum of money is needed all at once.
Basically don't be a nigger and pay your bills on time and don't worry about it.
If you have a 700+ score with decent history kikes will be tripping over each other to throw you shekels. If you are trying to establish credit, the best way to go about it is with a secured card. Pay $500, you get a credit line for $500, don't be a nigger and you'll get your deposit back in 6 months. Rinse, wash, repeat for a couple years and you'll be part of the 800+ master race.
I got a 800 score by doing nothing but holding a credit card from a college application for multiple years without using it. An 800 score isn't hard to achieve.. keeping it while being in debt is a harder task to do
>records an inquiry on your credit score, which negatively effects it. wtf
Myth. Inquiries appear on your report but they do NOT affect your score. Also, inquiries are now grouped by type, so they differentiate between "applying for credit" and "just checking my score".
Multiple application inquiries over a short period of time can signal desperation, and that may lead to being denied.
It's like jobs requiring degrees: they want to see you're capable of indeed paying the loan back in full.
out of the way scorelets
eat it
or just don't have a credit score. refuse to participate in the scam
The biggest problem with the credit score system is it's almost impossible to repair your score once you fuck it up.
After a long unemployment period, I was steadily improving mine and it has stopped at 699 for like a year now. Will not hit 700.
It always was nothing but a scam.
pay your bills on time and don't rack up a ton of debt and you'll never have to worry about your credit score.
the whole world is not a jew scam against you
>t. irresponsible trash
join happiness club
thank you
> be 2025
> visit Jow Forums
> credit goes down
> post on Jow Forums
> credit craters
> post BLACKED porn on Jow Forums
> credit goes up
Good luck doing pretty much anything without a credit score, retard. The best way to beat the Jew is by using their own tactic against them; in this case, it means paying your cards off every month and earning lots of the reward points.
Only niggers carry a balance and pay interest.
are you going to save up 175k for a house and pay cash or what?
That's because your bank isn't doing a hard lookup. It's checking various places and giving you an estimate.
Nothin personnel kid
Feels good man
Feels real good man.
damn bro, co-sign me
“Hey kid borrow money you don’t have.”
Inb4 only niggers can’t pay back loans on time and make a profit from their investment.
It's a "how good a victim are you" score.
You can check your own credit without a penalty. It dings you when a 3rd party checks your credit.
Lmao FAKO scores
While I understand the need for a credit score in order to evaluate credit worthiness of a potential client, it does seem odd that weird distilling an individuals entire economic big down to one number.
With that said it's awfully easy to have a pretty good credit score just try not to spend money you don't have and when you do use your credit simply paid off promptly. If you screwed up your credit early in life then simply apply for whatever card you can get and use it to slowly but surely clawback your credit worthiness.
i got my wifes up to 808.
mine would be higher but i only have one credit card and dont plan on getting any more.
its creditkkkarma you absolute retard
I used to be 725 high and now it keeps going down but I havnt changed the way I use credit at all I don't get it.
I’m the biggest good goy there is I own 11 credit cards and I keep my utilization at 14-30% I just paid everything off so I’m back at 10% just waiting on my Jewish banking bosses to report my good goy payment plus interest
Ayo where the white women at?
I’m waiting on my good goy points to go up I need about 20 more points maybe I should get a mortgage for 75k
if you have a good credit card like citi or chase, it's free to look up your fico score. your credit report from the 3 credit reporting companies is free once a year. you could look at your credit every 4 months for free.
Get over 700 first. It’ll save you.
Vantagescore has no relation to FICO and isn't used by a single lender. It's worthless
If you borrow money,
pay the money back.
If you don't,
your score goes down and people won't want to lend you money.
>tfw under 700
Welcome to the Euro Life.
The Amish manage to do that just fine.
leaf comin thru
nvm i thought i was at 650 for some reason
Credit score are a good thing for people with good credit. But, you're right that checking your credit should not lower your score. It's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
Don't be angry. FICO is the best way to judge people. I challenge you to present a decent human being who has a FICO of less than 750. There are a lot of assholes with scores higher than 750, but everyone of any worth has a score above 750.
>this system sounds like a total jewish scam
if it looks, sounds, and feels like a jewish scam...
i payed of a debt and my score went down 5 points. explain that
Credit score doesn't matter if you buy everything with cash upfront.
Just pay off your credit cards. / is 35% of your score. My score wobbles about 20pts on that alone.
I’m already paying everything off I don’t want to leave the balance at 0 I heard they don’t like that?
>or just don't have a credit score
You have one. You just don't have an easy way to access it.
this dude is the reason the system can work
this parasite enjoy the sociopath nature of credit scores because it can let him see who's like him
Pay off all balances but leave a few percents amount on one for the reporting day.
>I don’t want to leave the balance at 0 I heard they don’t like that?
They like it fine.
CC companies make money off each transaction.
Only fools buy things they can not afford
Stop taking out loans and allowing usury, there is a reason every religion on the planet except one bans usury
>$0.00 debt
>Own house, no mortgage
>No credit cards
Fuck credit you idiots. Stop going in debt to get credit so you can go into more debt.
>all these boomers crying no one wants to buy their house
They probably don't want to know how bad your credit is so you don't pay shit off.
Git gud faggots
Welcome to the world, things cost money
Ok then back to 0
not everyone lives in their house until mommy and daddy die.
get fucked you pretentious shitbag
>buying shit you cant afford
>bragging about good credit
>still can't spell
Wew lad
fuck are you a time traveler?
yea i got up to 760 score so i could get a 30k loan so can consoildate all my debts and they counter offered 10k...its uselees if you arent rich
Im 36, never tried before, now 8 months in and I have a 740+. Its fuckin easy, pay ya bills. May be its my white privilege that got it but fuck you!
>yes sir, i'd like to pay in cash for this $500k house
Define fine.
They don't accept bushels of grain as payment at the gas station
Why do mutts care so much about their credit score? Cash is the only redpill.
The algorithm likes a small balance to be reported but it only really matters if you are min maxing and want them extra few goyimpoints.
After 7 years all those negative inquiries go away.
Amish buy property with huge stacks of cash.
So why do you do it faggot? I own my own home. You're a retarded faggot who will live and die alone and broke. Get fucked you Jewish tool.
Too stupid to not owe the Jews, you deserve to be bent over faggot.
The Amish around me literally do that.
>paying cash
Lmao retards, money will never be more valuable in the future. Using your primo credit score to get primo rates allows you to dump your cash into investments that pay you back more. Play the big boy Jewish game or get left behind
because they pay even less taxes than the Cartels.
Name anyone successful ever that didn't use credit
You fucking idiot. You absolute retard. Just buy shit with a credit card and pay ir off from your checking rather than paying for shit with a debit card. It's just as easy and only a benefit.
Pure juden antics to enslave you. The things they do I swear, the things they do.
All I did was have 2 basic cash back credit cards and used them responsibly in place of a debit card. Kept balances around 10% of my max credit and then paid them off BEFORE billing statements were issued.
>mfw euros think credit cards are for "spending money you don't have"
>Waaaah I want something for nothing and I want you to trust me, a stranger off the street!!
Fuck you god damn faggot incel beta cuck S.O.Y. boy nigger, the world owes you NOTHING.
The idea is not intrinsically jewish, people who pay their loans are less risky to loan money to, so you can give them lower rates and make the same profit as high rates to more risky people. It's a good way to reward people who aren't fags and punish those who are (Literal fags have lower credit scores statistically, degenerates are usually degenerates globally rather than on one axis).
The kike shit is what they do when rating asserts. That's a large part of what caused the recession, kikes being paid to rate the quality of financial instruments.
>this dude is the reason the system can work
>this parasite enjoy the sociopath nature of credit scores because it can let him see who's like him
Exactly! It's so awesomely efficient. With one number I can rule out people I'd better not waste any time on when trying to actually run my business, so I can pay my bills and buy nice shit.
Its basically segragation 2.0 if you really think about it
Fucking Euros. Fag money.
Basically why the commies in congress keep trying to destroy it due to racism. They did the same shit to health insurance
>Its basically segragation 2.0 if you really think about it
You do know that "segregation" is not wrong, right? That's how we separate violent felons from good people. We segregate them into prisons. What you seem to be trying to referr to is illegal segregation, e.g. racial segregation. FICO is color-blind. It's a proprietary algorithm based on an individual's actions. It is entirely legal, and that's why everyone pays to access it. I work near a FICO office and they employ all these asians. They look really smart.
Duh, you double nigger
If you have to apply, it means you aren't already in their sights, which gives them the best incentive to fuck you over because you are desperate. Just get a job for 1 or 2 years and that will solidify you once you have enough money in your savings and checking account. Make them come to you if you don't want to get hit with the hard inquiries. Or just don't get credit, and buy with cash.
>scheduling a future payment
I’m the finest good goy there is son :) god bless israel land of the chosen people
Credit scores give white employers a reason to never hire niggers. Credit scores are jewish as fuck but whites can use them to their benefit as well.