Will there ever be a Scandinavian Union?

I think the EU wanting to become this massive glob and eventually join with Africa is a bad idea for Nordcucks.

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Depending on what way Europe is headed. But as of now it seems very unlikely. We're simply just too far apart politically

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Only if the EU collapses and we uncuck ourselves.

It will never happen since every generation hates other Europeans because they have different traditions and habits.
it will take decades of social engineering for this to even have a chance.
Now with the rightwing/conservative parties skyrocketing in every European country this will take atleast 100 years

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We got our independence recently and have no desire for getting into an union with neither Denmark nor Sweden. We get along fine as it is. I speak Norwegian(3 dialects) Swedish(only Stockholmian swedish), a fair bit of Faeroese and a bit icelandic and get along fine with people from all the nordics, finland included, but I have no desire for my country to end up in another union... Again. No thx mate

You bros will work it out
I hope this doesn't remain the case as time goes on

For example, the difference between Belgium and the Netherlands.
Keep in mind we have basically the same history until they revolted.
>don't know how to use infrastructure
>don't say what they think
>can't plan anything
>have actual poor people living in sheds and shit
Dutch people:
>If public transport is 1 minute late people complain
>very direct hardly ever offended
>plan literally everything
>being poor here is still pretty comfy
These small differences in habits and culture make it way to much work to actually get shit done together. Especially with the Dutch because they are generally very autistic but also very blunt and social people.

They're such a polite, civilized society that they don't even need such a government. They know they can count on each other to do the right thing. They're not some feral Mad Max freak show like Russia or Africa.

Holland sounds like Denmark

that's interesting and Norway I guess feels the same way about their neighbors but with different issues

it just seems the way demographics are going if they want to survive with their language and culture they will have to unify but maybe not

I agree with you on the fact that The Netherlands is better evolved than Belgium. But if you would understand the structure of our country you would know why. Just look up some statistics about wealth and education in Flanders only. Not Belgium, not Brussels, not Waloon region, just Flanders. We beat you in every aspect bitch.

fuck no, we hate each other. We're all brothers and shit, yeah.. but we hate each other.

Norwegians and Swedes are like Germans in the way that they follow the rules strictly even if the rules over-regulate or are being irrational in general.

Danes are 'the Latins' of the North. We drink a lot, smoke and don't worry too much about tomorrow yet we work hard and pay a lot of taxes and manage to uphold a functional society.

I was in Leuven. Very shitty indeed.

Norway ranks #1 in virtually every metric, in terms of quality of life. I think what they have going on is good. At least, that's how it looks from the outside

When it comes to language, Norway got so many dialects that differ much more from each other than dialects in Sweden and Denmark. The western dialects are closer to faeroese, especially in the isolated valleys where there was little influence from danish. We got two written languages, the most popular one based on the danish, but norwegianized, and the second on isolated west-norwegian dialects. There is a reason I have to speak swedish in sweden cause by dialect can be somewhat hard for a swede to understand, even though i understand swedish completely.

Culturewise we are the least developed one; Sweden and Denmark has always been more continental than us. I am not sure whether we are getting closer to each other or the opposite any longer.

I've heard that are cultures are very alike.
those outside schools you guys have for kids are starting to gain ground here too.
I was actually in a breed between the normal system and that system when I was young, it was pretty based.
The languages have been here for hundreds of years, even tho they evolved most languages are still the basically the same. Most Europeans speak multiple languages but in a group they will just fall back on their native language even if there is someone there who doesn't speak the language.
Lived in Brussels for a while so maybe that's why. simple question; in Flanders can you make an appointment online for a certain time, show up at that time and have your appointment at that time? doesn't matter if it's the doctor, government shit or the bank or whatever.

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Maybe. Who knows. 150 years from now could be paradise on earth or hel. History is so god damn uncontrolable, its both scary and hopeful. I dont even care. I will do what I can to unite the north in my life, as I think thats the only way we as a nordic people can be serious about an existence in the 21s century. So many of my folk believe otherwise and is too cucked to talk about the preserverance of the nordic race and how it has to do with nazism, but really, people miss os much in front of them. We will see what happens. Great people rise, great people fall. Its the turn of history and so be it.

Nordics are too distinct from the rest of humanity EU wants to mutt their race with meds then with blacks.

A nordic is an alien ij syria an italian or balkan is a local

You aren't held back by walloons and the festering shithole of brussels.
>that question
Yes. Doctor not always because some patients take longer than others

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Who would have guessed? A small homogenous white country, with benefits, high wages, ect. Downside is that they are very naive and stupid(scandinavians in general) because their worldview is skewed from lack of multiculuralism and travel to the outside world. The type to travel to a 3rd world country thinking everyone is nice, and then get raped and beheaded. More cucks on average than any other nation by a landslide. The adults are like big children who never fully weened off the mother's tit. The world is dangerous for the poor little naive nordics. They don't have a very good self-preservation instinct.

The Finns are the only ones that have a spine, and survival instinct.

When will you brothers finally come home and Make Brabant Groot Again?
You will be welcomed with open arms, just lose the 'zondag fietsen cultuur kijken'.

Like 'hefty' in English? We say 'heftigt'

Yea; Swedish, Danish and Dutch are basically weird dialects of the same language i think.

Thanks for generalizing, I can't attest to "the adults never fully weened off the mother's tit". My father is selfmade; built our first home at the age of 20 with no financial support from his parents. My parents have never supported me in any major way financially, and when I was 18 I began paying rent to them until I was 19 and moved out. I might be more open-minded that then majority on Jow Forums; but calling me a cuck is unwarranted. Stupid is also a word I would not use about myself, but I would not say I am exceptionally smart either.

All germanic languages, also dutch and german influenced danish, swedish and norwegian heavily after 15000-1600.

I'd rather be independent like luxembourg but I'd gladly take dietsland over wallonia + brussels.

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I think that poster is mostly wrong, the nordics seem very resourceful. I think what he's moreso trying to say, is that people in europe generally can often seem really naive. I have met a lot of europeans who make fun of america's lack of social trust, crime rates, etc and think that race has nothing to do with it.

of course it's a generalization. generalizations and stereotypes can often be true. would you disagree with me? are people in safe, homogenous, prosperous countries not sheltered? drop the average scandinavian off in medium-income neighborhoods in brazil, how do you think they fare? growing up in safe environments are westerners benefit, and downfall. it desensitizes you, and numbs your survival instinct.

Based Denmark

get a mini bus to rescue the last remaining sane swedes and attack.

Ask Norway if you can use Svalbard for Storage areas

you know the type

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Sure, but it's still does not apply to everyone

I've actually been to Brazil, and went to the favela. I did not feel very safe, but not very threatened either. The people I met were nice and none robbed me. I've also been to Morocco, which also has some issues, but there are lovely people there aswell. Never robbed(or beheaded). Could I live any of these places? Nah.

Why is Norway so fat? Why isn't Finland wearing any clothes?

>Why isn't Finland wearing any clothes?
The proper way to sauna is to do it naked

Because Benis :DD
and Norway needs to look like a burger to avoid "Operation Norway Freedom"

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You keep using yourself as an example. Look around you. This goes for any white westerner, I would say the same about my average countryman. However, Scandinavia(but primarily Sweden) is notorious for the things I listed. Naive being the best word to describe it as a whole... and yes, I have met plenty of them while traveling. They all have fit a very common mold. Almost all of them traveling on behlaf of their parent's money, or state sponsored. All overly happy, yet tend to freak out when a little scare happens as if they never met anyone that is hostile. Don't notice details, like spotting an obvious pickpocket, shady person on public transit. You just get this feel that they would give a man with a bloody knife in his hand the benefit of the doubt, and sit beside him on the bus. It's hard to explain to you I guess, but the word I can reiterate is naive. Of course everyone won't fit this bill, but it must be common if current politics reflect it. Upper-middle-class liberals in America are the same way, and Americans who grew up in lower income diverse areas see them the same way. Almost like a baby bird.

You do have some good points, I won't argue with you about that. I went to the US before I went to Brazil and Morocco, and was shocked seeing all the homeless persons, the way they behaved(aggressive compared to the few homeless we got), the police presence also made an impression. I see what you mean, but I think it's harsh to deem us all naive.

the fact that you went to Brazil or Morocco in the first place proves my point. Your country should have travel warnings for these countries, let alone people should do their research. If research was done, then it was done with a the wrong lense. Those countries are very dangerous, and you should consider yourself lucky to be at the very least, not robbed of your belongings. Brazil is one of the most lied about countries on Earth. The Brazilian government goes to great lengths to promote the opposite for tourism sake, but people being dismembered less than a 20 minutes drive from tourist areas isn't far enough away. Motorcycle thieves and phone snatchers lurk even in the "safest" areas, and half of them wouldn't hesistate to put a bullet in your head or stab you if resisted.

Where is Estonia?

Belgia should be divided between france netherlands and germany

There are travel warnings for Brazil, but my stay was rather pleasant. I was friendly with the locals, and they were friendly with me. Morocco was pretty safe too; I was treated in a good manner, went up to the mountains to a small berber-village with some of the nicest people I've ever have met.

Brazil is generally unsafe yeh, but I stuck mostly to the safer areas. I felt safer in Morocco than in Brazil, but as I said, I did not have a bad experience in said country.

EU must be transformed from within... nationalists from all our countries working to change the policies and close the borders to non europeans.

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Dude, you met rich kids. People don't have that kind of money to travel the world like that here. Parents doesn't sponsor what is like 20k bill for a year of traveling. What you met was upper class children, most spoiled brats in the country.
People don't get money from their parents, and mostly move out at the age of 18-19. You grow up pretty fast after that. Yes some people don't spot the signs of danger, and as you wouldn't know the signs of trouble in Afghanistan, upper class kids are fish out of water in a bad neighborhood.
Most countries are not as bad as you make them out to be, not even countries in state of a civil war. You should know the trouble areas and some local customs, then you are pretty much set to travel there. It is quite retarded to live your life in fear like that. If you are going into a trouble area, you need a trusted guide/fixer, but that is another story.


why do amerimutts come here and think they could engineer unions and alliances between european countries? who the fuck do you think you are?

>EU must be transformed from within... nationalists from all our countries working to change the policies and close the borders to non europeans.

Will never happen
Will never happen
Will never happen
Will never happen

>nationalists from all our countries working to change the policies

that's why they want to import new voters to replace them why tf do you thing they want to POZ eastern Europe etc

the existing stock of parasites already have defacto EU citizenship and once the Nordics and western-block runs out of gibs they will move into other states but enough will stay so there is no silver lining

>Will never happen

Because you say so? calm down and wait..

>that's why they want to import new voters

They are doing it, importing third worlders to destroy our nations, but that can be stoped from within, suing the EU as a tool to chieve that.

You’ve clearly never seen how Swedes and Finns interact

unironically true. when i was in sweden, a girl told me she has no problem with blacks or muslims but she wished that finns would go back to finland.

>but that can be stoped from within,
You have too much faith in democracy

The English are fairly conservative but the far left rules with an iron fist.

Enoch Powel ran a campaign and was popular so they fired him and replaced him with the opposite and it was all down hill from there.

Trump said he wanted to build a wall look at how his own party wants to stop him and refuses to cooperate.

You cant trust Politicians they should have as little power as possible and breakup of the (((EU))) is one way to do that
> suing the EU as a tool to achieve that.
its political theater

Every Nordic country should have mandatory fin quotas.

Would say every country period if there were enough of them.

Yes, when the muzzies take over they'll form a single muzzie republic where Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark used to be. (If they are not stopped)

Them ppl are just living naturally, doing their own thing. No outside interference.. must be nice

Maybe the whites should free them and show them some democracy.. maybe one day when every slurpee machine breaks and there's a snow shortage

We got the EU and it is here to stay. Deal with it.

I think this can be applied to any demographic that is affluent and largely detached from the rest of the world. You can see this among the affluent urbanites.

Why do Europeans think they can?

why they allways forget of Faroes on these scandi mem-pics?

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You think "Americans" somehow have less political power or worth than "Europeans"?


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based and US-pilled

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what the hell man

I don't know
you should ask them

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