Women are parasitical vermin that have never contributed absolutely anything to human society they merely destroy every single thing they fucking touch and i'm sick and tired of this.
All women are subhuman vermin incapable of loyalty, rationality or basic human decency and it's about time they get what they deserve, They all deserve to be raped, dismembered and skinned alive, melted in acid and beaten until every single bone in their bodies is broken without any exception regardless of age, looks or race. Women are the fucking reason why biological life shouldn't exist, i hate these disgusting things so much that i even beat the fuck out of my mom and nearlyc hoked her to death last week when i ran out of SSRIs, i'm at the point where i would only feel happiness if a toddler had a fucking hot iron cramemd into it's cunt.
Go ahead and call me an incel one more fuckign time you stupid pieces of shit, you're only playing into their hands. I'm sick and tired of the bullshit traditionalism also, all of these whores need to be exterminated it's fucking illogical that parasitical leeches have the right to ruin the lives of men.
How do you live in a society when you unironically think this?
Women are parasitical vermin that have never contributed absolutely anything to human society they merely destroy every...
>How do you live in a society when you unironically think this?
You don't, you kill yourself. This isn't even an ironic "hurr kill yourself incel" thing, I'm not sure how I could contemplate living if I hated (to the point of violence) half the people I'd ever met, it honestly sounds very tiring and toxic for yourself to deal with and I can only imagine the end game of this thought process being suicide.
get help
>Women are parasitical vermin that have never contributed absolutely anything to human society
Yea but so are you.
Hmmmmmmmm looks like somebody got
>>Women are parasitical vermin that have never contributed absolutely anything to human society
>Yea but so are you.
I regularly visit Jow Forums to give source to loli doujinshi. I think I'm a good person and care for my community.
Jow Forums communities are far less than human.
Wow! You're a waste of space and a disgrace to humanity. Go live in the woods and start an incel community, no one wants you anyway.
Yukino yukikaze
Irony is that women get wet for guys like you OP.
.....and they all speak so highly of you
I wish I was a woman desu
must be his time of month
>but are the mods dead? come on
YIKES sweaty... lets unbox this
>it's another "incel likes to claim the achievements and accomplishments of better people as his own all becuase he shares the same skin color and/or genitals as they did" episode
Nope, I can just smell the loser on you from here.
Imagine writing this unironically
You mean the vomit of words that OP posted?
You are wrong.
Did a bad woman hurt you in the feelz? :(
please don't confuse your emotional knee jerk responses for actual advice
It's easy. You stay in your room and watch anime or play vidya. If you have to work there are lots of comfy professions out there where you don't have to interact with w*men at all. I worked as a mechanical engineer for a while, the workplace was 95% men, nobody cares what you're like as a person so long as you act polite and do your job. I am sure other fields have this too.
Really, unless you actively seek them out you will find you basically never have to interact with w*men at all. The only times I absolutely have to speak with one are when ordering food somewhere.
toastie roastie
>go away thop
the voice of reason. But sadly fem*ids and the pc crowd started invading tech, accounting etc. fields too...
Well, at least I know we live in a pretty just world because if we had it your way, we'd be getting rid of all the good women who dedicate their lives to helping people, doctors and volunteers who work for no profit, and extremely generous people who improve the lives of others at the same time as killing all the whores, defense, people who lie and steal, etc. To me doesn't really seem balanced. But you sound extremely angry and irrational so I really shouldn't take you seriously at all.
God, I love it how incels and angry white men can only bitch about this shit online.
You know you will never, ever in your wildest dreams outvote us...right?
2016 was a freak occurrence, a tantrum by a dying breed of pissy white dudes who will never make it happen again.
You just don't have the numbers and 10% of you are gay.
Storm's a coming, assholes. And it is very brown, very feminist, and very fucking Stalinist for shitty regressive throwbacks.
When Dems get power back, you cucks will be dragged off to PRISON for posting hate speech online.
Women are so DONE asking for their rights. You fought them tooth and nail and now they are going to take those rights with soul crushing force.
Fuck your shitty slutshaming.
Fuck your imbecile creamsicle President.
Fuck you for never getting laid.