What is your best and worst experience with blacks?

What is your best and worst experience with blacks?

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Best: none
Worst: niggers being disrespectful af to me when I visited USA

one time a nigger threatened to kill me. one time i got to fire a nigger from my job

Worst experience, a black kid choked me in a playground once
Best experience: ?? I suppose I knew one or two black guys who were alright

wouldn't a tat on a bluegum show up better if it were white ink?

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Best: friend named Derek who is an all around cool dude
Worst: working with a coon who was lazy as fuck

Worst was when one murdered my friend Aaron.

Best was the black girl that flirted with me and told my friend she wanted to have sex with me.

best: while i was in the UK, me and some other bulgarians hung out with some christian blacks from nigeria often after class. they were alright people.
worst: while i was in the UK, as you walk down the street to go to the shop or smth, very often random blacks and muslims give you looks as if they want to beat you up / kill you

but probably my best experience is when they stay back in africa, and make the occasional good song
and probably my worst is when they are shoved down my throat in movies, games, etc, and when stacies talk about how much they wanna get fucked by / date a black guy

Used to work alone in the East-side of Columbus, Ohio.
Was leaving my work truck about to walk up to a job site. Drunk black guy whipped his dick out and started pissing in my direction. I yelled at him to stop and fuck off, he started picking up rocks and throwing them at me and my truck. At that point I grabbed a foot long peice of rebar and chased him down the road. The fucking guy ended up tripping on an uneven sidewalk and knocking himself out on the concrete. Laughed, walked back to thr work site, proceeded to work.
I have many, many, encounters with these people.

Worst: robbed by one, a group of them jumped me and blacks in every day interaction the got a bad attitude always looking at me like did some to the them. And never say ‘people’ in front of them they look at you more suspicious

Good: some of them held the door for me

i went to montreal for a weekend with a couple pals, and a negro pushed a banana to my chest and demanded money right outside our hotel
i didn't immediately see what it was so i grabbed his hand and pushed it away, and i smushed a banana
and he still say "ey yo gimme money"
he thought it was a weapon or something. pushed him away and his girlfriend came over and broke it up. he was like 5'5", 115 and completely deranged by white-people standards

my best experiences have been with black women. they seem to like me

>struck in the back of the head with a heavy object.
>can't really remember any, but maybe that just has something to do with the first answer

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Best: A street peddler that I got to teach to say "White Power" in Serbo-Croatian

Worst: Literally none. Of all the black people I've ever interracted with I've never had a bad experience

one of my best friends is half black

we've been in two fist fights, both started by him

I'm not going to slaughter niggers, okay? Worry about racial issues after the day of the rope.

environment --> genetics --> culture --> politics

Can you really see Jews as human after you have understood their genetic character? They pump whoredom in to kids soft heads starting in elementary school. College is a whore factory. Kids learn from their peers, not their parents, and the peers learn from the media and schools. It isn't a conspiracy, it's genetics. The only solution to the Jewish problem is extermination, that is to say genocide.

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Best: died
Worst: existed

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but maybe jews are just really smart
no i meant to say it's all a coincidence

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Intersting write up, thanks for sharing

Woman from my uncle is black...actually speaks perfect German, works, pretty, friendly and is from eritrea.
Worst probably some drug nigger in subway ounching an old man

Best: Niggers acting normal or friendly. Nothing spectacular.
Worst: Nigger trying to rob me.

an honest question they are better in germany?

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A black guy threathened to kill me when I asked about directions once in Stockholm...

Not hard to behave better than in America. We dont have that many blacks so i guess they integrated better( no gangs or black shithole areas) . Most are chill. New refugees arent that friendly and rly arrogant.

I have zero experience :(

Never saw one in the zoo?

don't have either.

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> Best
Countless. Met some great black kids as a teacher who were really awesome, morally adjusted kids and ended up having good career. Seems that the wealthiest and most thoughtful of these are very religious Christians in my experience.

> Worst
Late teens, a mutual friend (black) steals something from my backpack. I knew instantly it was him. I confront him about it directly in front of our other friends and he denies it up and down enthusiastically. You see, my allegations were because of racism. He threatens to kick my ass. I tell him his denial and outrage is a little too enthusiastic to be believable. This isn't just a stranger on the bus, this is a guy known in our little community and other people have been friends with him since middle school. Other white people are incredulous that hours after meeting him, I assume he stole my shit.

I let it ride for a few minutes. While everyones guards are down, I snatch this dude's backpack and spill its contents upside down all over the sidewalk. A big gamble. There's my shit.

His MOM later lets everyone know that I am deeply rayciss ebil white supremacist -- because I had suspected him.

Redpilled 0 to 100.

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Best experience, not being around them. Worst experience, being around them.