Fake ''pagans" are Muslims and Jews

One of the most vicious and rabid anti Christian "pagans" here on Jow Forums is in reality a Bosnian ex Muslim immigrant in Sweden, having children with a Swedish woman, while hating on Scandinavias 1000 year old Christian history (but still living there like a parasite and wanting to site see).

I exposed him in this video: youtube.com/watch?v=a3wAVITQM1g
and will post screen shots in the following comments.

Attached: N fjord.jpg (2525x2017, 3.12M)

Other urls found in this thread:


One thing's obvious is that Christianity threatens (((them))) and (((they))) work for and worship Satan.

I commented under his video, and he deleted his replies, and muted me (so only I can see my comments, but no one else can) within an hour. Typical Muslim coward posing as a fake Swedish pagan.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-02 at 00.11.56.png (1922x1794, 729K)

The fake pagan could be this guy:

He is spamming Jow Forums all the time with the kind of vile hatred for Christianity as expressed in his video, and same stupid ignorance as well. When asked about what Jews had done to Sweden and about third world mass immigration, he had to be away for 15 minutes and use Google. He is clearly not Swedish and only cares about spewing hatred against Christianity and nothing more. A true fifth column traitor.

Attached: N Heddal-Stavkirke kveld.jpg (1080x1626, 1.31M)

So are you like Christian discord trannies or what? Why do you keep making these stupid fucking threads over and over again?

Yes, could be. I pointed out that he clearly wasn't Scandinavian and didn't care about Scandinavia as a homogenous society and the importance of this.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-02 at 00.11.05.png (1920x1470, 419K)

True, Muslims, Jews and atheists, they are all so alike that it is hard to see who posts what. Their hatred for Christianity is the same. One can even throw Satanists in the mix as well. All traitors to European Civilization.

Attached: followmeto-kronstadt-cathedral-with-natalyosmann-more-photos-on-followmeto.jpg (1080x1080, 182K)

I have no clue what you are talking about. You seem to know an awful lot about trannies and discord. Why this rabid anger, Shlomo?

Attached: Jews Love Muslim Ottoman Empire. Hate Christians.png (1398x457, 313K)

Fucking christkek faggots.

Attached: 1556501280553.jpg (720x445, 56K)

We get it, you hate jews. Welcome to Jow Forums, you'll fit right in.

Bosnians were pagans too which sprang from the same tree of indo europeans that Gauls/Norse/Celts etc sprang from.


Attached: Pagan Deitys.jpg (1024x652, 191K)

Its not just nordics that despise christianity.

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He started with bragging about wanting a 'debate/discussion' unlike Christians lol, after I pointed out his lies (there were 3 within the first minute of his video!) we can know he doesn't care about facts/truth and only care about pushing his lies. Like they all do.
Typical Muslim coward, these fake pagans don't care about debate or discussion and truth prevailing. If the Christian is winning... then they block them and mute them. Typical.

Pic related: I pointed out his errors and lies in just the first minute of his lying video, after which he deleted all his comments to me and then muted me.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-02 at 00.11.22.png (1818x1636, 426K)

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Having all these third world (Muslim) immigrants running around with only disdain for our culture and heritage is a disaster. That he is one fake pagan does not surprise at all. The vast majority of pagan threads are made by Jews, not genuine European/American pagans.

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Attached: 1555943299462.jpg (1050x750, 256K)

Are you also Albanian Muslim, fake pagan and vicious hater of Christianity, just like your Swedish butt-buddy?

Attached: N Smallest Stave Church in Scandinavia built in 1147, Undredal (1).jpg (2000x1333, 590K)

It's about pointing out how they don't care about the truth and don't play fair. They'll lie, cheat and repeat.

Neck yourself, schlomo.

Attached: ((christianity)).jpg (474x266, 24K)

>that church
Cute. I might go there to see this.

Bosnians are Serbs that converted to Islam when their Ottoman Turkish overlords came. They are traitors of the worst sort and ruled over the Orthodox Serbs on behalf of Turks. During the time they started to mix more and more with Arabs and Turks so they could slowly, but steadily, see who is a Serb and who is a Bosniak. Serbs are good looking and intelligent, Bosniaks are not.

Attached: 1dfgaa.jpg (1194x735, 209K)

You must be one ugly and dark immigrant to Norway with that kind of hatred. Maybe even darker and uglier than the fake Swedish immigrant pagan.

Pic, medical School. Devout Christian and virgin of course. Nothing beats a devout Christian lady.

Attached: MEDx1ELefL_XrBf4+.jpg (600x600, 85K)

Agreed. He started off tough only to run away and blck/mute/delete after being proven wrong x3 within the first minute and calling him out. Coward.
You can see here he did responde and seemed open/polite and pro debate, like he was the one who cares about such things, only to do a complete snake Muslim turn of 'play dirty' of deleting when being proven wrong and being shown to be either a liar or ignorant.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-02 at 00.12.27.png (986x660, 232K)

Please don't get hysterical Muslim immigrant, posing as a vicious and rabid anti-Christian pagan, just like your fellow Swedish exposed idiot.

Pic, same girl.

Attached: MEDxAgyLMmBBfp0.jpg (1024x1024, 252K)

Holy shit, redneck, you can't argue against this shit being a jewish LARP so you are doxing people and throwing ad hominem now.

Forgot to change the flag, I was LARPing as a jew before.

It's pretty slimy and cowardly to talk to a girl, and then just delete her comment. That's the Muslim "male" style. Zero honor. His video is insane and dripping with raw hatred based solely on vast ignorance and stupidity. Kind of like this fake Norwegian

Attached: Priest Lamb.jpg (916x1382, 278K)

She's not going to fuck you, you fat nerd.

Every single indo european culture on earth converted to another religion (other than Vedic/Hindus)

Ok, well see my comments where there are screen prints where he was the one who couldn't argue and resulted in deleting his comments and muting me when he couldn't answer anything and was challenged over his hypocrisy.

Read history, fake Norwegian. The Roman Catholic Church was feared, but just, and not cucked at all. The boomer Pope will not change that and not change Biblical doctrines or Christianity. You have zero arguments, fake Norwegian. You have to go back to whatever third world hell hole you came from. In Norway we respect our Christian heritage.

Attached: Going to Church. Norway.jpg (2000x1372, 1.66M)

>I’m not a man
Tfw no pollack, 4channing baba

The current Christian church as well as the Catholic church might be a lot of things but a threat to Jews? Judeo Christian values anyone?

It's about the cowardly lies and cheating to push whatever is harmful to native Europeans (i.e. shit**ng on the native populations heritage, while living there as a parasite) and destroying the genes in the process. Also free speech and truth means nothing to these people.

*rad trad pollack 4channing baba

God Bless you broder :)
It is the world's smallest Stave Church in Undredalen. There is not road to Undredalen, so either you have to walk over the mountain, easy and nice trip, or you have to use boat. Beautiful mountains and fjords.

Pic Christian mother and daughter.

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These "Pagans" are all truly cowards. They hate any kind of discussion and have nothing but empty slogans and raw stupidity. They are completely brainwashed by (((pop culture))) and their gay Marxist college (((professor))). Traitors.

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Yes, I'm a girl, and that weakling guy couldn't argue against a girl after having his lies exposed finally by someone. Didn't just run away, couldn't refute my last comment (despite starting out tough) ...so just deleted and muted and ran and continues to lie going forward. Pathetic, but typical.

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I've already exposed PAGANKEKS multiple times on Jow Forums. When faced with the reality that they're terribly wrong about the Holy Bible, Jesus Christ, and the identity of the Hebrews and Israelites, they just begin to spam their anti--christian propaganda and pastas. Neo-Fedoras, as i like to call them, don't even believe in the Norse Gods as being real deities, they are all fucking LARPers who follow a meme cult created as a re-construction by this schizo boomer in the 1800's. The only thing we know about Germanic/Norse Paganism is from Christian Works like the Eddas and The Havamal, whom were written centuries after the Christianization of Scandinavia and Germany. It was the Germanic Tribes whom converted to Christianity in masse before the Western Roman Empire even fell. No Pagan Germanic Tribe sacked Rome and caused it's demise. They were all Christians that followed this Christian sect called Arianism. When Pagancucks say that "Christianity" caused the fall of the Roman Empire, what they are literally saying is that the Christianized Germanic Tribes caused the fall of the Western Roman Empire. But this would conflict with their veneration of the Germanic peoples, because it is those very people whom they idolize, that caused the fall of Rome.


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It's called irreligiousism/anti-theism. They simply hate Christianity.

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Not to be ill-spirited here, but Monotheistic religions are mean spirited, not to mention that they have caused too much suffering in our world. The most evil spirited religion is of course, Judaism, next is the Islam, and the final is Christianity. All of those religions say that there is only one God, and if you do not follow that God, you are going to Hell.

Monotheism has not brought to world anything good that lasted for a long time, and instead have brought us a destruction. Of course, I do not hate you for being Christian, Muslim or even a Jew (however, I am still critical of same Jews), however, in order for peace to finally thrive upon this cursed world, I shall say this:
Monotheism must be wiped out from the face of the Earth, if not by me, who is a peaceful Jain, then it would be by someone else who won't have a temper forever for your religion. You have been warned.

Attached: 1197.jpg (602x600, 130K)

Did some fake pagan actually report your picture of the medical Christian girl?
What is wrong with these cowards, they just report, flag, delete, mute and then keep lying and spewing garbabge like nothing happened.
Sounds like Jews, Muslims and fedora atheists...

>She's not going to fuck you, you fat nerd.
Your trash talk exposes you as a Jew or a pagan. Ugly. No wonder you hate Christianity with that dirty mind.

Here is another picture of her. Nothing beats a Christian lady, medical student and virgin.,

Attached: MEDxqYOY5fsOW1g.jpg (640x640, 85K)

Evola literally understood in the end that Christianity build Western Civilization, he took the redpill, fuck off PAGANKEK

Yes, most of these "pagans" are either hysterical homos, hating Christianity and girls, or ugly immigrants/fedora atheists, that will never get a good girl due to their ugly personality and crazy world-view (atheism/Islam).

Pic same girl

Attached: MEDxAN9l5ds44WQ.jpg (480x640, 78K)

Downvoted the ugly Bosnian immigrant, pretending to be a Christian hating pagan Swede.

Attached: zawada_wooden_church_by_marrciano-d7rixs6.jpg (1280x1932, 686K)

>Christian slav forced to convert under muslim rule moves to christian country to shit on christians

Maybe you can downvote that cowards video then. Don't have to leave comments or even watch the crap (literally within the first minute he's spewed 3 lies and falsehoods).

It's just annoying as it's a typical immigrant shi**ing on the heritage (but not wanting to live in his Muslim forefathers lands) of the natives... while contributing to their extinction.

You dont even know who the artist is you fucking faggot. You copy pastaed this from when I posted it in a thread disputing your christkek bullshit.

You are always on here at 02.00 am posting your christkek shit.

Are you paid for this? Jævla nisse, proxy israel.

Lol exactly. Such a joke, but also pathetic, but he won't go back to his homeland, built by his faith/people. It must have hurt to hear the obvious... that the guy is not Scandinavian and looks foreign. Not to mention the mixed kids, weird looking, but also, not Scnadinavian, not even white. Lost nordic genes...again.

We have so much trash in our countries now. We have to kick them out.

Attached: 0_10c99c_64594122_XL.jpg (800x450, 90K)

I don't care that you take my pics, as long as you promote Norway. But don't pretend that you lazy atheist ape ass took the pic to Jow Forums.

Attached: Amaldus Nielsen.jpg (1600x996, 594K)

Calm down, who knows, maybe it is a Christian mother, or it could be Pagan, who knows. However, I understand that if that picture is a pagan mother and child, then the OP must be a faggot who spreads the evilspirited religion known as Christianity.

It's called LARPing
These faggots hate Christianity and thus they hate themselves.
Christendom IS The White Race, and many early church fathers also proclaimed that the White Race IS the House of Israel, and this can be proven via a mountain of evidence.
They claim Christ was a kike, but he was not a semite, he was a White Adamite that descended from the Galatians whom were Celts, the Galatians settled in Galilee from their colony in Galatia (Turkey). Galilee was called GAULinitis by the Greeks, which means belonging to the GAULS (Galatians).

Attached: adamickrist.jpg.png (382x479, 339K)

The point was, he lied. Was factually wrong. It was pointed out. Coward clearly didn't/doesn't care about the truth or facts and does the dishonourable (but Muslim and Jewish style... and I guess fedora too) of delete, mute, spam, flag and then pretend nothing happened, ignore the historical facts and continue spouting the same lies ...that is a issue. Cheat and lie, no problem, play dirty, as long as you push the propaganda hatred, they don't care. Never did.

smells like mossad they fear the Cross

Go outside.

>Cum guzzling
That's from "The History of Homosexuality" written by a David Greenberg. Pic related

Attached: greenberg.gif (100x141, 9K)

Also another redpill is that most of all of the "Pagans" on Jow Forums literally come from /Leftycuck/
Pic related lad

Attached: pagancucksexposed.jpg (1116x1323, 452K)

I still do not find a reason to worship Jesus, even though he died for our sins, which I respect that. The reason why I do not want to be a part of your religion is because it doesn't care about human soul, and how much good as person they are. In your religion, they are all judged as heathens and infidels that shall burn in hell if they do not follow your monotheistic religion. I SAY NO to any kind of monotheism whatsoever.

Attached: Beauty.jpg (187x269, 16K)

Hans-Dahl. We had NO pagans in Norway at that time. The "new" pagans we have came with the homosexual atheist/pagan boomers in the late 60s. Pic related.. The fake Norwegian, most likely a muslim immigrant or Jew, is clueless.

Attached: Mostly Gays Hedningsamfunnet.png (882x491, 365K)

Keep on worshipping your Schizo Boomer who created your meme LARP cult you faggot incel neckbeard

Attached: pagankikefounder.jpg (541x800, 95K)

Oh what a sweet lovely lamb, and so happy.
Here is one from a Easter blessing :)

Attached: D4zCMB5XkAA69Ys.jpg large.jpg (1512x2016, 317K)

True. Nearly all "pagans" on Jow Forums are fake. Only their vile hatred for Christianity is authentic.

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Cute, it just melts my heart so hard *sniff*

Attached: Chiaki Nanami.jpg (500x500, 30K)

As a bonus, cuck is phonetically most similar to cock.


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Now, 4 years later, the same leftypol faggots ( ) LARP as christians to further sow discontent amongst Jow Forums users.

I was a student of the Bible long ago, but I became disenfranchised when my church was revealed to be just another steepled corporation. I took a similar path to that of Evola's, through the mystery schools, the occult. But after being on this darkened path for many years, I realize how necessary Christianity is for our survival. It literally is US. Our ancestors. Our architecture. Our music as composed by the classical masters and hymn writers. The literacy revolution made possible by the printing of the Bible in native languages. It's all Christian. To abandon all of that is to walk away from life itself. For ethnic Europeans it is.

Reading about how Christ acted, how honorable he was... It just doesn't make sense for him to originate from those cultures of the desert, where deceit and violence is the norm. Especially in the Gospel of John, he's unflinchingly earnest and charismatic. That sort of disposition and zeal courses through my veins.

proxy #5

I beg your pardon?

Yeah, right. The rabid anti-Christian lefties and Jews are posing here on Jow Forums as devout Christians. Do you have any idea how insane you sound, crazy Jew posing as a pagan? Time for you to put down your crack pipe.

Attached: Goldstein Porn Anti-Christian to trash Western Civilization.jpg (878x599, 550K)

I was a student of the Bible long ago, but I became disenfranchised when my church was revealed to be just another steepled corporation. I took a similar path to that of Evola's, through the mystery schools, the occult. But after being on this darkened path for many years, I realize how necessary Christianity is for our survival. It literally is US. Our ancestors. Our architecture. Our music as composed by the classical masters and hymn writers. The literacy revolution made possible by the printing of the Bible in native languages. It's all Christian. To abandon all of that is to walk away from life itself. For ethnic Europeans it is.

Reading about how Christ acted, how honorable he was... It just doesn't make sense for him to originate from those cultures of the desert, where deceit and violence is the norm. Especially in the Gospel of John, he's unflinchingly earnest and charismatic. That sort of disposition and zeal courses through my veins.

Attached: smug_whores.jpg (480x600, 90K)

Very true brother, God Bless you :)

Attached: 9c070668-0d9d-4f34-8656-67882bcbd037.jpg (800x572, 124K)

Christ is also flesh of your flesh and blood of your blood. Christ came only for the House of Israel, which are the modern Christian Nations and Kindred Peoples. Turn back to Almighty God who created you and your people, who loves you and who made an everlasting covenant with you lad.
Turn to him right now and accept Jesus Christ as your reedemer and savior before it's to late, tommorow is not guaranteed .Do not listen to Varg, he is leading his people down the wrong path, down idolatry and sin.

Attached: aryanchrist4.jpg (460x600, 46K)


ok do you trust me now?

and the amount of anti-Christian threads just goes to show how they are getting more worried by the day.
The Synagogue of Satan fears Jesus Christ, as they should fear him.

Christianity is the reason why Jews took over.

Attached: 1542486865177.jpg (1692x899, 571K)

Odin was a Jew, OK? WOrshiop JESUS, he was ARYAN

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Impressive thread m8

I still do not want to believe in Christ, but once again I shall say few things:
1. You believe in a person that sacrificed his own life for your own sins, which is truly beautiful to hear.
2. The reason why I do not want to follow him is because there is no God; because our universe has always existed, and that Jesus was merely a prophet that sacrificed his soul on Cross for a better tomorrow.

Nothing stops you to worship Christ. However, I've took my own path towards the Jainism. I am not following the Varg, even though he has good intentions. May peace be with you brother.

Attached: 1_06UQdlwqWAGJi8ugmK_koA.jpg (700x445, 78K)

Just a friendly reminder. Please downvote the video and if anything you can give him a friendly reminder that as a ex Muslim (or from a Muslim background) he knows nothing about Christianity.
And as a foreigner, sh**ting on Scandinavian history is unwelcome.

No we don't. It's Jewish Heritage and the fact that you take your support from Untermensch Asio-Europeids called Slavs just shows how much of an Untermensch you really are. Slavs are literally the dumbest, most superstitious and shittiest at war of all the European breeds. They can barely keep their own people from murdering each-other for a few drops of alcohol or shekels. Russia literally had to beg for a Nord (Rurik) to rule over them to stop being retarded barbarians with no organization what so fucking ever. Even today they have 3rd world living standards and give the church a shit tonne of shekels and power. Reis t helvette oslosvin.

Ta den jævla midt-osten bibelen din å stapp'an so langt opp i rovi di at du dor. Jævla jodeslave.

Attached: jewish-christian.jpg (166x193, 5K)

> Doesn't know that Odin and Thor are Assyrian deities, whom the Israelites merged into their Hebrew faith during their Assyrian Captivity
> Doesn't know that when the Assyrian Empire fell, the House of Israel migrated into Europe and became the Scythians and Cimmerians, whom flooded Western and Northern Europe, thus being the progenitors of the Modern European Peoples.
> Literally worship middle eastern deities themselves while claiming we Christians worship a semite (which was a white adamite as proven many times)
KEK stay assblasted pagaNEET

NYPA. Get your own bots to do it, fuckwit.

Jain from Serbia. Interesting. I agree on you with religions but Jainism is irrational too in some things. But yea, let people be who they want. I hate these paranoid bitches whining about jews and muslims like everything is a plot against them. I hate pagans who attack Christians too. I hate anyone atracking someone without a valid reason.

You're fake too. You're not Norwegian.

Looks like a fabrication to manufacture a Jew pretending to be a "Christian". Either that or a troll.

Either way the rabid Christian hating Jews and lefties can not post much without getting exposed as fake Christians. They don't know the faith and it is extremely difficult to fake faith among believers. The single guy you provided could only give one-liners. There are NO strategy or organized effort from Jews/Atheist lefties to post as Christians. They do that as pagans.

Attached: Christian Family 36.jpg (882x792, 234K)

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Likewise lad, m-may peace be upon you too
Hopefully someday Christ enters into your heart and you begin to believe.


No. The atheistic French Revolution gave Jews full emancipation. If your nonsense were true, the Jews should have lost all power in the 60s, when the boomers ditched Christianity and embraced atheism and paganism. The exact opposite happened. You analysis is that of a child. Jews love pagans, see pic.

Attached: Pagan Julian Fanatically Supported Jews.png (920x748, 73K)

>Untermensch Asio-Europeids called Slavs
That sounds like something Jew would say, but nice try. Slavs are not Untermensch, and you are literally a fool if you think that slavs are not white.

Not surprising.
Satan is desperate to prevent the spread of the Gospel in these last days of the church age.

Until the Lord comes for us, Jow Forums is a Christian board.

To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour. Repent. Turn away from your sin and toward Jesus.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for your sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

Attached: image.jpg (125x125, 4K)

>Looks like a fabrication to manufacture a Jew pretending to be a "Christian". Either that or a troll.
>Yeah, right. The rabid anti-Christian lefties and Jews are posing here on Jow Forums as devout Christians. Do you have any idea how insane you sound, crazy Jew posing as a pagan? Time for you to put down your crack pipe.

Attached: this image is bigger than your brain.png (209x241, 5K)

Alexander Hislop in his book, "The Two Babylons," gives us a definite connection between Odin and the Middle East. Odin was the great Norse war god. The Assyrians and Babylonians also had a war god known as "Adon," and the Greeks later had a god named “ADONIS,” as well. The Babylonish Adon was the god of wine. In the Norse Elder Edda we are told that Odin ate no food but wine: "The illustrious father of armies, with his own hand, fattens his two wolves; but the victorious Odin takes no other nourishment to himself than what arises from the unintermittent quaffing of wine. For 'tis with wine alone that Odin in arms renowned is nourished forever."
It has also been established that the Norse religion involved worship in sacred groves, which were trees planted to simulate the walls of a temple. The Canaanites, too, had sacred groves for worship, and the disobedient nation of Israel had adopted this form of worship at the outset of their wanderings out of Palestine.

Attached: pagancuckslmao.jpg (854x480, 108K)

Dziekuje, ale jestem dziewczyna :)
Wesolych Swiat... i dzien flagi jutro, niech Pan Bog blogoslawi Polske, aby Polacy obudzili sie.

Attached: Polish White Church.png (679x559, 866K)

But the similarity between middle-eastern and Norse mythology does not end there. One of Odin's sons in Norse mythology was called, "Balder," which Hislop states comes from the Chaldee form of "Baal-zer," meaning the seed of Baal. Quoting Alexander Hislop, "The Hebrew z, as is well known, frequently, in the later Chaldee, becomes d. Now, Baal and Adon both alike signify ‘master’ or ‘lord;’ and, therefore, if Balder be admitted to be the seed or son of Baal, that is as much as to say that he is the son of Adon; and, consequently Adon and Odin must be the same."
The name of Odin's other well-known son is Thor. Again to quote Mr. Hislop: "Now as Odin had a son called Thor, so the second Assyrian Adon had a son called Thouros (Cedrenus, vol. 1, p. 29). The name Thouros seems just to be another form of Zoro, or Doro, meaning, ‘the seed.’" So, as Professor Hislop points out, Odin's son, Thor, is an exact parallel to the Assyrian god Adon's son Thouros. Quite an amazing similarity! (Lexicon, pars 1, p. 93: “The D is often pronounced as Th; Adon in the pointed Hebrew, being Athon.")

Attached: paganlarping.jpg (720x960, 231K)

Ask me anything about mountaineering, skiing and Norwegian mountains in Norway (not the Northern part of Norway). Go on. After that you can ask me about sailing in Norway.

Attached: tidemandgudebridalprocessiond1.jpg (1024x871, 103K)

>one (maybe fake)
>broad strategy
Learn the difference.

Just going to pretend this never happened, huh?

tl;dr. Jesus was Dionysus. BTFO CHRISTKEK