Why is being offended wrong? If someone says something that offends me and makes me feel bad...

Why is being offended wrong? If someone says something that offends me and makes me feel bad, isn't it morally right for me to make them stop?

Attached: offense.jpg (1650x1275, 102K)

>Why is being offended wrong?
You can be offended all you want, when you use your offense as a reason to reduce other peoples liberties you can fuck right off


This post offends me, OP. Cease posting at once.

Being offended is a feeling. Other's feelings are none of my business.

Mazlow's Hierarchy.
No one would say you're right for killing someone for being rude to you; but if someone were trying to kill you, they'd be more apt to accept your justification as it's a case of life vs. life. Those who blame you will claim it's life(the killed person) vs safety (if the threat wasn't credible enough).
Being offended is feels tier, you're only entitled to hurt their feels back. If you do actual damage to their social standing or sense of belonging, you're a cunt.


Okay but what if what they are saying is very negative? Isn't my right to shut them down and get rid of the negativity? Isn't that how we decrease bad morals?

>Isn't my right to shut them down and get rid of the negativity?
Why is the only way in that scenario to avoid the negativity shutting them down? Why isn't it your responsibility to not continue to be in that situation if you are the one being offended?

What you are saying is extremely negative from my perspective. Cease taking immediately.

This. It's not being offended that is so offensive, it's believing that being offended somehow grants you legal rights over me.

Because they are using controversial topics like racism to harass me. Racism is bad, and they are promoting bad ideas, so naturally we must silence and stop them before they spread and empower more violent and hateful people.

>Because they are using controversial topics like racism to harass me.
Where you in this hypothetical? Are you walking down the street, in your own home, elaborate. You can't just blanket want to shut down anything that offends you

But how is it negative and hateful when I vehemently am opposong such things?

I am listening to cases of racists on the news, on the internet, then they somehow get a platform to speak and run to be leaders of parties like UKIP. Not only do their ideas offend me for their awfulness, but can you imagine what happened if we weren't condemning that behavior and normalized it like we do now? We will morally regress and it's horrible.

>If someone says something that offends me and makes me feel bad, isn't it morally right for me to make them stop?
if someone says something that makes you feel bad, it's your moral obligation to look into your heart and see why you let someones words hurt you. you just might learn something about yourself. don't let your feelings override your reason.

So you're of the opinion that people who are racist should not be allowed to run for political office? Or should not be allowed to speak at all?

Well. Fags trannies and their whole agenda offends me. I reeee when faggots parade kids in drag. Trannies reading to toddlers dressed like the devil. Simulated sex at "pride" parades in the streets of our biggest cities... i could go on. But apparentliy im just a bigot shitlord and need to keep my mouth shut. Works both ways zombie

"Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears." Remember to choose forgiveness and then gratitude. Otherwise is to become "deformed." "for as nature has done ill by them, so do they by nature..."

It seems you believe people who are racist shouldn't be allowed to speak, what's your opinion on the 1st amendment and its limits?

>isn't it morally right for me to make them stop?
No, you absolute fuck.

literally emotional retards who don't know how to handle being offended like an adult. most people learn this lesson in the school yard.

I think racism is moral and good, so I want people who are racist to win elections and dominate the media.