Leukoplakia or mouth cancer?

Hey anons, really hard hypochondriac here. Was drinking and smoking a lot this week and felt two days in a row on the couch in to sleep instead brushing my teeth and go to bed as usual. I noticed a rough mouth after the first day and since it wasn't the first time that i felt asleep on the couch like this, i shrugged it off. After the second day it huted when smoking or eating, but nothing wild and still logical after those two days. I just now checked my mouth if it's allready good again (i know i shouldn't check such things after it just happend or i get worried as fuck about anything) and as assumed a lot of white spots. As said before, not the first time it happend so i was okay with it until i found red spots aswell (pic related), that are, according to Dr. Google, allready sings for early cancer? Or is my mouth just physically fucked until it heals? Should i see a dentist this week (i might hate them more than you all combined, so please tell me if i could avoid this...)? Anyone had this before? Will it heal itself?

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Little bit better look on the red...

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No way in hell you brush everyday

Give it a week or two see if it heals Mr.Methmouth

>Extruding top left tooth
Are you me??

>two days in a row on the couch in to sleep instead brushing my teeth
>instead brushing my teeth

Yeah, 2 days huh?

You're not a hypochondriac if your mouth looks like that...

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I brush my teeth mostly every morning, especially when I get out of my house I have moderate autism to think that, i am not going out, why bother with hygiene lol

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Yeah, you could literally brush once a day and your mouth wouldn't look anything like that. You're not fooling anyone here.
>t. a guy that brushes once a day

I try to, but didn't gave a fuck about my teeth or life 5 years ago and since then i just keep it as good as possible to avoid dentist. Of course i tried to do it at least now before going to bed so the carbs/sugar won't attack them over night - but smoking kills any gains, if there are even some, allready the next morning. So yeah, thanks but not the actual topic.

Will try it.

I had four braces to make sure that fucker grows out normally - guess it makes sense why i try to avoid the dentist if even possible. At least until i'm sixty and get those shits out once for all.

I had to go because the tooth was causing so much pain as a kid that it basically got surgically removed

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You guys miss the point;
>be me, having bad yellow teeth since i was kid
>need braces - they don't work
>hate brushing teeth even more now, let alone dentist
>getting depressed for two years
>"Fuck life and why should i even care for my teeth health at this point?"
>teeth are going worse
>life gets better, teeth still shit
>"At least try to be better now user."
>then two days in a row without brushing
back a the topic at this moment
I'm not saying i have good teeth - i know how fucked up they are - but can we focus on the gums now?

Had a dental fistula as a kid in ony of my upper incisors - they removed the root of the tooth so i didn't felt any pain from the upper right one pushing out. Two specialist and 4 braces later they literally said "Didn't work - shit happens user. Sorry, i guess. Here is bill of the first 20K. Thanks."... Why do we humans have so much trouble with those shits?!

How about you act like a man about your fuck-ups and go to an actual dentist or physician who can properly examine that shit. You are responsible for all of this.

For fuck's sake, what do you want from an Jow Forums thread, to diagnose whether or not you have oral cancer from smoking? No provider in their right mind would ever attempt such a thing without a physical exam and history (and tests).

Well, as scientific as dentist say they are, just like plastic surgeons, they literally take hammer and chisel to your face and power tools to JANK shit out, just look up some of the procedures lol they are savages and primative.

Yellow teeth aren't necessarily bad. I smoke like a chimney and drink coffee and that's just how it works. And I don't like to brush my teeth, either. I never have. I still brush once a day, everyday. I hate the taste and it can make me sick. The point is, you only get one set and you have to do things. Even if you dont want to. It takes 3 fucking minutes. This is kid shit, man. Grow the fuck up.

You're not worng - probably gonna met that overpaid meat slicer this week regardless of the outcome of this thread.

I tried to found a short relief from my thoughts that i might fucked up now beyond a point of able to repair it at all, so yeah, why not ask if someone had this kind of with red spots too before and is still living. Even then it will be a long night with googling around.

It's over.

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True true - and good paid for that too sadly.

Literally nothing about my teeth is bothering me anons, you can bleach them anytime and i can't do shit now about the one outstanding tooth expect pulling it out and getting a huge gap there. My worries are about the reddish white gums and if they are just fukced for a while or actually something to be worried about. So like i said before; Can we get to the topic or you guys need another minute for bashing my teeth (which is fine - better to laugh here with you about them instead standing for ten minutes in front of my mirror nervously checking my gums)?

>overpaid meat slicer
Then don't go if you think that is the extent of training for dentists or oral surgeons.

Even if this shit isn't cancer now and you have some sort of metaplasia or dysplasia, it isn't going to get better as long as you maintain shit habits like tabacco use. There will eventually be a neoplastic transformation and you will end up dead or disfigured. Oral cancers, like lung cancer, are mostly going to be on you, so there is no one else to blame.

Ever thought maybe your diet is the cause? The mount is an open organ

>Then don't go if you think that is the extent of training for dentists or oral surgeons.
Well, no dentist i met yet proved me otherwise and beside that it was meant as an actually description - let me at least call those bastards in a negative way when i have to go - and you're right - i probably can't avoid it.

Well, i ate more or less healthy and didn't changed a huge thing expect more drinking this week and i ate potato chips the first day (salty, so the mouth was allready lightly irritated and dry, then some beer which dehydrated the gums even more, plus smoking) - i think i was doomed the moment i didn't went to the bathroom after that mix to massage the gums with brushing - therefor they were fucked at this moment. But the red spots are just, i don't know... Probably end of the thread here since no one can share information about it more than you all allready did.

As an user who hit a major bout of depression and quit taking care of himself for 5 years, after a child hood of not brushing well as it was, many sweets and sugars, you should.
I've started to give a fuck again, but I've lost 2 and a half teeth with 3 others so decayed they will likely need pulled. They make just eating difficult now and its going to cost me a lot of pain and money to get implants. How my teeth are not visibly fucked when I smile is a miracle and is probably whats saved me a lot of social pain or rejection. Brush every day, user. Morning, noon and night. Don't let them rot out, you'll become a fucking 'gummer' and no one will even want to look at your face, let alone talk to you.
You bother with hygiene despite this because its going to cause you wicked pain and discomfort the worse it gets. Don't do it for other people. Do it for yourself.
Anyone, not the topic.
I've never seen something like that, but I am very prone to canker sores. Maybe its just similar to that. Just make sure you are brushing regularly, even the gums and roof of your mouth despite the pain it may cause. If its not gone in a week or two then maybe you have cause for concern. Get some orajel for sores if the pain is too annoying to eat. It'll numb the area temporarily, even if it tastes like shit.

Quit the beer and smoking. Those sensitive gums are a result of those things.

I'm not concerned with my teeth, I have long come to terms with them being fucked and I honestly stop giving a damn about who think that they are my main feature.

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Med student here, I have no idea, diagnoising anything purely visually and by clinical signs is tricky. Did you even take a photo of your mouth before? Are you sure this is all new? You say it hurt when eating, but does it still hurt? It doesn't sound like cancer, more like irritation. I'd see a doctor, anyway. The white discoloration is common for some people, but the red ulcerish sores are a bit weird.

Anyway, google "stomatitis nicotina", that might be it. It's from excessive smoking and nicotine sticks in your mouth, which is why brushing is extra important for smokers. If it's cancer, waiting a couple more days to see if it'll get better won't kill you.

>let me at least call those bastards in a negative way when i have to go

Actually no. This is your own mental self-delusion broadcast to everyone else in the thread. Basic psychology of justification. You have shit gums/teeth/maybe cancer, but look at all these incompetent doctors! Of course that makes it easier to naysay them and make it seem like going to them isn't as important. Right? They all suck!

Where your whole diatribe against them falls apart is that if they were truly bad at their jobs, they'd probably miss the cancer and you'll end up dead anyways. Obviously there are good and bad people in any profession, but considering that the education requirements for dentistry and medicine clock in at a decade+ of full-time training and have admission requirements that only accept the top 10% of classes, I'd hazard that most are at least competent at it. Don't let personalities dictate what you believe performance to be. Every surgeon I know is a prick, but they are good at their jobs.

>probably whats saved me a lot of social pain or rejection
Can confirm this is a huge part of it afterwards you get back on trail. Glad you didn't went through that!
>Brush every day, user. Morning, noon and night
I will try my best from now on user, makes me feels motivated what you wrote.
>I've never seen something like that, but I am very prone to canker sores.
Of course i couldn't help myself while checking this thread again and again - i googled a little bit around and as said, it's probably not a cancer symptoms, more likely just "overused" gums from alcohol and smoking... Pic related it the typical red leukoplakia called erythroplakia, which doesn't look this roughed up as in my case - so i guess the red spots are just torned up from the leukoplakia...

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>I honestly stop giving a damn about who think that they are my main feature.
>about who think that they are my main feature.
Thats what I'm talking about. You still think its for others. Its for you. Don't say you weren't warned when you start feeling in sane pain every time you just try to take a bite of food.

Glad I could help mate. Seriously, don't be me. Don't walk around with missing teeth and strange ways of eating.

I also suggest dropping 30 on a mechanical toothbrush. Like a Phillips sonicare. Makes brush way easier on you for people who can't get motivated to do it.

Don't forget sub-acute endocarditis as very bad teeth can allow oral bacteria to enter areas of the heart and destroy heart valves.

Also, oral bacteria levels have now been linked to dementia and Alzheimer's, though this is more preliminary research.

>stomatitis nicotina
So may dubs in this thread so far and the one who would defintily deserve them aswell didn't got them, shame...
Thank you so much user!
I'm autistic and a hypochondriac, so i check my body way to often and it definitly came overnight (which also don't speak for cancer i thought, but since you should diagnos it as early as possible and i have a whole night before any dentist is even around, i came to this place). I have a huge pain tolerance and would say they don't hurt at all if i'm not eating or smoking (did that this morning after two days break - wasn't a good idea, yeah - stopped now again).
>stomatitis nicotina
Looks like the jackpot, thanks user!

I said I stopped caring, how does that translate to me still caring?? If they don't like it they can fuck off, and so what if I get alzheimeirs or dementia, age is something you cannot stop and decay is inevitable, deterring it to just have to deal with it later regardless, is a lost cause.

Will try to do!
>dropping 30 on a mechanical toothbrush
Could actually work - i will give it a try and see if it helps it - otherwise i'm only at the same point, right? So will try that too! Hope you will stay on track aswell from now on mate!

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>deterring it to just have to deal with it later regardless, is a lost cause.
Pretty sure there is a vast difference between living independently and healthy until right before death (e.g. Jack LaLanne, Amish farmers, etc.) and those who spend their last 20 years as invalids in pain (e.g. diabetics with no feet, fatties who struggle with a flight of stairs, people with oral cancer who have parts of their jaws removed and can't talk understandably).

ProTip: Healthy people generally decline quickly at a ripe old age, and maintain their good health in their later years until the very end-of-life.

I can't tell if this is the same person or not.

If you need any more motivation from me mate, theres another tooth thread up thats mine. I'm dealing with some shit right now thats a little scary till I can get back to a dentist this week to start on getting the "real" bulk of my work done. An abscess. It's actually pretty frightening as its making even my cheek swell up a bit, aside from the small bulge in the gums below the tooth. The pains MUCH less than yesterday, but I just lanced it with a needle, drained a small amount of pus and I'm gargling peroxide after 2 rounds of brushing and mouth wash hoping to sterilize it. About to run to CVS and see if there is anything they can give me to help.

028 is me, OP, 014 anohter user.

What I am saying is, the odds of being healthy from start to finish are uncontrollable, preventing illnesses does very little in the end. All that matters is that you live the life you wanted, how you wanted it.

>What I am saying is, the odds of being healthy from start to finish are uncontrollable
That isn't remotely true. Individual effort accounts for a large amount if not the majority of health outcomes. Even in those who have genetic predispositions towards ailments (e.g. cancers or hypertension) personal interactions can have large impacts. Exercise/dietary changes will lower blood pressure in those who have familial hypertension if only slightly, while surveillance can assist in the Dx of cancers and physical activity can allow some medications to have better effect and allow for more aggressive therapies. People who are hardy better survive bone marrow transplants. A good lifestyle improves life regardless of externalities.

>preventing illnesses does very little in the end.
Sure, it isn't going to stop the Heat Death of the Universe or morality in general, but it will impact something more important. Quality-of-Life. That can be measured and both quality and quantity of life are vastly superior in one direction.

>All that matters is that you live the life you wanted, how you wanted it.
This sounds like an appeal to hedonism. That said a lot of people who are infirm by the ages of 40 or 50 seem to have a ton of regrets and actively wish they would have changed things before things were too late. I'm reminded of a patient barely in her 40s who had 3 liters of fluid drained from her stomach as her liver was in failure from IV drug use and poor life choices. She very much regretted "living as she wanted," even though by this point her final outcome was determined. The worst thing in the world is probably wanting to change, but no longer having the ability.

>The worst thing in the world is probably wanting to change, but no longer having the ability.
Amen to this.
I'm a lazy sack of shit who is addicted to video games, with tooth decay and probably other issues I don't even know about because Its been 10+ years since I've actually visited a doctor.
I made it a goal of mine at the beginning of summer to quit being such a disgusting piece of crap and be a better person. I'm starting small and working my way up, but I've cut sodas dramatically. I go for sugar free drinks whenever possible. I brush on the regular now, and I'm working to fix the permanent damage thats been done. I'm actively doing exercises while playing video (I know I know) and I'm looking to take that up to a gym membership here soon. I'm almost 30 and realized that my health is actually important to me and I want to keep it for as long as possible. A lifetime of acting like a child is a hard habit to break, but I know it can be done.

Props to you. The most important thing is to take things one day at a time, always having a clear outcome in mind of the best possible version of yourself.

I'm a dentist. Probably not cancer but it looks nasty tbqh. Avoid smoking and the foods that make it worse and see if it's still there in 2 weeks. If it is, see a dentist or doctor and tell them it's been there for 2+ weeks and they will arrange for a biopsy.

I didn't thought an actual dentist would be here - but Dubs confirm i guess!
Nasty in the sense of? Not good enough to do the same thing again or is it actually something worse than just a roughed up mouth?
I will avoid anything as long as it goes away - thanks for checking out the thread!

Not the dentist, but in medical. No one here can diagnose you, and it would border on malpractice for the dentist to just guess at it because he hasn't examined you. He is completely right to just leaving it at it being something of concern which YOU need to follow up with a provider if it remains.

Risk factors for oral cancers and disease are going to be things like smoking, chewing tobacco, and alcohol use. These things are all associated with development of cancer in the mouth, throat, esophagus, etc.

DON'Ts: So there you go. NO smoking, drinking, snuff, chew, etc. etc.

DO: Eat right (reduces added sugars etc., eat greens), exercise, brush teeth 2xdaily for at least 2 minutes, floss daily, rinse daily. Get adequate sleep at the right times (i.e. 11pm not 2am)

Your teeth and gums aren’t that bad, I see worse every day. Yellow teeth isn’t a sign of disease, but those red indentations on your palate are. Let things heal and hope it’s just trauma/irritation from smoking.