My gf has said she was curious in getting a vibrator. Am I stupid for not being 100% comfortable with that?

My gf has said she was curious in getting a vibrator. Am I stupid for not being 100% comfortable with that?

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Yeah, very. What, is the vibrator more charming than you are?

>not using the vibrator on her and driving her crazy with pleasure
are you gay or something? are you jealous of washing machines and vacuum cleaners too?

Yes, you’re pretty dumb.

I just dont want her clit to become harder to make cum is all.
I do ok in bed, but I guess my biggest insecurity is that she would sandblast her sensitivity away.

She has a dyke friend that has a vibrator and she told me that when she has sex, she cannot get off unless she whips out the toy. I dont want the sex to come to that, or make it harder on my end to make her cum.

Only people who suck at sex needs a vibrator and the people calling you dumb for it are dumb themselves and lack in bed.

Ask her how she feels about you getting a real doll.

Women have more pleasure sensors, a vibrator during sex is not bad, if anything it can and will likely improve the feel for you too.

The whole idea of using toys in bed is a turn off for me. I feel like sex is supposed to be sharing each others body and enjoying ourselves.

I dont want to fuck my girlfriend and then pull out a cock ring to finish.

If you had trouble getting off during sex and wanted a toy for assistance and your girlfriend told you “no you can’t do that” it would for sure make you feel some type of way bro.

Are you more scared of her becoming insensitive or are you scared that people will think you can’t pleasure your gf is she has to use a toy?

A toy is fine dude. Explore her sexuality with her and help her feel comfortable no matter what she wants to do. Infact come up with some kinky shit you’ve always wanted to try that is weird and ask her if she is willing to do that with you if she gets a toy. She’ll probably say yes and you’ll both be having weird fun awesome sex man. Chill and just let her do what she wants. If you repress it she will seek an outlet in some other way and thats worse. You need to evaluate your mindset on it and chill for a bit

Mostly of her becoming insensitive and just the general idea of toys is a turn off.

You know if I had trouble getting off during sex, I wouldnt plunge deeper in. I would try to solve why I am not getting off from her. Is it on my end, too much porn, death grip? Could she perform better? I wouldnt say fuck that and grab a toy to finish.

Like I said the sex is fine and can both finish most times. But you do have a point that if I dont sate her curiosity, she might reach for it in another way.

Today a vibrator, tomorrow a black bull.


Maybe. I love using sex toys on my partners. I guess the follow up question would be whether she wants to introduce it to your sex life or just use it on her own.

this but unironically

This. OP should be worried desu

cumbrains daddy ted was right

Your gf sounds like a degenerate whore

op here thanks for everything, imma just talk to her about it

My gf has a vibrator but barely uses it, she just uses her hand. I like to use the vibrator to put her into uncomfortable positions and make them more pleasurable for her. Use the vibrator together.

you're really obsessed. you sure you're not the one who wants a black bull?

My gf has had a few over the years, but they don't get used much. Occasionally we throw one away. Occasionally I'll want to use one on her. Her sex drive is low enough that generally I'm the one initiating and making sex happen though I can imagine if she were single she'd use one to masturbate.

I'm quite lucky clearly as all of my partners have been able to come through penetration alone. I wouldn't say it is really easy, but all of them have in certain positions and/or a certain frame of mind have been reliably able to orgasm. Usually it is that long dick style, current gf is all about that prone bone

tell her if she gets a vibrator you will drop her. Problem fixed. Not being jokey or funny either, how fucking dumb can you be. If you want her not to do something, and it bothers you, then you fucking tell her and if she doesn't change for you then say goodbye. Imagine if you told her "OH IM GETTING A POCKET PUSSY IM GONNA FUCK IT ALL DAY INSTEAD OF U" How do you think she would feel ? What a garbage girlfriend. Don't listen to these inexperienced beta males in this thread. Chick's a slut and I guaran-fucking-tee you the relationship wouldn't last anyways. Go do something more interesting w/ your life. drop her.

unless of course you're such a little sex-starved bitch that you will literally sacrifice your mental well being and health over getting this occasional puss that doesn't even really want you, and has dyke friends and a bunch of other red flags. Fucking cmon kid get your act together. I am the only one speaking sense in this thread and these other tards are vicariously living their porn fantasy through their uninformed BS advice they are giving you. If you ARENT COMFORTABLE WITH SOMETHING THERE IS A NATURAL BIOLOGICAL REASON. If you have to ask "Am I being unreasonable :'(((" Like a little girly faggot then you will end up like a girly faggot.. With no control of his relationship or life! Use your INSTINCT, it wasn't developed over millions of years for nothing dipshit!

Whats the best way to clean up a 6 year old girl who is bleeding a little from inside of her ass as a result of sex? Can you do anything inside there or will it just heal by itself?

Ok bud

Not only obviously a newfag, but you're also obviously underaged. Go back to reddat

are you the OP? If so you came in here saying you feel uncomfortable about it. When I confirm that this is natural, you dismiss it? Sounds like someone is a fatty w/ no self control. Good riddance

I'm not the OP

Honestly OP I think this one here is the only logical option.

Yes, it's ok as long as you recognize it.

Re fucking lax everyone. OP is better than all of you. She wants more, that doesn't mean you suck. Maybe she wants more because you turn her on so much. You should be talking to her OP everyone else just wants to fuck you too.

I don't see why your girlfriend would need a vibrator if she has you. Unless you suck at having sex i find it kinda weird why she'd want to have a vibrator.

It's like when a guy has a girlfriend, but still goes out and buys a flesh light. If your sex life with your partner is good enough then you shouldn't feel the need to buy another artifical pussy.

Dildos/vibrators is a big red flag for me.

Yeah bro! I kissed my girl so good she got a fake male face made of silicon to kiss! Thats how good I was!

Not stupid, just a little insecure and maybe unknowing

Vibrators can not replace men (or people). They give a new and different dimension to sex a person simply can not give (unless they’re battery powered - the sensation is simply inhuman and different from what a man/person can provide).

Does that make it a bad thing? No. Does that make you obsolete? No. There’s nothing like a throbbing hard cock to get that feeling of bliss, intimacy and complete hornyness. Yet women can only get off by clitoral stimulation sometimes, or it makes reaching orgasm during penetration easier.

Men (people) who feel threathened by vibrators are either unknowing or insecure. Make yourself knowledgeable and try it out and support your girlfiend, rather than stopping (and thus being unsupportive) to her.

And remember; nothing, NOTHING (even the tiniest of members) replaces a real dick when it comes to sex. Vibrators can make it easier to orgasm, but not to reach the pleasure of physical intimacy - which in the end (especially for women) is more important. Make it part of your mutual sexlife, rather than just hers.

gl ever getting her to cum again. its like death grip but for women. he would need to get a sandblaster for his gf if he would go down that path.

t. never had sex

t. roastie

Ebin dude, i bet you get all the girls huh.


I don't see a logical reason for a w*man not to want one. If my gf let me fuck big titty nip girls in front of her I would take the opportunity.

Just tell her how you feel retard