It's pointless isn't it? Unless you look like a GQ model or you're an exhausting Russell Brand personality type, it's an uphill struggle.
Women hold all the cards in dating. The average woman has a host of potential partners to choose from, and she will want to date someone out of her league to validate her ego/entitlement. It's a glorified meat market. This creates a situation where you have a majority of women competing for a minority of high-status men. We have social media, muh feminism, and tinder to thank for that.
The rest of us lesser mortals don't stand a chance. If we're lucky we settle for some spent single mom with a load of baggage.
Why is it literally impossible to find a girlfriend?
Your standards are too high.
Lower your standards
This is all incel talk. Stop whining, be yourself but also take care of hygiene and force some outgoing positivity even if just a little. Women will now take interest.
Lose weight/get fit on top of it and you can get literally anyone you want.
Dude, at least be real with him. There are some dudes and chicks who just will never be able to land a S/O
How many women have you asked out this month?
>Women will now take interest
there's no point. the guy is a normie
It's not rocket science. You aren't good enough for the type of woman you want.
It really is all there is to it. I'm a betafag and I haven't gotten laid in years because depression makes me uninterested, but what I said is all that is required for easy sex or a gf. Life is very simple in the end.
He definitely is. I've been blessed with relationships since being a freshman in hs but at least I can acknowledge that some dudes and chicks will be too ugly to land a S/O regardless of personality/good hygiene/good style of cloth selections and etcc. White knights like shim can never be truthful about how humans are.
This. I'd go so far to ask how many women OP even talked to around his age that wasn't over a keyboard or text-message.
>Why is it literally impossible to find a girlfriend?
Maybe it has something to do with your linguistics?
Have you tried correcting that?
You know it doesn't work like that. You need to be hawt and confident af to make cold approach a success.
Yeah as long as you got some looks lol. Dude, some dudes and chicks are too ugly for something simple like that desu lol
>Life is very simple in the end.
Yes it is. It's as simple as: Do you have chad genes? (y/n)
I mean... I guess. A small percentage of people are undatable by looks alone. But I highly doubt OP is some unfixable, disfigured la creatura.
It's all on looks dude. I'm very socially awkward and have a hard time conversating but I always ended up with a gf thanks to not looking too ugly. It's just a reality dude. Some people are just too ugly and this whole accusing someone of incel talk is laughable.
So, you haven't even tried? And I am not talking about cold approaches, it can be a girl you already know from your social circle.
I'm too unattractive to have women in my social circle
It's not all on looks. I consider myself ugly, always have. I've always fat and hairy. I have a big nose and dark marks around my eyes from years of bad sleep.
Despite this, when I still cared(before I got as depressed as I am nowadays), I still talked my way into panties and even a cute and wonderful gf.
I DO NOT have the looks. And I still scored by just being chill.
No, you're self deprecating and underestimating yourself.
Seek help, even if it's just SSRI. Good luck buddy, you'll make it, just calm down.
Nah you most likely have some looks that girls dont find ugly. Just stop lying to them and just tell them the truth that they are too ugly for any girl.
Daily reminder OP is a homosexual who posts his gay psyops here every day.
>hurr it's impossible to get a gf
>durr therefore your only hope is to become gay
It's over, it always has been over, it always will be over. Get a doll and hope for the genocide of women.
Dude, stop lying to them xD. They are probably just too ugly for women lololololol
Well, if you are still in your 20s or lower you could just find someone aight ‘n push each other to become better; Of course if she doesn’t dump you after wards lol
The only liars here are the incels. They refuse to admit the truth, which is that they never try and only spend all their effort making excuses and being angry.
So, you are not doing the most essential things about getting a gf - meeting women and asking them out and you aren't trying to increase your chances to succeed (self-improvement). Why are you complaining?
Nah dude. You're lying to them lol. Some are just gonna be too ugly for women to consider dating. Us on the other hand are lucky that we arent too ugly for women to date. I shouldnt be able to still get women with my social retardation and awkwardness on top of never making moves. Just be real with them lol. Dont give them false hope.
Yeah because that's what chads do... The pussy falls into their lap
Actually you just don't notice the average woman or you think she's gross. Most women look like men and most men look like women. Only by grooming and conforming to social standards are we recognized as having value by said society. Basically you like what you like and so does everyone else, stop whinning. Remember you look like a man to your younger counterparts.
Fuck, I don't have an IQ of 180, guess I should only focus on being a bagger at a grocery store.
Why are you lying? Gay psyops? For every man who whines here about being too ugly to get a girl, it's easy to find 10 guys uglier than him that still have a gf.
>inb4 money/fame
There is no reaching out to these people. Incels want to be incels. The only way they can stop being incels is for them to realize it's all in their hands.
If you're ugly and socially inept how are you supposed to seduce a woman?
>Dude just try out for the NBA
I'm not lying. If it's their personalities that needs to be worked on, explain how I am able to get chicks to like me despite being really fucking retarded socially and I never make moves on them either. I dont even flirt. How is it that at my old job, my coworker ended up having a crush on me despite having a boyfriend at the time and never did any flirting or try to get at her? Explain that? I dont shave my beard much either and get haircuts once a month. Just be real with them. Maybe they are just too ugly and good hygiene, dressing better, working on their social skills wont do Jack shit for them. stop lying to them dude.
Oh on top of that, I've always preached anti feminism rhetoric since hs that I'm sure you would label me an incel (even though that will never be possible for me due to what I've explained earlier since hs) and still getting gf's and hook ups.
>and never did any flirting or try to get at her? Explain that?
you have some inherent genetic value. most men dont
Dude I'm not even Chad looking. I'm just not ugly enough for women to not want to date. So your inherent genetic value doesnt hold weight for me. Just be real with them. Some dudes are just too ugly for a woman to consider dating. Just be real about female nature. It's much easier and less stressful once you've accepted female nature.
Dumb question. If a guy's confidence has been shot to fuck and he lacks social skills, how can you expect him to ask anyone out?
>socially inept
Are you born socially inept?
Appearance is a spectrum in both men and women. Is it that one wants ANY woman or a woman who they consider about their station? If there are dog ugly men, then there are also dog ugly women.
Not to mention one can do a lot to improve their appearance. Women will spend 30 minutes before going out just to look presentable. Even basic hygiene improves ones outward look. Exercise tones and strengthens ones body. Make-up, tans, etc. etc. are all ways in which people work to change their appearance. Have these all been done prior to giving up?
If all else fails, there are surgical options. Koreans are well known for this. You can also make a boatload of $$$$ if you don't want to work on being attractive physically.
The number of NBA players is way way smaller than the number of men with gfs. You're making it sound like 99% of men play in the NBA.
Sorry dude thats just how it is. Women have way more options than guys when it comes to dating.
Its far easier to be a woman than it is a guy. Not to say its impossible for a guy, but it would be almost effortless for a woman to get laid.
An ugly woman has like a baseline of 20 guys who would be willing to suck her cunt right off the bat. An ugly man has zero, so he has to get fit, exercise, work on his social skills just to have a chance.
Incels have shitty personalities, that is why they are incels. You are so obviously a larper.
Nope. Not a larper. I'm just being real with them. Want me to prove to you that I'm not? Give me your email and I'll send you a vid of me and my ex. Just be real with them.
>99 percent of men have gfs
"Incels have shitty personalities". I'm sure you would consider my personality shitty and I never had problems getting a gf or landing dates or hooking up without ever trying and still being socially retarded. What other arguments you have?
>I'm just not ugly enough for women to not want to date
there you go. inherent value
>Just be real about female nature. It's much easier and less stressful once you've accepted female nature.
thats about as clear as pea soup
What inherent value do I have then? Or are you just throwing shit out there because your arguments dont match up with reality? Also, what's your email. I'd be glad to prove you wrong that I'm a larper.
>An ugly woman has like a baseline of 20 guys who would be willing to suck her cunt right off the bat.
Imagine being so deluded as to believe this.
>How many women have you asked out this month?
Why do I keep seeing this. You don't ask out random people, and you don't just get to know girls.
If you don't get their attention with looks. Or have some special social status they will
1.) talk to someone else if you're talking in a group
2.) Say little to nothing to you if its just you and them for some reason and take out their phone.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to talk to someone when they are looking at their phone and giving delayed responses like "uhuh"
Not to mention if you do find yourself getting the attention of a woman, its not so simple as just asking her out because you want to maximize chances.
If you were getting the attention of women all the time, then sure, don't focus too much on one of them and just ask them out one at a time
when its the girl you've been trying to get the attention of for weeks then it hold more weight
You motherfuckers act like relationships are a fucking scratch off ticket
99% of men have sex in their lifetime.
We have too many people. Nature is compensating by limiting breeding opportunities to the fittest specimens. Give in another decade or two for major war or catastrophic pandemic to kill a bunch of people and we'll go back to breeding haphazardly.
>literally impossible
>What inherent value do I have then
your appearance, apparently. seeing as how you don't have to show interest or engage or even talk to girls to get them to forget about their bfs .
But I'm really bang average. So it cant be my appearance. I dont dress that great either. So it cant be that. I only take care my face(like shaving and haircuts) once in awhile. So that cant be it either. What else can it be?
So you don't know what it is, but you still give advice.
Lets meet up so I can murder you.
Do you want my proof that I'm not a larper though? Cus I'm willing to prove it.
I am good-looking, kinda funny, kinda smart, have money and my own place. However, I feel like I'm still lacking something. Why don't girls want me? Why aren't I desirable?
I havent given any advice. Wtf? Lol
Why so extreme? XD. If you want to kill me, then you'll have to accept dying too because we'll go down together.
This user is right my friend has downsyndrome, but hes tall and played D2 football, and his face doesn't look too disfigured especially because he has had a beard early on
He couldn't recite his ABCs if you asked him, but girls will message him on instagram and ask him to come over.
Hes also very out of shape, and doesn't even have a car.
That doesn't stop girls from lining up to go drive his ass over to their house.
That's when I realized how fucked the whole dating thing has become. Personality, and intelligence have no value until after a girl is done fucking around.
Conversely: only about 30% of men pass on their genes.
Fucking this
>Why don't girls want me? Why aren't I desirable?
What makes you think this?
>I havent given any advice
technically true
You're the one moving goalposts here. So desperate are you that you pull a number out of your ass that is irrelevant to the subject.
Thank you. I'm just saying. Be real with these dudes lol. I dont know why people give them bs advice when people like me who exist, disproves that advice given.
I went out on dates with fairly unattractive guys because they were funny to talk to.
I got asked out and got to know people randomly.
Very few people ignore you if you try to talk to them, and most people just try to enjoy conversation if they hang out with you.
You're pretending it's a lot more complicate than it actually is.
Because I don't know a single girl who wants me. I'm only friends with them at best.
>Are you born socially inept?
No but I have a severe anxiety order that was years in the making
How many girls have you asked out? Have you tried online dating?
I get a feeling we all know the answers already.
Please do tell us again about how you and Gertrude fell in love and got married at 18 in 1948 and you supported six kids on your factory job, before they pull your plug
>How many girls have you asked out?
Most of the girls I know have boyfriends. The ones I have asked out rejected me.
I don't believe anything good comes from online dating.
Not the Anons to whom you're replying, and I'm not arguing that your experiences are any different than what you described, but I think it's a fair question.
>You don't ask out random people
I do.
>you don't just get to know girls
I usually get to know them on dates.
>If you don't get their attention with looks
I'm short and not fit.
>Or have some special social status
Nope, middle of the road.
>talk to someone else
I'm usually the one they prefer talking to.
>Say little to nothing to you
Sometimes, but I generally make good conversation.
>its not so simple as just asking her out because you want to maximize chances
But that's how I maximize my chances: I go in boldly and directly.
I'm not trying to oversimplify this but I really do think that one's approach has a lot to do with outcomes. The big thing I don't understand is why any guy would wait more than 10 seconds to start flirting with an attractive girl.
>Just ask girls out
>You want me to ask out random girls?
>No, just ask one of the girls that hangs out with you regularly
>No girls hang out with me regularly
>Oh okay you probably need mental help
Girls hangout with guys that they think can give them something. If girls aren't hanging out with you, then you have nothing to offer...
You don't need mental help, you're perfectly sane, and you're just going through the same shit most guys are going through right now.
Guys can fuck more than one girl, and that means the majority of girls are more willing to wait around for the one guy (or few guys) they like to eventually get around to hooking up with them than they are to have a less than perfect bf for right now.
Besides why call a guy your boyfriend when in this day and age they can pay for your food, and still be just a friend.
So you are just making shit up. You are making excuses for never trying. Did you think everyone else got a gf by being a sad sack of shit who never put in any effort to get girls?
Just set up tinder and bumble. You literally have no excuse. Except if you're gay.
This is awkward. I dont have anything to offer yet I still hang with girls and never had problems getting one. Got a different argument bud?
it's real. some men are Genghis Khan, but most are just fodder who work and die for nothing.
That's the problem.
Guys put in work just to get the 5/10 girl they like
,but if the girl has to put in any work at all, then she deserves better, and should take the first 11/10 guy that even looks at her
Uhhh read my comments above. I had a coworker have a crush on me and I never did anything for it to happen. Actually, I dont even know how I got all my gf's because I never did anything nor made moves towards them. Explain your bullshit argument.
If you have a medical or psychological condition then seek assistance for it. Anxiety can be treated very effectively with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or potentially medications. Anxiety can affect all areas of life, not just with women, so it is important to try to rectify those barriers which are in front of you.
If you've never done so and have a local learning annex, you could sign up for a public speaking or communication/body language course once you feel a little less rattled.
Each of us starts in a different place. That is just life. However, you should see how you perform as the best possible version of you.
That's not what I said, man. I just don't know how to attract girls, make them see me as more than a friend or a nice friendly guy. What do their bfs do that I don't? (Other than the obvious "fuck them")
Stop projecting your own loserness on other men. You may be the bottom 1% garbage but that doesn't mean most men are like you.
My first guess would be you don't show any interest in girls.
Could be that. How do I do that?
I never showed interest in the girls I got. Why did that still get me with them? Explain that?
See but the problem is that not everyone makes good conversation.
Communication is so complex that it would take ages to pinpoint the exact habit in speech which causes people to become disinterested.
Unfortunatley one of the biggest attention getters with speech is the voice. Again something genetic
It's the hard truth, life is not fair and first impression make a massive difference. Unfortunatley they are also determined by factors we cannot control
They chased you instead of you chasing them, and they liked it. You were the prize, not them, for a change.
>Again something genetic
Not true, voice can be trained.
Also, it's not an "attention getter". What you say is the attention getter.
>Why is it literally impossible to find a girlfriend?
>literally impossible
If that was true, no one would have a girlfriend. What you said is a lie. Which is fine for me, because I don't believe lies. But it's not fine for you, since you seem to believe it.
Never lie to yourself. Once you start doing that, you're living in a false reality, and of course you'll never be able to solve problems.
How am I the prize? They knew nothing of me to conclude that. I dont talk much about myself with other people. Gonna need a different answer because me being the prize, isnt it.
>I dont have anything to offer
right, you're just saying that. Or are you saying that girls thought of you as worth nothing and still dated you.
See when an user brings up his personal anomaly its hard to take them seriously simply because its either likely that they are lying or that they expect someone in a totally different situation to have the same LUCK as they did.
Successful people never stop and consider how many people failed doing the same exact things as they did before they start preaching how to be successful. Most times its down to just chance....bud.
>They knew nothing of me to conclude that.
They imagined things about you, and that was enough. You were lucky not to ruin their impression of you too soon.
It's literally impossible for me to find a girlfriend. I am completely undateable, unfuckable, unlovable.
Except I'm not saying that. I really dont have anything to offer and I dont see how they could see worth in me considering I dont talk about myself with people. I'm just usually quiet.
I'm not lying either. Lol I literally dont do anything to get at chicks but somehow it happens.
I disagree, if you've studied human communication at all in college or uni maybe you would have learned that people heard sound before they interpret words, and the sound of a voice predetermines how the words will be interpreted.
obviously I can get everyone's attention by saying "im going to kill you all"
But bringing up something funny that happened is not going to sound the same coming from a soft voice, as it will coming from a loud jolly voice
>voice can be trained
okay, but when we talk about self improvement for women, it's starting to get unreasonable to ask for men to train their voices.
It's really a fundamental problem with modern society and how they perceive sex and intimacy. Men shouldn't have to compensate to this degree
Imagined things about a dude they barely know anything about? How? Lol.
Are you trying to imply I ruined their view of me or something? I'm not following on that.
>I did something most other girls didn't
Congratulations, you're also a female on Jow Forums which is not exactly commonplace either.
That is a good attitude. I'm certain this won't create a self-fulfilling prophecy.
>Imagined things about a dude they barely know anything about? How? Lol.
Women are irrational and water is wet.
>Are you trying to imply I ruined their view of me or something?
No, I'm saying you managed not to mess up.