Get the fuck in here, we need to start taking this seriously, put our heads together and figure out if asteroids are coming or not. >NASA contradicting themselves over how far the next asteroid impact is >Drills being ran by NASA and numerous space agencies on what to do in the case of major impact >KW4 asteroid passing very close to earth this month
Politically incorrect because the Jews probably know the truth and aren’t telling anyone. Also I dislike jews.
ay yo trick. dat asroid come close to earf and imma fuck it back to mars wit muh bbc muh nigga. aint nuffin ta worry bout nah sayin? i gotchu senpai. i gotchu.
Brody Wright
I hope so man
Asher Smith
shut up faggot who gives a fuck
Ian Gutierrez
what the fuck can we do lol
Liam Clark
>very close At 14 times the lunar distance. Asteroid encounters like this are fairly common.
Jack Martinez
Russia has working hypersonic missiles
Usa already has hypersonic missiles that can go out of the atmosphere (and reenter)
It's all good, space defense is up and running in our lifetime
Robert Martin
>find out the asteroid is landing in Africa >backtobed.mpeg
A 1,110-foot-wide asteroid named for the Egyptian god of chaos will fly past Earth in 2029 within the distance of some orbiting spacecraft, according to reports.
Apophis (also known as Apep) is the Great Serpent, enemy of the sun god Ra, in ancient Egyptian religion. The sun was Ra's great barge which sailed through the sky from dawn to dusk and then descended into the underworld. As it navigated through the darkness of night, it was attacked by Apophis who sought to kill Ra and prevent sunrise. On board the great ship a number of different gods and goddesses are depicted in differing eras as well as the justified dead and all of these helped fend off the serpent.
It's not just asteroids that are coming to Earth in our lifetime, Jesus is returning to earth too.
Benjamin Scott
>2029 This year is very close to the year AI predicted humanity will die.
Kevin Lopez
I hope it lands right on your house you fucking nigger
Leo Evans
The question is how major? An asteroid hit the sea off the coast of Siberia last December with over ten times the energy of Little Boy, and no one even noticed.
Brayden Sanders
>expect a major asteroid impact I demand it.
Mason Scott
More like at the end of this month.
Asher Peterson
>How are asteroids real If the earth was in danger the jews would just tilt the disc that we're on to save themselves
Evan Reed
Consecutive identical digits and it lands on Beijing.
Let's me guess: the only way to survive is to raise taxes and accept 2 millions space 'fugees?
Dominic Phillips
Depending on where it would strike this could be a good or bad thing.
Brody Nelson
Who cares, everyone dies eventually. So what if the majority of the population goes together.
Btw, the sun will mini nova in a few decades and the earth poles are currently shifting. We are fucked very soon regardless of what happens, just enjoy your life while you're here.
Against an asteroid about .5km, which I think this is supposed to be, you’ll just get buckshot instead of a slug impact. The thing to do, which is difficult, is slightly nudge it to alter its trajectory.
Dominic Gomez
Fuck off white boi
Ethan Baker
Is that a real picture? From where ? Mars ? Or just an 'artist illustration ?
Imagine the tech we'd have if the noses weren't constantly undermining western civilization and using their pet niggers as biological weapons against us
We would have colonized Mars and have a fucking spacefleet that could blow this shitty rock up with the push of a button but nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, can't have that goyim!
Jesus nothing is going to happen, NASA came out explaining it. Wait until 2027
Luke Perez
Nasa means to deceive in hebrew. Fuck this retarded kike shit, space like it's told in textbooks isn't real. I see the moon during the day constantly.
Jaxon Stewart
I thought it was 2024? What the fuck, why do I keep seeing different dates everywhere with no sources. It's almost as if no one actually knows what the fuck they're talking about.
Jack Clark
Is this why our great leader president Trump wanted to create a space force?
Kayden Robinson
>This year is very close to the year AI predicted humanity will die source?
Xavier Nelson
nasa: pls give us money and stop paying attention to spacex
Liam Reed
Who cares. The Jews are a bigger threat to humanity than a space rock.
Jordan Sanchez
>FFVII is manga becoming real.
Christian Edwards
>magine the tech we'd have if the noses weren't constantly undermining western civilization and using their pet niggers as biological weapons against us
When the fash had a country of their own they gave Werner von Braun, the greatest rocket scientist they had, a well-nigh unlimited budget devoted to building rocket-propelled bombs.
They couldn't even reliably get from Peenemunde to London without getting lost. It wasn't until decades later that the Americans managed to get anything to the Moon or Mars, and THAT wouldn't have worked if they hadn't had homosexuals (to invent the computer) and women (to program the computer).
Brandon Morales
Get to safety, user. Stock up on Clean Water and Water Purification Systems. Canned Food is great. Don't forget the Protein. Nuts help. If you don't have a dog, get one. Adopt a big dog and give it lots of treats and love. A big dog is more intimidating than your sword or knives, I promise. And bullets run out. Try to avoid fights and save your energy. If you can, print out a list of safe ways to prepare roadkill. Print out a list of safe things to eat (Dandelions, Earthworms, etc). Hunger is a force stronger than you can imagine. Don't take in friends. Family only. Unless those friends are capable of fending for themselves or contributing more to the group than they take, you cannot save everyone. The Elite will be in hidden bunkers that will probably be propped up as walled cities within a year or two. If you happen upon one they'll probably kill you. I'd suggest avoiding them but if you can get in and not die doing so that'll be your best bet at long-term survival. Food will run out in a matter of days. Water will be as fast or faster. Lack of these basic essentials will drive people literally mad. You must have enough food and water to sustain yourself for at least two weeks. After two weeks most people will be dead or on the verge of death. Those that aren't will probably be too weak to be a threat (Beware of Guns Though). Make sure you have good shoes. Make sure you have sturdy, thick, reliable winter clothes. Do not trust anyone that isn't White or East Asian. The Lower the IQ the lower the Impulse Control, the more likely they will be to attack you for your supplies. Try to avoid them. Whites and Asians also pose a threat but less so. You're more likely to find a successful group from one of those demographics.
TLDR: Food. Water (purifier). Weapon. Big Dog (Optional but recommended). High Quality Winter Clothes. Fire-Making utensils (Bag of Lighters).
Pretty much, there isn't anything to be done, at least not by me. I have the emergency supplies I have, I'll leave the rest up to the fates. If an asteroid kills me... well so be it I guess.
Once the great marker falls from the hoary abyss the time and stars will be right! The far city of rulyeh will rise from the benighted ocean it sank into.
Ia! Ia!
Mason Jackson
Just let it happen
William Bell
If that happens I'll probably laugh myself into a coma.
Type in "supercomputer predicted humanity's death in 2030-40". Weather it's a program or AI I dunno, but it said population will become too big, not enough resources, pollution will skyrocket by 2020. Stuff like that.
Levi Peterson
Hunter Morales
This is fucking retarded nonsense. While, over a long enough timeline, asteroids and comets can be said to strike the earth regularly enough to cause mass extinction events, they are sufficiently randomized that NASA are foolish to make fucktard statements like that one. >an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs...OMG, we're gonna be doomed when that happens again...and we're 65 million years overdue....aaaaaaargggghh! This is horseshit of the purest kind. We could go for another 100 million years without a major strike. Fact is, we probably had one a mere 12,000 years ago, which was the last big die-off. But we could get one tomorrow. No-one knows. No-one can currently predict the next one. Stop worrying.
Gavin Rogers
b-based swede?
Anthony Wood
>women and homosexuals are the reason we made it to space
This might be the dumbest thing I've read on Jow Forums
Wyatt Allen
>At 11:48 local time, an asteroid roughly 10 meters in diameter entered the atmosphere at a speed of 32.0 kilometres per second (72,000 mph), with a TNT equivalent energy of 173 kilotons, more than 10 times the power of the Little Boy bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.
How is that reassuring exactly? If something that small = 10 Hiroshima, imagine the rest...
maybe this is why aliens dont bother contacting us theyve run the simulations and know that the tech level we have is insufficient to stop whatever is happening so theres no point in reaching out since were all dead anyway