Will America ever become taken over by a fascist or socialist regime? Like how the Nazi's took power in Germany? Is that something that our democratic system will one day have to face? Perhaps even a coup?
Lincoln memorial has two big fasces under Abe's hands. Its in the white house and a thousand other govt buildings. Same symbol Mussolini the fascist used. Why is that now?
Jaxson Allen
>confusing campaign rhetoric designed to excite people with genuine revolution
Sanders says he's a socialist but socialism involves abolishing the wage system and he doesn't support that merely cooperatives. Sanders is nothing like Fidel or Hitler.
Christopher Gonzalez
>fascist or socialist regime cringe and gay
Christian Robinson
Because it's originally a Roman symbol and a lot of different people admired the Roman example.
Dominic Morris
If you think either socialism or Fascism is bad I worry about your future lol
Colton Brown
i wonder if you can even explain why fascism or socialism is good without sounding like a brainlet
>he disagrees with me so he must be stupid I'm not trying to convince you, you peanut brained nigger. I'm a Fascist but you can believe whatever you want idc lol
Samuel Thomas
Quite the opposite. The wheel of history turns in only one direction. Fascist, white supremacist and alt right are invented buzz words to divert attention as the nation lunges left wards.
Anthony Collins
>the nation lunges left wards >country has experienced tax cuts for the rich since reagan >bush tax cuts which obama extended then trump did his own tax cuts i guess tax cuts for the wealthy are left wing now
Colton Bailey
Trump is the most Jewish president of all time so it is not very likely at all.
Elijah Lewis
do you try hard to be this stupid? or does it just come naturally to you?
You expect others to do things for you like you don't even know the basics of how the fuck reality works. Your mother's teat is gone, there are no more handouts. Seizing power is something you must do yourselves.
Hunter Baker
>nazism >worry nothing to worry about unless you're a... oh my!
>Like how the Nazi's took power in Germany Consider the scope. By land area, Germany is between Montana and New Mexico. By population, 1939 Germany (after annexing Poland and Czechoslovakia) had an inflated census of 79.7 million. 2018 USA had an estimated 327 million. There is a lot more land to cover and a lot of uninterested people to act as a buffer against anything radical. Granted, propaganda can travel faster, but it can also be easily ignored. Where you might be on to something is the method in which the foot soldiers were indoctrinated. The name of the article escapes me, but there was a person here dropping pills and one of them was an article talking about how college grounds were the prime breeding spots of these believers. The students would join these unions and do stunts like block traffic and harass people who approached them, and the professors would encourage them. Judges who were in on it would also give lighter sentences for those caught doing something illegal. With the Antifa and BLM shit being stirred, it did start to look a little like this, but now that most people see the groups as hypocritical violent thugs, they are fighting a losing popularity contest. Despite the claims that "Democracy brought hitler to power", it was largely him getting chummy with the current administration and them giving him good PR as "the guy who's going to right the wrongs" (namely the strong dissatisfaction with Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles, mentioned by Hitler in Mein Kampf). Currently, the US has no such thing to rally together against, and most administrations are so populated and a mixed bag that getting chummy with even a third of them would take too long and not be nearly as fruitful as an outright coup. So, if there is a takeover, it will be soft, implemented policy by policy, district by district, until the people will not even notice. But people do notice, so it probably won't happen for a while yet.
Grayson Bennett
>waaaaa im so triggered >look how triggered I am >makes a terrorist group out of being triggered
David Reyes
lol ok?
You're seriously so boring what a boring response you were better off not even replying brainlet
Grayson Murphy
Not even a samefag of fascism user, but you are a spineless coward. Thinking his poking fun at you is actually an attempt to persuade you, and reacting like you take it seriously is stupid. Then when he explicitly says he's not trying to persuade you, you call him an idiot. That is some next level stupidity. Lastly, using logic is the best way to show someone that they can't stand up to scrutiny. And by forfeiting the game, you are showing that you a) are stupid and don't know the facts, b) know that the facts don't back you, or c) show that you are too juvenile to have a reasonable argument. I know I am proving his second mockery correct, but you are really proving to be the unreasonable one here. And you wonder why more people don't support shit movements like Antifa.
Aiden Rogers
>DO NOT REASON WITH FASCISTS This is completely retarded and why the left will ultimately fail, they're so scared of you even speaking to them and learning something that they tell you not to attempt to deradicalise them.