With the whole world just about making it illegal for a citizen to own a gun, what makes the USA different? Why do you believe Americans will never give up guns ?
With the whole world just about making it illegal for a citizen to own a gun, what makes the USA different...
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saturation is too high
plus muh freedoms
>what makes the USA different?
Go data mine somewhere else. It's not happening
fuc off
Well, we have it enshrined in our constution. But that will last only so long. Which is why the Jews want to flood America with 300 million shitskins who all think the white man is the enemy so they will vote to take away gun rights. Thats the plan. Then the Jews will unleash their muslim dogs to rape and burn.
Do you guys seriously believe 100 years from now Americans will still own guns? Conservatives never win long term battles, liberal policies always seem to win over time. Being conservative is preventing the inevitable.
fuck you
The truth hurts friend
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No one will know till some one comes and try’s to take the guns.
i have a shotgun and i am ok with with dat!!!!
i do not want to everyday blabla gun!
fuck off already with your weapons!
It will eventually happen. The world will also eventually be eaten by the sun in another few billion years. America will not last forever but while it's still in existence I will proudly call myself an American
Everything is an eventuality.
Fuck you Dutch piece of shit
There are a few reasons.
The biggest one being that there are so many guns here that no force exists that has the manpower to disarm Americans. As in even if you could magically make both the police and the military combined have the will to ransack every home in America to disarm, it would not be enough. Citizens would have them outmanned and outgunned by several orders of magnitude. We have more privately owned guns here than we have people.
The other thing is that white people know damned well the reason for the desire to disarm us and view it as basically our doom were it to ever happen.
And the third thing is that both the police and the military are vast majority pro 2A. I've heard vets say things like they'd frag their CO if they ordered them to disarm a suburban family.
>fuck you
Based Russian bro-ski
Because the corrupt leftist politicians will have to pry our guns from our cold dead hands on the battlefield.
because only 1/3 of Australians gave up their guns in the buy back
You're sick mother fucker.
It’s a larp. No one wants to miss the Super Bowl over their gun rights.
They won't.
Conservative values are whatever the left was pushing 10-15 years ago. Conservatives are a joke and their only purpose is to prevent whites from tribalizing and voting for their own self interests. A containment apparatus for morons and ZOGcucks.
>I've heard vets say things like they'd frag their CO if they ordered them to disarm a suburban family.
This applies to the army but it would be the police that would do the disarming. Police are cucks and most gun owners are bootlicking fudds.
did you change with your fucking guns anything?
your country is fucking zionist shithole even more
Gun owners like to talk that tough guy shit but when they say “now listen here BillyBob, if you don’t hand over that there gun there’ll be no more porn, football, and cold beer whenever you want.”
“Ah Hell, if that’s the case then here...”
Unlawful order. We're here to protect and defend the people and the constitution of the United States of America. Soldiers have a DUTY TO DISOBEY unlawful orders. Every legal section is going to strongly push that.
Lower-end estimates include that byDavid Hemenway, a professor of Health Policy at the Harvard School of Public Health, which estimated approximately 55,000–80,000 such uses each year.[8][9]
Compared to
In 2012, there were 8,855 total firearm-related homicides in the United States, with 6,371 of those attributed to handguns.[9]In 2012, 64% of all gun-related deaths in the U.S. were suicides.[10]In 2010, there were 19,392 firearm-related suicides, and 11,078 firearm-related homicides in the U.S.[11]In 2010, 358 murders were reported involving ariflewhile 6,009 were reported involving ahandgun; another 1,939 were reported with an unspecified type of firearm.[12]
Remind me again why these retards want to ban guns. Defensive gun use far outpaces gun homicides, even on the LOW END of estimates made by leftist college professors. These stats are gun grabber kryptonite.
There are 4 kinds of anti-gunner.
>The person who just doesn't know about the subject, so they just repeat whatever talking points they heard growing up
>The stupid person who has actually been educated on the subject, but it went in one ear and out the other
>The crazy person with an increasingly tenuous grip on reality that projects their insanity onto other people as a defense mechanism
>The evil person who wants disarmed victims
You talk to the first, ridicule the second, lock up the third and fucking shoot the fourth.
Anybody STILL genuinely believe that banning guns is going to help anything?
Eh, in restrictive states the amount of flagrant ignoring of gun laws seems to be pretty high.
Oh they might think they'd never give them up but they will and it won't be long either
Can you summarize this data dump for us?
>Soldiers have a DUTY TO DISOBEY unlawful orders
That's completely fine. You won't receive any such orders. Soldiers will have no part whatsoever in disarming the public. This will be carried out be law enforcement which have no problem with following any orders.
We have guns but not the bullets. You have to have at least 3,000 rounds stored up. Even that is small time. The government has BILLIONS of rounds stored up. Then when the government comes they will takes guns one family at a time and no neighbor will stand for you. They will just see cops and feds and you being pulled out of your house. Will they come out and put the TRAITORS is a crossfire? NOPE. Then when they come knocking it will be all over for the neighbors. One by one...the cucks will be picked off. The only way to truly make a stand is to form local militias and TRAIN to lay down fire on federal officers if they don't back down. If they do back down...they must be disarmed and put in jail for terrorism. You can't just make a stand, you have to take their pawns off the board. One way....or another.
My elected sheriff is going to listen to some shithead politicians from 3000 miles away and go door to door confiscating firearms from lawful citizens who gave him his job?
You are fucking funny.
P.S. I live in a county with free to use taxpayer funded gun ranges.
Cthulhu only swims left.
(The DIstributist on Moldbug. It's an hour and 15 minutes, but it's an investment.):
>Why do you believe Americans will never give up guns ?
They made cocaine and heroin illegal too, but we have not given that up now have we?
Who still watches nigger ball???? Ohh that's right...a bunch of fat white cucked men circle jerk with high fives as their women think about mandigo cock.
Literally THIS
You might like this. Heritage Foundatin is cucking to some Jewish feminists
Cold dead hands etc.
First this entire quaint system of
>elected sheriff
will be abolished by captive state legislatures. Do you really think it won't happen?
Guns for Beer exchange might actually work. America is fucking weak. Can't even stop fat hispanic women from wobbling across our border with 6 nigglets tied to her kankles.
It's one thing that we manage to not be very cucked over.
You are a funny fucking foreigner.
Thanks for the laugh.
The ATF is stacked with the most degenerate fucktards this nation can produce. Basically psychopaths. These are the degenerates that will be knocking at the door like the Gestapo.
Diversity certainly isn't going to lower crime. There were over 60,000 gun homicides in Brazil. More white people...less gun violence. Less white people, MORE gun violence. There is a correlation.
Its more of a logistical issue. Pretty easy to keep the cost of ammo high, ban hording ammo, and the civilian gun companies are more than happy to sell planned obsolescence shit guns with arbitrarily difficult to repair and maintain designs. Bear in mind, at least 9% of the pop requires refrigerated insulin every day. Who knows how much of the pop requires other daily medicine, so gun grabbers could pretty easily create economic pressure, trade your gun collection for medicine/food if they wanted to go full 1984. Even thats a bit of a fantasy, half the pop pays no taxes and requires constant help from government to feed itself anyway.
>5,113 employees
user understands the coming social credit system well. They will simply make you all dependent and enslaved. Then they will punish you if you don't comply by simply making it impossible for you to buy your smokes at the gas station or ban you from airplanes etc. The people of China are already going through this. Eventually you will beg to hand over your guns or simply kill yourself. Either way the KIKEY Globo/homo alliance wins.
Yes, we should have the same gun laws in Europe.
There are just too many as well as too many with them who know how to use them effectively. Commie takeovers only work in lands where the bulk of the population are peasants/serfs already. White Americans have never been either. Outside of cucked large cities white America is still free and will remain so.
>Why do you believe Americans will never give up guns ?
Because then they wouldn't be Americans...would they?
Oh the tyrants will one day strip everyone living on the lands now called "America" of their guns....but they won't be Americans...and I won't live to see it because I am going to kill the motherfuckers that try to take my guns.
It's full of Americans.
Well, mostly.
we arent victims like eurocucks
There are a quarter million cops in the entire country.
How does a person even get this deluded?
Are you even from here? Have you talked to any Americans? I don't think you understand how deep our gun/anti-gov culture is mane
The constitution is nearly impossible to amend.
Because it makes money for the elites. They sell them to the enemies of the USA as well.
Nah even the most braindead redneck motherfuckers religiously and belligerently cling to guns here (midwest state). No way in hell people would give the cops their guns
Even in the liberal shitholes, no one obeys gun laws.
Not giving up my liberty teeth anytime soon.
Anons, get a rifle. Learn some basics. And teach your kids to shoot. This shit be important.
Have you been in a 25 year coma?
you would run out of cops really fast
Its about like illegal immigrants. Too many to realistically find and get rid of. They are here to stay. That and there are plenty of burgers still that would be pretty confrontational if authorities wanted to take em. Not a good look for any government.
come try and take mine, see how it turns out for you.
Doesnt matter, you are missing the main point: Americans have been rendered docile. They have no passion or anger anymore. They don't even listen to music anymore.
People are so gone here, in fact, that they are 100% for themselves now. Nobody gives a shit about anyone except themselves anymore. Everyone is just trying to save themselves financially, that's it. They are all on meds, energy drinks, aspartame gum, coffee, soda... they are not even human anymore.
So how can a revolution start if there's no deep-seated anger? How can it start if they are not human anymore?
It's a cultural thing. The United States has a unique culture, and that's why they're trying to eliminate any semblance of culture anywhere.
And even in the aforementioned liberal shitholes, cops have little interest in putting their dicks on the line to enforce the laws.
There aren't that many cops
And Sheriff's and deputies wouldn't ever take guns.
The only places that gun confiscation might work would be gay ass cities.
This. They could ban them tomorrow and they would still have half a billion guns in circulation... Id say America firearms black market is not really a problem. Ban guns or restrict them and you've created another career for criminals....in Australia it works like this. Before 96 walk to gun shop buy mini14 pay cash walk out. After 96 the government band ownership of semi automatic rifles now you don't go to a gun shop you go to the black market. You pay 6 times as much as you would in the states but what ever you got cash for you can buy. Laws just stopped people buy those guns from a gun shop... when you live in a country that only check's 0.02 % of shipping containers entering Australia the business is booming.
uhhhh if the government were to do something so drastic like start confiscating everybody's guns the military would definitely get involved, NG being the first
This. Your neighbors are fucking autistic now. Everyone turned evil.
Doing what? Arresting gun grabbers?
>The government has BILLIONS of rounds stored up
Sounds like armories are the first thing to seize from them.
More like depots. After that you wanna aggressively hunt Air Force personnel and their families. Not that I'd ever do that. God bless the Federal Government.
>Do you guys seriously believe 100 years from now Americans will still own guns?
Yes, but I think future generations will just not care about guns, hunting, shooting sports in general etc and gun makers will mostly fall victim to issues of economics due to low sales. I figure we will still have a couple of brands but they will be mega corps who have gobbled up other name brand gun makers.
I also think Auto racing is going to also fade away as we move to self driving cars and people don't see the skill or care about high power cars being driven with the risk of human error on a race track.
To assist in the confiscation efforts. A national emergency would be called due to the gravity of the situation, especially if cops started getting shot. They would be ordered to keep control of unrest and would be forced to participate in confiscation one way or the other.
In theory anyway.
>Americans will never give up guns
Not only that, but lawful gun owners are largely pro-police, so coming after us would be like shooting themselves in the foot with pic related.
You understand that the military hates you even more than you hate them, right?
Americans typically just ignore laws they don't like, which doesn't generate anger.
observing what has happened to other countries now that they have given up their huns
We're Americans, not Cuck ass Bongaloids.
Gun laws are actually one category where conservatives are winning overall. Even with how flared up the "debate" is in the media, laws have been loosening up for the most part across the country not getting stricter. The way the media is able to frame things just makes it seem like things are taking a worse turn than they really are.
It's the American spirit of the free and the brave, they'll never give them away other than by being forcibly taken off their cold corpses.
>what makes the USA different?
The rest of the world sucks dicks lmao
You want to know what it would look like? The Hugh's amendment. That's what it would look like. Just stop people from buying and selling put a lot of money into social brainwashing via mainstream and just wait 2 generations to pass everyone's against guns. Yeah there will be a massive back market but it will be like Australia slowly brainwashing the population yet the die hard gun owners in Australia are vilified and treated like absolute shit by the government and their other countryman... My advice is Join Goa join NRA get vocal introduce as many people as you can to the freedom that owning a gun gives you.
you understand that you're a brainlet fucking retard and have absolutely no idea about what you ever talk about here right
ok I'll watch
This is the jews ultimate plan. They play the long game. No one is gonna kick down your door and take your guns, they will just turn your son into a tranny that doesn't give a fuck about firearms.
>those are rookie numbers
Do you even know how the US works? Our entire country is not just urban centers. You're a dumb cunt. Even dumber if you think city and state police are able to control entire counties.
Americans believe every human has a right to defend themselves..i understand if you are a dumbfuck…
Yeah, you're probably right. Those guys you spit on and call welfare leeches every day are really looking forward to going door to door killing their friends and families for you.
Congrats on the most retarded post
I worry. It seems like every day most people get more and more apathetic about this shit. A gun grab will never happen. They'll just eat away at 2A over a long period of time until there's nothing left.