i know we have a lot more memes about Stealing the Pride flag from fags. anyone got some? anyone got some OC? anyone want to help make more?
i loved the idea
i know we have a lot more memes about Stealing the Pride flag from fags. anyone got some? anyone got some OC? anyone want to help make more?
i loved the idea
We need a definitive plan on how to slowly and nonchalantly integrate the meme into Twitter.
the way that comes to my mind, is to like 10 twitter accounts, then to just flood the memes into "the right" places.
but i dont know where the best places to spam the memes would be?
i know another group has been flooding Whisper.
Kik should be easy to make a trash account to spam random GCs?
This is some great stuff
I got a few.
This one is a good one. It Translations, but some of them might need edits??
Only race mix with races you want to associate with. You may think to yourself wow this black girl is really hot, well if it gets serious you get her brothers, her mother, her sisters, uncles etc. And maybe even an estranged dad. Is that something you want to get into? Think about it. It's not just race I tell people. It's culture. If you're white and you date a Japanese girl that has to be a race/culture You like. Japan is a nice ethno state and if you're white you will be treated as a 2nd citizen so either put up with it or shut up. My dad is technically white, but a different culture from my mom. Armenian growing up under Soviet union rule, moved to United States, meets American white woman. My mom who is English, German and Irish. There was a bit of a culture clash. Both being Christian helped. Yeah I know it's a strange mix that isn't common. My mom had blue eyes light brown hair. I have green eyes brown hair, white skin.
Kys dumb nigger
Jow Forums groups on whisper:
Whisper groups:
Honk Honk, we live in a society,
Frog Nationalist
Diversity and love
This would probably be great on Whisper. It's extra subtle.
whisper edition
I like that one.
A Happy Place for every Human Race!
We could just take hundreds of random rainbow pics, and slap a Hashtag or subtle symbol on it.
The Rainbow is ours, so every rainbow should have at least ONE of our logos
Yes, where is the a e s t h e t i c ?
damn, we need more of that~!
also gets, PRAISE KEK!!
a lot going on in that one, ive been looking at it, but it seems extra abstract?
safe spaces
thats good.
cmon guys spelling mistakes are shabby
i wonder if anyone will catch the pally girl kek
the feels
This could work
pro tip the Fag flag has 6 colours
but the real rainbow has 7 colours
Rainbow is a social construct
How would someone go about making that type of edit? Everyway I think of would just look bad
you're a social construct.
This one needs some edits too.
i wonder if that would look better if we had a ginger girl with some kinda of Pride expression, like a flag or culture cloths.
adding some style or background art? make it Printout Poster material?
to be clear i absolutely love these idea, but what if we made it better?
Yeah I could remake them to be more 1488
what is this one saying? All women are dykes and you can see it in their eyes?
That whites are more color Diverse than Niggers.
I don't think a normalfag would pick that up with that one.
just looks like white lesbian pride to me.
None of the look like lesbians. Which one do you think does? It means white people are colorful.
Blacks have lost genetic information. Let Ken Ham explain.
This is a long video but you can skip forward to the genes demonstration. Ken Ham posits that animal subspecies have less genetic information than their common ancestors in an attempt to prove that races don't exist. He uses wolves -> poodles as an example (wolves can turn into many different types of dog, but poodles can't turn back into wolves).
If you apply his science to humans then it looks like whites are the closest genetically to the Adamic race while the brown races have devolved into "specialized" sub-races, fit for their environment.
Whites have the most genetic diversity (eye color, hair color, facial feature shapes, etc), we can also vary our skin color depending on how much sun we expose ourselves too (we've all seen that white leathery granny at the beach with a deep niggerskin tan). Non-whites have lost this genetic information that is why they all have black hair and brown eyes and brown skin.
This theory lines up with Genesis perfectly.
they all look like they wanna eat each other out to me.
this number scares me. I have a small collection of 444 sightings. What does it mean?
>look at clock. see 4:44
>look at license plate. See 4444
>Look at phone number. See 4444
Seriously guys. Wtf.
what is this "whisper" sh*t, can you please stop?
>can you please stop
Let KeK guide you user, and PRAISE!!!!
Those are dank double twinsie trips
Holy checked
Well boys... So I am planning on making about 2000 various propaganda stickers around the size of 3.25 X 4.25 (similar ratio to 8X11 paper). Im doing 500 IOTBW because thats what the project was originally surrounding, but I have decided I really like this idea and would like to add it to cultural subversion portfolio.
This one so far really hits me as ready for prime time normie fucking. Other suggestions for best sticker choice? I haven't been following FAG for a week or so and haven't seen the newest shite.
ill post a line of the best stuff i got, this one has a set of like 12 or more. i only got the one.
if you look into the archives you could probably find a thread chain.
this one is good. it could work as a small logo as well.
Every June is pride month, spread these rainbow diversity memes everywhere on that month. I’m talking Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, imgr, even Reddit! Make them see it
Does any one have the ones for whisper?
i took a couple to use as bait and it worked really well and i would like some more.