What's there to fight for? To look forward to?

It feels like there's no hope left. All of our countries are being destroyed. The only jobs available pay terribly. The good jobs require lots of education which means debt and you're not even guaranteed a job after. In order to buy a house you need to put yourself in more debt. The women we're supposed to have children with are total whores. Our faiths are cucked. What is there left? What is there to fight for? What is there to look forward to? "I'm so despondent about everything. Everything I try goes totally wrong. There's no escape from this hole here. I feel drained. So far, I still haven't found a real purpose in life. Sometimes, I'm afraid to get out of bed in the morning. There's nothing to get up for" - Joseph Goebbels.

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lol incel

>Meme flag

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we fight for freedom
remember the alamo, boys

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> 1 post by this ID

In all fields

> What's there to fight for?

I would post it, but can't as I would go to jail if I did.

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How do we even begin to fight? Where do we start? The only thing I can think of is fighting to change the Church, bringing back the tradition. Maybe then we can put up a fight.

Are you talking about me or memeflag?

What kind of sick shit do you want to do Hans?

living for...

pro: feels good to slay, keeps you manly
con: you become a hedonist brofag

pro: comfortable living, earthly power
con: you become a fake unfulfilled fuck

pro: you become a badass by doing hero shit like elite military service or chad sports
con: your body and mind get fucked up during the journey to greatness

pro: people love you and think you're a saint with all that altruism and generosity
con: everyone takes advantage of you and nothing changes

pro: you know "the truth" and have a structured life as a result
con: you based your entire life around fake shit and wasted it

pro: you get knowledgeable on real shit
con: you become a cynical, no-fun fuck

pro: you see things as they are -- absurd
con: none, unless you count complete freedom as a drawback

Get a trade skill. Find a white woman. They are out there. Create a family. Prepare for hard times. They are a coming.

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fuck off cuck we have Trump to fight for now MAGA

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forgot one

pro: some stability at home, and you get to pass on your genes
con: your wife probably divorces you, your kids end up hating you if they don't get born fucked up, and you spend the rest of your life thinking "what if i just stayed single"

Fuck off MIGA shill

What trade though?

Lol. Thinking this world has any meaning beyond a bunch of lobsters fighting for position in the tank, before they are chosen to be boiled and eaten. This is clown world faggot. There is no right and wrong, no free will, nothing that means anything. There is only one enemy, and that is the one who created this prison. The gesticulations of a tortured humanity will mean nothing until they unite to destroy the creator.

>The gesticulations of a tortured humanity will mean nothing until they unite to destroy the creator.

ok then how do we do that u fucking nigger

And also
pro: muthafucking robots and computer vision, which make you ascend and understand nature more and more, because of IR, ultraviolet, ultrasound and etc.
con: no mechadendrite tentacles for selfpleasuring at a tentacle porn, because you are now man of steel and need to preserve energy for making new devices and technologies

“We are born into this time and must bravely follow the path to the destined end. There is no other way. Our duty is to hold on to the lost position, without hope, without rescue, like that Roman soldier whose bones were found in front of a door in Pompeii, who, during the eruption of Vesuvius, died at his post because they forgot to relieve him. That is greatness. That is what it means to be a thoroughbred. The honorable end is the one thing that can not be taken from a man.”

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> 1 post by this ID

Please explain this meme.

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Start with yourself, then move to your community...be an active member of your community. teach the youth how to act and shape them.

How do I start with myself?


Canada was a mistake

read, study, work out. live with the principals the west has had and stick to them even if you end up being the only one who has them. Live like a western man and die as a western man.
and that means start by understanding what the west was when it was being formed and began to become it's own civilization. you need to understand your own history and culture.

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I understand western history very well, I just don't see much of a point in living like one knowing that it will fall.

Back in 2016 I was so hopeful when Trump got elected. That things would finally change, and that the tide of history would be turned in our favor.

But as if to spite us for our hubris, everything turned around completely. Trump today is the biggest kike puppet in US history, Euroskepticism has started to die out since its peak in 2015/2016 and Canada can only choose between Trudeau and Trudeau-lite.

There's nothing to look forward to, nothing to be hopeful about anymore. The things you're fighting for today will be long gone in 100 years.

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You're preaching to the choir, I thought Brexit would be the spark and Trump the flame. But the (((EU))) wins again and Trump shows his true colors. The worst part is that the shills just keep believing. I tried to explain to my family that Trump is a kike puppet and my family said " he can't get anything done because of congress, he's doing his best". I sometimes feel like there's no point.

because it's not about winning or losing. Its not about going to the stars it's about being human, and that means being a part of your culture. Even when it begins to unravel and stagnate and fall apart. Even if the people who are supposed to be the west turn their back on their own culture you stand and fight by refusing to change. You die like a thoroughbred. A boy would loot and run as Pompeii burns a coward would run, a woman would lose hope and a fool would be trampled.
but a true roman would die standing in his Armour watching guard. He would refuse to be anything else than a roman legionary dying like a roman legionary should. If you really care about the west it's not about winning some battle against it's decay you will always lose that battle as every civilization has. If you really care you will carry on the torch of tradition and if it goes out you go out with it. If the world collapses around you stand firm and don't move an inch. Other weak people will crack as has happened recently don't be like them. Stand firm and sure. Be the west that you care about.

The US is just about to start a war in Venezuela that will cause a huge refugee crisis to America and Canada. This is something I noticed they do often. They start wars not for hegemony, but rather because it creates a source of refugees/immigrants to genocide/replace white people.

Look after the Vietnam war, countless boat people came here. Then after the Iraq war tens of thousands have fled here. Then after the Syrian war there was a refugee crisis of over 2 million people. Now they want to do the same in Venezuela. And you know what? This is barely Trump's 1st term, once he enters his second term, it's over. Trump and his neocon-filled cabinet will unleash all hell.

There's no fucking hope for anything. I'm not saying this to you directly, but fuck you America. I sincerely hope Russia somehow saves us all.

>Be the west that you care about
Damn that's deep. Unfortunately the career that makes me happy requires me to go into massive debt in order to be qualified to work. It's not something I'm willing to do. Perhaps I can learn a trade that makes me happy and get involved in my community.

This image fulfills part 1 of the prophecy. Part 2 is coming in a few years.

I never thought about it like that, but very interesting conspiracy theory. Maybe that's why most of Europe was on board with a war in Iraq. They knew it would be difficult to replace their aging populations, so a destabilization would create generations upon generations. And fat chance of Russia being the savior, the country is a total dump with rampant corruption and degeneracy.

Is it really a conspiracy theory though? Don't you think it's weird that Europe supported the civil war in Syria despite knowing it would create a large refugee crisis towards European countries? Like who the fuck would do that...

I don't consider myself a racist. I don't blame the Vietnamese, Syrians, Afghans, etc who come to our countries, because if I was in their position, I'd have done the same. The people I do blame are the US neocons who start wars and refugee crises all around the world. I just want people to live in peace in their countries and not keep migrating so much.

I bear 0 hatred towards the immigrants that come here. Those that I truly hate are our leaders that let them in. Whites in Canada will become a minority by like 2040, and by 2100 we will probably be 15% of the population. The world you knew and loved won't exist anymore.

it isn't done specifically to target 'white people'. it is done to increase the labor base. for example, the 'truck driver shortage' that was so heavily reported last year didn't mean that there were no people willing to drive trucks - it meant that there were no people willing to drive trucks at the wages companies were willing to pay. solution: bring in workers who are willing to do the work for the pay offered.
if we can bring the third world sweatshops here, we can save on shipping - which will create more value for american consumers!

No, it actually makes a lot of sense. I want that too and I also want every globalist piece of shit to be hanged. But let's face it, we're too far gone. Our citizens are shills and Putin isn't gonna spend God knows how much money and lives to invade Europe and North America to brain shills.

>What is there to fight for?
Vengeance. For all that has been lost.

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Exactly, the kikes produce their products for cheap and the boomers spend their life savings buying them. And the cycle goes on and on and on until there's nothing left.

Good argument there, cheap labor definitely is a factor. But the thing is that if what you're saying is true then all they could've done was a temporary foreign worker program instead of immigration. Bring in workers from abroad and have them leave after they're done. Japan does this with migrants from China and Vietnam.

Sadly it's not only about the economy but also ethnic demographics. The few Arab countries that fell for this "cheap labor" trap like Saudi Arabia have already gone full 180 and have basically banned foreign cheap labor, giving the jobs to locals instead. Why we haven't done that yet is beyond me.

I guess what pisses me off the most is that Trump and Brexit actually gave me hope for the future, and now I'm just so disappointed that I wish I never had any hope to begin with. Feels really bad knowing you've been fooled.


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There's nothing to avenge it's all gone now.

Agreed, it was stupid to think that our (((democratic vote))) was really gonna make an impact. To be honest I don't even want to vote anymore.

What's this New France shit that people keep shilling?

Goebbels def was not an incel, he had what, 5 kids? Lmao you're the incel, jacob.

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The only hope now is War and the destruction of the Elite.

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