Who's going to win?

Who's going to win?

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Imagine thinking that Russia is able to maintain a sizeable military force across the Atlantic

not venezuela

I wish someone would say who Venezuela is actually for. Everytime you see a Venezuela flag commenting it's either or.

fixed that for you op

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The CIA has failed to overthrow Venezuela's government since 2002. Not a good track record.

heres your (you)

The USA side needs an Israeli flag on it

Nigger, who do you think installed Madero?


Imagine seriously thinking that Russia or america will start to openly fight each other in Venezuela.
Russia don't need huge forces there, just consultants and small numbers of special forces are enough - they just need to keep borders closed to not let america to deliver weapon or means to make weapon, and keep opposition under control.

Oy vey goyim if you close the border how will the refugees escape to safety?

And Saudi flag.

The cuban flag too

>Saddam Plantain vs. Barack 'The Rock" Johnson
They're both CIA.

Small numbers of consultants are not enough to seal the borders of a nation the size of Venezuela.

All dirty work local forces will do for sure. Consultants are needed to consult Maduro's government how to deal with situation in current moment. Russian intelligence learned a lot about CIA methods of doing revolutions around the world.

>implying China isn't doing the consulting, while Russia is merely pretending to do the consulting

I mean, it's literally the other side of the coin with us. We're not the real masterminds behind Gaido, either.


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Gaydough already lost, accept it. Now fuck off CIA Niggers

I wouldn't even say the jews.

True Americans don't support this coup. You're confusing the average American with the Anglo-Zionist alliance.

i don't like makow but i like his fan fiction.

nah, israel would never come to our defense.
We only defend them, not vice versa. We are jewed af

Russia and China might bark, but they won't bite. There's nothing they want from Venezuela except for the gold (that they are already taking). Venezuela has lots of debts with this two countries, if Maduro fall, the country will be able to be rebuild and pay.
Colombia is eager to invade and kill everyone from the regime, but they just don't have enough power to do it. Brazil's military was destroyed after a couple decades of disguised socialism, they should be able to solve the situation by themselves, but wight now they lack the power (which is particularly bad due to anti-air defense Russia send to Ven.).
It all depends on USA, which will have the support of Bra. and Col., but they need the excuse to invade. Luckily, Maduro seems dumb enough to eventually give such excuse.
Events of today might make things easier.

>nah, israel would never come to our defense.

(((They))) are the mastermind behind this conflict tho.

Israel flag must be included in the Meme.

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If by win you mean another 20 year quagmire and never ending brown invasion.
The U.S. for sure.

>not Israel on both sides

When has Russia ever won? Which country has bases all over the world again due to its global dominance? Oh yeah.

>tfw you don't know if you hate commies, the cia, or the russia-chink alliance more.

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