SOPH is under attack by a fat Jewish devil horned journalist that is harassing her and her family.


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Other urls found in this thread:


more eceleb horse shit for my filter, thanks for the heads up


she's the only good e-celebrity that's spammed on this board so i dont mind it
if i had a twitternorm i would follow her

There is absolutely no reason you are watching a little girl spew prepackaged alt right political opinions unless you are a pedo.


>arguments are determined by age

We have a genius here.

shes 26


Also fuck your green text niggers

>>I can beat 14 year old Magnus Carlson in chess

Yeah, no you can't.

Keep crying about how scared you are we're being weaponized for the upcoming Crusades. What are you going to do, tell me to watch Contrapoints? Kill yourself faggot.


Millenial confirmed. Shouldn't you be atplebbit faggot instead of ragging on Gen-Z pollacks?

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make the eyes glow red

You would be ok with the voting age be 13 or even lower then?

kys you fucking lolispammer, if a 12 yo girl can explain your political philosophy you're a fucking retard

Everyone should be required to take an IQ test to vote. If they perform above the minimum threshold, why shouldn't they be allowed to vote?

Everyone needs to hit up JRE and have him get her on his podcast.

You sound coherent.

>automatically dq 99% of right wingers from voting
Alright with me

fuck, that would be so good. please do that

This faggot has never seen Wondershowzen.

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>libtards agreeing with Jim Crow laws

>There is absolutely no reason you are watching a little girl spew prepackaged alt right political opinions unless you are a pedo.

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The boomer fears gen z.

Stop this divide and conquer bullshit tranny shill. ecelebs spread redpills to the masses.

be sure to filter out everything so your safe space can contain no interesting thoughts
then kys faggot

She is smarter than you. Proof is your words.

Redpilled newfag. Good having you brother.

She can clearly handle this on her own

Is this loli sam hyde?

When I was 12, I was a nazi.

lots of pedos in this thread



>Don't even try to pay attention to the younger generation, goy
>We'll look after them for you

buddy we're not the party that caters to niggers

You do realize it would be 80% white, 15% asian, and blacks and browns are the other 5% in this scenario. You totally underestimate whites. All blacks I have ever met or seen are on the same level of intelligence or below as the dumbest whites I have ever met, who are hard drug addicts.

The eternal anglo

Gonna use the weirding way to send the kikes right into a sand worm's maw.

My local drug dealer is smarter than Neil degrasse tyson.

Do you know why?

My local drug dealer has at least 1 gun and hates niggers.

Subtle... hopefully not too much. This last video really seems to be testing the limits of (((YouTube))).

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israel is our ally. Even questioning jews for what they've done shan't go unpunished! They are the patriots whom built america to greatness should be b&

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If anyone hasn’t read soph’s response, it’s pretty good
Anyone got more of Talia’s greatest hits?

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Wait that was jews? I thought it was Africans who were enslaved to “build America”

Stop monitoring a little girl you fucking creep, you deserve gas

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Then I will explain myself. The Jewish Question is an evolutionary, statistical effect. It is not a conspiracy. There are many groups in the world, conspiring for various aims, but this is not the Jewish Question.

The Jewish Question is average group behavior, and it is a problem to be solved by exterminating the group.

environment --> genetics --> culture --> politics


Read the article, and then I will try to help you.

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I'm not reading that, incel

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>chick in Kiev

Ukrainian girls are so pretty but why is the entirety of East Slavic Europe kiked?

Who gives a fuck about a child talking politics? Their opinion belongs in a fucking trashcan

Stop covering for your newfaggotry, faggot. Admit you don't know wtf you're doing.

Then fuck off, Dane.

get help, pedo

If he's a pedo he'd be getting some though.
Incel or pedo?

You are such a fool.

yall know she is related to and works for shapiro?

Attached: benshapiro2_hdv.jpg (1000x563, 90K)

It's a different guy you idiot

I like how everything they call "alt right" or "nazi" just becomes part of normal culture. Leftists did this with their censorship and other bullshit. They created this future and now they're going to have to live in it. This isn't Obamaland anymore and it never will be. A whole generation just crushed their dreams of a liberal progressive future that they were so certain they were going to have and it's beautiful. The left lost the culture war and every other war. Get used to it leftists cause there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. There will be no "revolution" for you. They are terrified of gen z and they should be. Welcome to the times.

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see If you can't see others watching a video of a girl in any other way then pedophilic, then it's quite likely you're projecting. Given your country, it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest, Dane.

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She's never addressed the JQ. Therefore, just another kiddo e celeb.

ID M6Rm8ZlZ only has 2 posts.
Looks to me like you responded as if they were the same person and only just realized this yourself.

If you get your political views from a 12 yo girl I'd also tell you to kys

Fuck off /ptg/

>wants a 14 yo girl to talk about a Jewish conspiracy and ruin her life forever
Predatory behavior. What she is doing now is more than adequate.

>reading between imaginary lines
imagine my shock

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One of the reasons they won't let anyone under 35 be president is because they would be too young to form stable long term political opinions, but by all means, a 12 year old girl is someone to follow.

Agreeing with segregationists to OWN THE NAUGHTZEEZ

>Human trash

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Based. I just came back from 7/11 and I saw these two zoomer kids wearing MAGA hats. And i'm in fucking Canada. The pants they were wearing were pretty gay though, but I can forgive them, it's the christian thing to do.

Anyway it seems like this shilling effort has started to coincide with the start of the next election cycle. Shills are terrified that these e-celebs will have even bigger of an impact on swaying the vote than they did last election. ESPECIALLY with the zoomer crowd, many of them who weren't old enough to vote in the last election, but will be this election.

these threads are amazing just because how butt-blasted some anons gets over a 14yo grill shitposting.

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yet I notice you didn't deny now who's human trash?

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Man you’re one dense motherfucker aren’t you.

/ourgirl/ would be an android sex bot.

Are you blind?

>Any young person with an incorrect opinion was obviously groomed to say that by pedo nazis.
>Hollywood? Never mind what goes on there.

>One of the reasons they won't let anyone under 35 be president is because they would be too young to form stable long term political opinions, but by all means, a 12 year old girl is someone to follow.

Nobody goes to her for political views other than zoomers themselves. But it's nice to see someone so young already be able to have a large crowd while spouting common sense to the next generation. The more the word gets out about leftism as a cancer, the better.

Like I said, reading between imaginary lines. You can't even see it. It's also not a denial.

I thought Scandinavians were supposed to be pretty good at English?

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sorry, that was
meant for

Fucking this. Someone is feeding this girl her information.

Why is there always one person in these threads with an absolute hard on to discredit people making funny and positive content

She looks like she would be James allsups's little sister

Yea she does seem kind of on the fence about racial issues. We need a little more redpill on that.

Here's the thing, and you guys know this. She's regurgitating the basic shit we already know, just like that cunt Lauren Southern. Thing is, because of the way the girl looks, retards fawn over her. Without that signature gimmick, nobody would care about her, and most of you who like her, merely like her for her loli face. That's the definition of beta orbiter, much like the ones who like Twitch streamers.

I know Milo turned out to be trash but there's no doubt he had a huge influence especially on the zoomer crowd for the short period of his fame. They are terrified of the next Milo etc... And they're in full force trying to stop it without realising that they're only helping our cause. The future scares them and it should. Media trust is at all time lows and Guys like Pewdiepie have a bigger audience and more influence than the media and they can't stand the fact that they don't control the narrative anymore.

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>Mixes up Canadian and Danish flag
Not only are you ameritards pedos, you're also braindead

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New shill tactic is to try to convince anons that Jews have Godlike powers over reality itself and when any event no matter how minute happens, it was the doing of CIA or MOSSAD or whatever.

>making funny and positive content
Fuck you, this is Jow Forums - we hate everyone, toughen up kid

>thinking that a misclick negates my point that you're a pedo projecting

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There are plenty of girls on the internet who make right wing content. Is it really that unbelievable that her content is actually legitimately funny? Whether she writes it or not, I actually laugh at most of these videos.


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You're dealing with /ptg/ posters and those who are part of the Facebook page cult. People who share, not post, libertarian "own da libs" memes that are really nothing, aside from being entertainment with a political motif.

>doesn't have a Jow Forums pass and can't into greentext

I'm just questioning the absolute vigor you come at this with. You're zealots about railroading anyone who makes good content.



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But why have an entire thread dedicated to her and wanting a personal cult army to defend her ass? She's just entertainment, right?

>There are plenty of girls on the internet who make right wing content

Because they have a market. It's no different than a girl being a "gamer" wanting to get views and support from geeks.

I like to order a pizza to eat while I'm watching.

Attached: just ordered one.jpg (645x645, 86K)

>because they have a market
Yeah, but I don't watch literally any of them. I mean 0, besides her, because this shit is actually funny.

She's actually very funny.