When did American leftists stop protesting against corporations, big banks, free trade, etc.? Nowadays...

When did American leftists stop protesting against corporations, big banks, free trade, etc.? Nowadays, it seems like a lot of "leftist" activists literally WORK for big corporate oligarchies, especially tech megacorps. What changed?

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Obama happened, then criticizing anything the govt. did became uncool. Then Trump happened and we all know what happened to leftist activists.
>orange man bad

>When did American leftists stop protesting against corporations, big banks, free trade, etc.?
When their organizers told them not to.
Somewhere during Occupy Wall Street and right around the time the Foxconn suicide nets made the news, certain Corporations launched into Identity Politics and Virtue Signaling to distract from what they were doing, and the rest of corporate America followed suit.

The Left was subverted by the Globalist oligarchy

Definitely post Obama.

hegelian marxism was eliminated by becoming a brand
they did this to the church, the nation, and the family

now they sell you pills

when corporations started paying, hiring and catering to them. Haven't you noticed how every single corporation accept any SJW demand without question? How every corporation have diversity quotas, etc...
They basically bought all those ONGs and pay them to do whatever

The current crop of Leftists are the children of the corporations and big banks managers who demand free trade and open borders because it's "humanitarian." instead of admitting that they want to stay rich.

Golems obey their masters.

Occupy Wall Street broke them. It was glorious to watch.
The progressive stack ruined any chance they had, and they've been whining in the corner ever since.

this. i feel like they got bait and switched slowly and get shiny things put in front of them to placate.

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This x 1000. They launched into identity politics and outrage culture to distract people from seeing them with their hands in the cookie jar robbing them blind. Convinced them that there's a bigger fight to take up that will be for the future of civilization. Politics has become a religion filled with ideologies, and if you are accused of heresy, people will want your career and life ruined, your money taken away, your children raped and killed and you tortured and dead also.

OWS was infiltrated by corporate backed government stooges and turned towards identity politics nonsense instead of focusing on economic class. They went from talking about the 1% vs the 99% and the banks, and getting close to identifying (((them))) to suddenly having various people step up to the human mic and saying "hey guyz we really need to give a voice to black transgender quadriplegic lesbian midgets before we discuss any of this economic stuff." Then the whole movement got sidetracked and lost steam. Meanwhile we've been inundated by the identity politics BS ever since, with corporations jumping on board along the way.

this tbqh

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Bush's FBI dissasemble the anti corp left as part of the war on terror.

winner winner, chicken dinner

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I want to know why they they only hate certain rich people. They never say anything about Bezos or Jack

Yup - basically the It's Always Sunny episode where Frank distracts the Gang with irrelevant bullshit like lime wedges to avoid paying them more money

But why did they allow themselves to BECOME "subverted"? What happened to all the actual true believers? Did they simply just vanish?

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Are you fucking retarded? Google Amazon+New+York+AOC

identity politics destroyed left wing "solidarity"

They're in fucking jail, or on probation. OWS was the next generation shooting their shot, and basically discrediting themselves contra the corporate left for ten years.

End the Fairness doctrine.
The news is now a corporate infomercial.

Citizens United.
Huge sums of money to slander or pay off politicans.

Concentration of wealth.
Piss of the rich and they hang you with slander or reward you for being a good goy.

I was thinking about this today when watching the news: American leftists were celebrating May Day by protesting President Trump, not corporations or big banks. Stupid dumb people..

You cant blame the left. Republicans won the push for deregulation. It killed the left.

>When did American leftists stop protesting against corporations, big banks, free trade, etc.? Nowadays, it seems like a lot of "leftist" activists literally WORK for big corporate oligarchies, especially tech megacorps. What changed?

Those are just media blowhards that you're talking about. Right, left, doesn't matter, they are in the business of activism and polemy for their own enrichment. Identity politics is the result of journalists and activists trying to make news in order to sell news (and themselves). MAGAtarding is the same thing on the other side

Jow Forums(to a degree), the Yellow vests are the way to go in the modern age. No fucking celebs or e-celebs leading the movement, just a dismantling of bullshit narratives, casting negative attention on those who deserve it, making leaders uncomfortable, dismantling false idols.. that sort of thing

They infiltrated and are using it as they vehicle to push change through. It's all about the subversion and making the opponent live up to their own rules.

Yeah, that too. The agenda shilling industry has ballooned


It started around 2012 when OWS was subverted and turned into indentitypol

Lefties also used to be anti-war but this has completely changed since media propaganda started selling them these (((humanitarian))) interventions.

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>But why did they allow themselves to BECOME "subverted"?

Progressive Stacking crushed the OWS since by the rules of leftism, those with more privilege (them) had to take a step back to the identitypol's

Obama broke the bush era CNN watching democrat voters and set the stage for social justice democrat conversion. Trump broke the tea party foxnews watching obama era republicans and set the stage for future neocon new age boomers. Left or right you rise up you get smacked back down by the glowing agents to continue the UN plan.

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When obongo got elected

Nice post......faggot