Explain this Jow Forums

What did he mean by this?

Attached: F835FC08-9CCC-4359-8008-205F58BF1A8A.jpg (1500x931, 73K)

He's a fucking dong-fondling, fudge-packer.

Attached: Swalwell.jpg (1330x795, 435K)

The word MAN is in it, that's why he's mad.

Man, Democrats, I'm not even lying, are on some next level shit.

>that ratio

Attached: JLSj0i.jpg (220x200, 26K)

I wonder how triggering Female will be to him then. Unironically hope they change it so we can take Women’s Rights away

It means that Eric Swallowswell finds women to be unacceptable.
Of course.

I prefer women over females. Only niggers use female.

And he's right.

Can someone give me a qrd? Who is this guy?

Enjoy AIDS, followed by Hell.

Nigger, you know how to amend constitutional amendment? Because I get the feeling that you don't know shit. Btw, you obviously have no woman in your life otherwise you would know....unless she a nigger too.

Stay mad.

about what exactly? he most likely isn't going to get AIDS

Kek, it doesn't make me mad to know you'll probably die in your 40s. Go prolapse your asshole with a pack of feral niggers if that's what you're into, I couldn't care less.

He's right.
Repeal the 19th immediately.

How do you know?

Based. Looks like Eric "nuke the ruralite" Swallowswell finally took the redpill.

he's the Jay Inslee of Beta O'rourkes


>Btw, you obviously have no woman in your life otherwise you would know
fuck off roastie

Why do you guys have to lie to yourselves? The most likely thing is that he's virtue signaling to some effect, probably implying that it should be replaced with womyn or something. Not that I agree or anything, but I'm not going to lie to myself either. It's politics lads. Try to remember that.

Blue checks are incapable of thought. See Ted's manifesto.

is this real? cant find it


tits or gtfo

still has male in it .

Makes sense.

Rewrite the constitution to be for women! Genius!

Attached: ericonwomen.png (533x194, 14K)

I think he's some Californiafag running for president. He's pretty much "popular" for super retarded tweets like this.

Attached: D3s-21wW0AAIFjY.jpg (750x651, 77K)

What a fucking low IQ buffoon. Nukes?? Lol, total faggot.

some subhumans need to leave the political realm.


Attached: 18DBF807-97E8-40B6-8DD1-1931C0BB6338.png (640x1136, 501K)

hard gay

>He's a fucking dong-fondling, fudge-packer.
Still one of the dumbest twitter comments I've ever seen. Swalwell hopefully faces the rope for his sedition.

Inb4 someone posts what would actually happen cap..

we already found 'common ground' when they banned fucking full autos and 'assault features'

post the fucking cake analogy, fuck this cancerous traitor.

[extra space]

That is unacceptable.

shut up faggot

Attached: 1535308294029.png (1158x1393, 199K)

What the fuck? Did this nigger seriously imply NUKING civilians on American soil? Excuse me?

Attached: MolonLabe.png (872x886, 220K)

Nukes are only a threat against cities and built up areas, they'd waste their entire stockpile before they got to 1 million rural and surburban retards.

How to spot a blackmailed pedo politician:

They're fucking retarded and you're asking "how the fuck did they get elected", its because they're bankrolled by shadowy figures that blackmail them and sponsored by media that those figures controlled

They're usually retarded but just competent enough to read a teleprompter i.e. most career politicians


Is this guy for real? Honk honk

he's a cuck

>civil war
Is he actually retarded or is he deep undercover shit poster?

It looks like his mom smoked a pack a day and hit the bottle while she was pregnant.

This guy looks like a closet homo.