I'm kinda scared of black people. Most media that I've seen of black people has them being violent or talking about violent. Even as a child the black kids in superhero movies always had the power of using force or something as such. This summer I've had two encounters of seeing black people near my car.
I'm kinda scared of black people...
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You need exposure therapy. Once you get used to being around black people they will just be people and then you will actually be able to discern dangerous people.
Why are you scared?
Just go and lift a weight and get a heavy bag
>I'm kinda scared of black people.
I'm absolutely terrified of africans. And for me it's not because of the media but my excess exposure over the course of my life.
I've been seriously hurt by some of them. I don't choose to be scared, it is a unconscious feeling. I can't control it. But there is a reason for all emotions, good and bad, and it's linked to your survival. It's just your instincts telling you something.
If anything, I want to ask you, why do you think it is wrong? If you said "i'm scared of bears", you wouldn't try to crust that fear. So why are you asking for advice in crushing this one?
Your feelings are valid. Live your life.
Wow it's almost as though it's justified to be cautious around a demographic that is responsible for 50%+ of violent crimes despite comprising only 13% of the population. Almost as though a people with infinite anecdotal video evidence of them brazenly attacking innocents on the streets without provocation should be looked at with suspicion. Almost as though a people who generally carry themselves in a purposefully menacing manner, act intimidating on purpose, and comport themselves like general savages as compared to the rest of civilized society should be treated as the savages they present and carry themselves as. Truly a marvelous revelation you have made OP you must be a fucking genius.
I live in a literal ghetto. Most, while aggressive, are too drugged up or enraged at a fellow nigger to ever take notice of a random hwhitey walking down the street. You have to only really be scared when walking near a group of them in front of their house or on the street. If they see you as an easy target it's over. Carry a gun and stay away. Those are your options
I don't think it's wrong. I don't hate black people I'm just very cautious around them.
I don't hate leopards or scorpions or tarantulas but I am very cautious aroudn them. Look I live in an area with 5% black population. Every single person I know has been robbed at gun or knife point in their life, and every single one of them was robbed by a black person. People who tell you otherwise are either delusional coping black people themselves, or media-brainwashed retard consumerists with 0 life experience. You shouldn't have even asked this here but I guess you're just baiting or a troll or a shill.
I just posted this because all my friends would disassociate with me if I told them that. Even if I tell one, the claim of me being a racist would spread like wild fire in their inner group of Jewish friends. (I'm atheist) I guess my dad is the only one that would agree with me, he actually uses Jow Forums to get news on Jow Forums
Yeah I don't hate them either. just fear
That's why you're afraid user, it's like getting girl advice from an incel. It won't help you, it helps them. Misery loves company.
Lol that you say jewish friends. Jews are notoriously "anti-racist" because they live in high income sheltered environments, completely homogeneous neighborhoods often with their own public security, and are highly tribal in their associations in business and personal life. Sure they "extol the non existent virtues" of black people, etc, but they don't live near them. They have wealth and duel citizenship with israel and can fuck off there if things go south over here. They don't care and are living in a haughty over-socialized superficial world of self-congratulation. I grew up in such an environment.
It sucks I can't voice my opinions or anything. There so overly competitive and arrogant every conversion becomes a debate. And if I say anything that's an "illegal opinion" they label me as being racist or hating on a group of people, it makes them laugh.
There are many traits you can use to discern people who mean you well and people who mean you harm, but with African Americans, nothing screams "do not associate" like acts of entitlement. There are black people who believe you owe them something by virtue of your race, and they are not your friends.
Oh great, a thinly veiled Jow Forums thread.
You incels should go back to your containment board where you belong
Yeah I see, I'll try to pick up on signs of entitlement if I meet someone. The Jewish friends I know have a few traits like that.
Oh great, a proudly brazen unintelligent cuckold post.
You incels should go back to your containment board where you belong
>exposure therapy
I stay away from them and I’m mixed. I’ve never had good experiences with them except for a couple of friends in high school.
You watch too much media. It's warping your realty. Stop watching mass media.
if you're scared of bears it means you're a bitch to your survival instincts. It's a lot better to be in control of your feelings than it is to be a slave to them. Just because I know fire will burn me doesn't mean I should be scared of it.
I’m black, and I’m also afraid of niggas
hey let’s join forces