GIOYC Get It Off Your Chest

Get it off your chest. Or your head.

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When I feel alright I want to kill myself because I think my life is pointless and mine unjustified.
When I feel like shit I want to kill myself to stop the pain of being alive.
I wish it were easier to get it over with safely. Like I could press some button and it'd all be over.

That really sucks. I hate reading posts like this. I feel helpless and want to help.
I can tell you that suicidal thoughts are not typical or healthy. But since it seems you are so used to this thought process, you might call bs on that.
Can you ever remember a time when you were glad you were alive?
I hope you do. I hope you seek help. I hope you learn at some point that you have purpose and meaning.
Please try. You're worth it friend.

I have considered becoming asexual recently
A lot of girls talk to me, some of them have shown interest in having a relationship, or something more. However, none of em actually trigger something in me and i get bored as fuck, and tired of replying their messages, or when i actually talk with them, annoyed because they don't have any good personality trait.
Maybe i just need to wait for the one?

My cat almost died this week, the vet bill was 400 dollars just to save him. It was worth it but now I am probably going to not have enough to pay my water and electricity and will have my utilities cut off next week and my paycheck is two weeks away. I am reaching out to family for help, but no one is able to. I wasn't able to get a cash advance either. So I feel pretty damn helpless. I have like 20 bucks after the vet and that is all going to gas so I can keep my job. I feel absolutely crushed. Just when I thought I was doing good, saving up some money, I get butt blasted by life in an instant and lost everything I saved up.

If you're in America look into "earnings" app. It really works and tip what you can. They've helped me out a lot. If you have a steady job and bank account you can get cash today.

Call the companies and tell them you might be late and ask if you can pay on pay day. Be polite.

Or enjoy life without looking for the one? Be the one for you. ;)

I just got this job, I don't think I have been working long enough to qualify thats why I was rejected for the cash advance at least. I will look into it though.

I will try, thanks.

>hear Roy Orbison's "Crying" on the radio this morning on my way to work
>think to myself that it would be funny if this was an omen that I would see this girl i really liked a while back that basically friendzoned me
>literally see her with another guy walking around the mall I work at later

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>If you're in America look into "earnings" app.
I Googled earnings app and not sure if I am on the right track because its kinda a vague thing to google. Can you link it, please?

Look up earnin app no gs

Oh I see what I did wrong then. Thank you, I will try it.

I feel like an alien. Other people seem to live on a different frequency to me. I can't connect with others in a meaningful way. I'm intelligent enough to appear charming and likeable but I'm cold inside. There's nothing there but hate. I can flip a switch inside that will make me hate someone enough that I could kill them and not feel a fucking thing. I regularly fantasize about beating people to death with my bare hands. Why? Frustration at living a life completely alone, living such a cold, soulless existence, jealousy at the love and support other people have in their lives, I have fuck all. I'm a laughing stock, a joke. Nobody respects me. My life is a living hell where everyone is a threat, where I'm never safe, where I'm constantly on edge and paranoid unless I'm in a room on my own with the door locked. I'm always alone. No matter how many people surround me, I'm always alone. There is something seriously wrong inside me and I don't know what it is. Violence and sex are the only things that make me feel anything.

I'm so happy to finally fly home but I hate the fact that I'm not going to see that much beautiful white women again
Fucking hell I love the USA but a lot of women are brown and/or obese where I live and I fucking hate it

No I didn't spell it right. Sorry.

The show starts when you want it to.

What are you waiting for?

in the summer I move a couple cities away from where I live to be with family, and i love my family, dont get me wrong, but it makes me depressed not being with the people i actually do love. how do I approach this to my family?

I once subtly hinted I was King Krule and got a really sweet compliment.
I immediately felt bad about it afterwards because I didn't deserve the compliment that rightfully should've gone to the real King Krule.

I’m 25 and I don’t like my parents anymore. It makes me feel horrible inside to the bottom of my heart but I can’t stand to be around them. I have nothing to say to them. We have nothing in common. It’s really hard to come to terms with it though since they raised me

An off-topic response to something posted in another thread.

>I still take the easy road unless it's something I really want. There is very little I *really* want

Kinda in the same boat. I mean I have worked really hard in the past, but I've finished school, got a professional license, good job, decent house, no debts. Now nothing feels worth the effort. Like, I'll want something, but only a little and it wouldn't actually bother me to not get it, so I don't.

Is this a common sentiment?

I've said it before and i'll say it again
You don't know me

Go away lesbian thoughts and thots reeeeee I’m not a fag

How is tranny a slur but retard isn't?

I think I hurt your moms feelings. I don't know. When I started distancing myself she seemed sad I don't talk to them like I used to. Am I just imagining this? Did I hurt them when I tried to break contact? I don't know. Everything is weird. I wish I knew what the right things to do were. Fuck, do they miss me like I miss them? I wish you could tell me what the right thing to do is, j. I don't want to let go, but I don't know if I am just delusional and obsessed. Your family means a lot to me, but do I mean anything at all to them?

"Tranny" is a historically disparaging term for a transgender person. A retard is someone who is retarded, a medical condition. It's like asking why diabetic isn't a slur.

Retard is a medical condition?
Transgender isn't a medical condittion?

They're both slurs obviously

Rot in hell, I really don't care. I hope your balls burn for all eternity.

Mental retardation, yes. Trannyitis is a gender identity or whatever. I don't make the rules.

>Mental retardation, yes

I think it's hilarious that all the incels suffer. :D

That's what it was called when I went to school. I guess it's "Intellectual Disability" now. Maybe retard is a slur then.

Yeah, because being rude to trannies makes you worse than Hitler and being rude to people with Down Syndrome turns you into a hero.
Fucking kill yourself fag enabler.

the whole premise about incels is that it's involuntary
A guy that lost his legs in a car accident could become an incel

Shameless plug but still a good bop

>mfw connection error

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I will never use a dating app. I will either meet a girl in person or die a virgin. I don't care. I refuse to advertise myself on an app to have a brief meaningless fling.


got something that sounds great in a rave?

Yes I do but you don't know me.

Enjoy taking the imaginary high road knowing full-well that the only benefit you'll get from it is a false sense of self satisfaction.

You're handicapping yourself in the dating game and justifying it with a "holier than thou" complex.

Nah, I don't have any sadly :(

Sometimes I think about the dumb decisions I made in the past, like being so desperate for a someone that I got engaged a week after knowing them, then getting married and having a kid.
Of course, now we're divorced, but now I have to deal with this person until the kid is 18. Pretty much ruined this innocent child's life because of my rash decisions when I was 18, being so desperate. His childhood has been rough and he already told me he can't wait until he's 18, so he can finally be happy.
I read the posts on this board, and I always wish the best for all of you, hoping that you'll be happy. But also kind of worried that you'll settle in desperation, like I did.

>Enjoy taking the imaginary high road knowing full-well that the only benefit you'll get from it is a false sense of self satisfaction.

Can a sense of self-satisfaction ever be false though?

I like the way you think, dont ever give up

I don't understand the appeal of dating weeb girls. I've done it twice now and both of them were so immature that I couldn't relate to them, even though they were both around my age (25). Sure, we had similar interests like vidya, but Christ, I have absolutely no idea how they managed to dress themselves in the morning without their mother's help. All both of them wanted to do was watch anime and play video games. That's cool and all, but not when you're choosing that over an education or a job.

I need sincere honest opinions on this: how shitty of a person does it make someone to not really be concerned with how other's will feel after they've taken their lives?

It can when that sense comes from something it shouldn't. It's subjective sure, but satisfaction from getting a job promotion is worth more than getting a legendary drop on WoW. It's a bad analogy for what's being talked about, but the point is still there.

There are hardworking weebs out there in college ;) ;)

I think you'd put in more thought on how you handle the situation when the person was still alive

it feels so bad now that i realize im a prettty shit person without even trying to be. im selfish to my friends, treat them like shit, selfish to everyone, and all i do is use people and care the most about myself. i do care about people internally but i never follow through with it. i definitely want to change, but wvery time i hear something about changing i always hear that people dont change. i want to though, i hate being a selfish person and id rather see the people around me thrive and all my friends be happy and especially my family. i want to make sacrifices for people. i'll definitely start making an effort to better myself and i want to prove to people that im selfless.

It doesn't really matter because you'll be dead, right? It's not like you'll find out their reactions once it's over

Well if you've ever been depressed you should be familiar with the numb feeling. It's difficult to understand others emotions as you normally would and it's usually accompanied with a massive brainfog that just discourages you from thinking. The only way to break the state is exercise or time.

Start small, actions change your mind and vice versa

i like my life, but i hear voices that make me want to burn womens hair, they say my name

God damn. Why do I even pretend you are here? What the hell is this? Is it just the hardest of copes? It feels good though, oddly, to pretend you are here. Lol I really am messed up and I wouldn't have any doubts that you think I am dangerously cheesy and I scare you. I really mean no harm though, I hope I don't disturb/scare you. I am fucking weird. When will my strong obsession over you end? I can understand why I am obsessed with your family because I have known them for almost a decade and have been through a lot with them and had a fucked up home life. But you? I never even got to know you, J.

I'm in my early 20s, just started going back to school, and I have no idea how the fuck I'm going to make anything work out in the future. I'm a creative person with interest in a couple different mediums and despite getting praise/small recognition for work I've done so far it feels undeserved and as if I haven't found my actual purpose as a person. I don't feel like I'm fucking good at anything. I constantly feel like a failure who gives up on everything he tries. My problem would probably be solved if I just fucking focused on one thing, but doing so makes me feel like I'm giving up on something else and I'm back to the "feeling like a quitter" bit. I think about this shit way too much. I have no idea what to do or how to relax about it.

lately, I've been jealous over people who've had privileged lives. Ones that seem to never have suffered, have tons of friends and everyone likes them, and have well-off parents that can help send them on trips to countries across the world.
Meanwhile, I grew up really poor, lived in a trailer for most of my life. My mom sold pain pills out of the trailer to make ends meet. Her boyfriend was an asshole. My sister got cancer when she was 12 (she's fine now though, thank god). Had an emotionally abusive girlfriend throughout high school, and spent like half a year alone while my sister was in surgery. Had an emotional breakdown on my first day of college and dropped out and developed severe anxiety issues. Moved in with my dad alongside my drug-addicted brother, his psycho girlfriend, and their poor baby that they forced me to babysit often. I've only recently started to get better 3 years ago when I started going back to school but I still really struggle to form meaningful relationships with people.
Then I meet people like that who just get everything I've ever wanted handed to them and it just makes me feel so angry and upset.

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yeah, thanks user. i feel awakened, in a way. i finally feel motivated to change and i want to be a valuable person to people

Is it though? It's satisfaction. It exists only in your own head. Its worth to you is exactly what you deem it to be and it's worth to everyone else is exactly zero.

>I scare you
Just a little
>I never even got to know you, J.
What kind of person do you think I am?

>Ones that seem to never have suffered, have tons of friends and everyone likes them, and have well-off parents that can help send them on trips to countries across the world.
The number of people that fit this criteria is pretty small.

>Then I meet people like that who just get everything I've ever wanted handed to them and it just makes me feel so angry and upset.
Some people do have it easier than others, but everyone has their struggles.

I am starting to forget what your face looked like, I just realized. So maybe you are doing me a huge solid and helping me cure my limerence for you. What a strange journey this has been for me.

I understand that, but they've just had such good lives compared to me. I could never hold it against them, but it's hard to not feel like I've been screwed by circumstances.
Like one time, I asked a friend what the hardest time in her life was, and she replied when she felt homesick while studying abroad. Like really? That's it?

user DON'T. I know you can't be him. That would make everything bad. This is supposed to be a safe place for my insane ramblings. I would never not feel shame if he knew I was here and read all my garbage cringey posts.

Why the fuck do i fall in love with every woman who gives me attention?
I fucking hate it. I get emotionally invested, thinking she might fall for me, thinking about her all day long, only to find out i'm just a temporary solution for her. Happened way too often.
I even convinced myself to accept someone with loose morals, just because i fell for her. I gave my best to make her feel emotions, feel loved, make her laugh, and help her out of her emotional draught.
But in the end, all she wanted was someone who takes financially care of her and her children, so she can stay at home and play vidya all night long- and as soon as she felt she "might" have a shot with someone like that, i was instantly discarded. Even tho, realistically speaking, someone like that would NEVER be stupid enough to fall for her. No man with self respect would wife someone whom he already had seen cheating.
How can people be so stupid? How can i be so emotionally damaged? She probably doesn't even fucking care, and i'm here feeling sad and angry.
Fuck all of this.
Thank you for letting me vent.

My dad had a really bad temper and was abusive to my family, but I usually got the worst of it. I have a temper too; as a kid it was really bad and my mother would tell me I was acting like my father, so my entire life I grew up struggling so hard to be nothing like him, and eventually it paid off. I've gotten so much better and so much healthier, but my mother and sister still compare me to him. It really, really sucks that despite trying my whole life to be better than him, the most important people in my life don't realize how hurtful it is when they tell me I'm " being just like my father"
I was talking to my mother today and mentioned how I feel like I'm not allowed to ever get upset, and she told me that it's okay to get angry, being pissed off and needing to blow off steam is healthy, and that when she's angry she'll swear and curse, and that it's totally okay. So why has she been treating me like shit everytime I get angry and swear and curse? Why is it okay for her or my sister to lose their tempers but it's not okay for me to lose mine? Sometimes I feel like they're not good for my mental health, but I have no idea what to do about it.

>My problem would probably be solved if I just fucking focused on one thing
>I think about this shit way too much
meditation my dude you just solved your own problem
Just like beauty is in the eye of the beholder so is wealth.
>it just makes me feel so angry and upset
This isn't healthy for you or those people user figure out why you're thinking like this

Compare them to him like they do to you the next couple of times they get angry


25yo born poorfag here.
I know your feeling, I have friends who were born in golden houses so to speak, rich parents, guaranteed success in life, but you know what? They do not know true effort, or the result of true hardships to one had to go through to reach their goal.

When they face a hardship they suffer much more than us, they are not as tampered as us by disgrace and emotional suffering.

You might be poorer, but as a person you are probably much more.

>What kind of person do you think I am?
Also, just for the sake of the larp;

I have no idea, and I don't want to paint a fantasy of who I think you are. That really wouldn't be fair. I do think you are a good person based on the way you treated me and didn't want to use me, but other than that I don't know. I am just very curious and want to know. Sorry that is probably an unsatisfying answer.

Good enough :)

I don't know why I choosed to stay inside today, I had a date with friends and all, I wanted to go, but something made me stay.

It really is a strange feeling to choose something you didn't want

Who wants to erp

Ah yes enterprise resource planning who doesn't love a good session of erp with their fellow internet strangers

*peers into your window whilst brandishing a large carving knife underneath my street-ninja garb*
[you do not notice my presence and proceeds to continue your day as planned]
(I will have you, Y/N... no matter what... YOU WILL BE MINE)

Y-you too

Question: have a girl who gave me her number, went on a double date for my first time out with a girl in 2 yrs. She's kind of awful (tattoos, obvious gold digger type) but I want to take her out again to knock the rust off because it has been a little while and I was not on my game with this girl last go. She's not an outdoors type, which is like my go to date - activity plus isolation to be able to talk but without the pressure of like a meal or something. What do I ask her out to do that is inside but also something to do? Friend of a friend, so can't nuke it.

Oh god no
Was it really him? Now I am gonna be all crazy thinking about it all night. If he is even a little scared of me it would make me feel like shit. What does he even think when he thinks about me?

I need to calm down, no way its him, everything's okaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHGGGGHH

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> obvious gold digger type
Well, fuck. No cheap date will do for her.
Which is kinda bad for you - whatever you do, your game probably won't do anything, unless you show her a "great lifestyle".
I wouldn't go for a second date if i were you. It will probably make you doubt your game.

Screw you guys im going to sleep..

Fucking LOL

Never change rach, you beautiful disaster you. I am sure J senpai will notice you one day

>meditation my dude you just solved your own problem
I've been looking into it recently but haven't actually tried it. I think I'm gonna try it out now and see how it goes. Thanks user.

Yeah that's probably the right call. There's honestly no way of making it work. I mean it didn't just go bad last time I honestly can't stand this girl and basically hate the whole package, plus I don't have the money to blow impressing her.

I need to accept I will never get closure, I will never be able to talk to you like I want. Its better this way all things considered. I just need to hope my feelings fade. I don't even fully understand what these feelings even are. They shouldn't be explored or understood, ever. Talking to you will only complicate things, probably make me even more confused.

Thanks for the sanity check bro. Been holding off on the ask all weekend, just wasn't sitting right.

it's suffocating...

It'll be alright user

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Who am I to you?

Ok so more wasted time. Whatever happens tomorrow I'm gonna get serious. I can't do shit on a weekend.

I actually know you quite well. Well enough to know your next move.

My life is so busy and stressful that i want to kill myself but im objectively on a successful path and feel that this is the only way to live my life. Its either death or success and i am craving death more and more while pushing myself.

That's right! With my grandpa's deck I SUMMON EXODIA THE FORBIDDEN ONE!

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