" White lightning " sets US highschool 100m dash


Is white lightning ourguy? What is it with these super athletic whites? Designer babies? Advances in training?

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There is only one race, the 100m dash

The only thing that matters is IQ. We have cars/machines so athleticism is useless.

Plot twist
Its a ftm tranny

it's good for attracting women

IQ is a poor measure of intelligence. You can score 100 on one day and 150 the next day.
You can argue all you want, the high variability involved in the tests makes it a poor candidate.


I thought like you, until I studied the subject and realized that I was wrong.

IQ is the single greatest metric of judging intelligence, with your IQ score correlating to many aspects in life including SAT score, your job, and even personal relationships. A person with an IQ of 80 will NEVER be a doctor. To say it's a poor measure is fucking retarded. What's a better measure?

lmao, nah this isnt melbourne.


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>A person with an IQ of 80 will NEVER be a doctor.

I'm a doctor with an IQ under 80. I also went to harvard. IQ does not matter

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Lets see how much IQ matters when they fuck your economy

Dat nigga is checkin his ass out. Gunna git him sum wyboipussy.

If you think this was smart to do... like the people who actually did it... you're fucking stupid.

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Not necessarily it is a good indication of health.
T. Massive cardio fag

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his dad nose is the same maybe his dad is a

>IQ is a poor measure of intelligence. You can score 100 on one day and 150 the next day.
You can run a 100 meter dash in 10 seconds and take 10 minutes the next day.
If you actually try both times and didn't get a concussion after the first, a gap like that is impossible.

designer baby

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Hmmm. dont think the bone structure says ftm. ftms usually have these little t rex arms, and the biggest indicator of male or female is the hips.... this one is not hippy.

But Giselle bundchen is a tranny, married to Tom Brady, who is a freak who kisses his children on the mouth. Some say that Brady is a ftm. Its possible.. maybe they have the growth hormones to make someone really big... And the problem is ftm is super hard to spot bc testsotsterone is super powerful.

But speaking of their children... who knows wtf is goin on bc we know that Bundchen is a tranny... so were this kids made in a lab or something? many celebs are trannies and one of the big secrets is still how exactly do they get these children....? Middleton and Beyonce have been caught with baby bumps... faking pregnancy bc they are trannies and have no womb

can't help but look at this "kid" and think he's on the juice. highly developed musculature and facial bones. It's not impossible but he's rocking enormous amounts of natural testosterone and an insane work ethic. if he were doing anything other than sprinting, like long distance running, i'd have to assume at his age he was taking something. it's very difficult to retain or build muscle doing that much aerobic cardio. It's all very impressive regardless

there are 3 lies and 1 truth in your statement

>when you've been on Jow Forums too long and see JEWSDOIT on first glance

What if you actually try to moonwalk in circles the second time?

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t. I know nothing about sprinting and sprint training at all

t. doesn't know how to read. try again

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my IQ was tested at 74 and I'm a mechanical engineer from a top tier school

Imagine spending years of your life just to look like a fucking Holocaust survivor.

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My IQ is a self-repeating decimal.

I see a nigger

no. you also have to count temperament, collectivism/individualism, intellectual/scientific productivity, time preference, etc. as racial traits, none of these order in the same way the races do with IQ

Wow it's nothing. Having an entire thread about this is kinda embarrassing.

>You can score 100 on one day and 150 the next day.
Depends on what test you're taking. Internet tests, even serious looking ones, sometimes don't put in the Flynn affect at all. Take a shit older test and do great, then a very similar one that's more updated (but similar questions) (and maybe timed), and do terrible that day, then yeah. But yeah, even a 3hr long test can very by up to 10+ points. Its not THAT high of a variation. WAIS-IV is the one you (and others) maybe be looking for. This company offers everything from ASVAB, to other IQ tests, Wonderlic, and Nursing tests. Couldn't find the offical place, but I don't think there is one.


I scored like 900 on my SAT and currently in the middle of finishing my doctorate for neuroscience. There are too many variables at play when assessing IQ and intelligence.

Olympians regularly have worse times.

racist nickname

>just to look
murrikka could you be more cliched

he has a nickname already...its "the Boogie Man"

>We have cars/machines...
...and most of their operators have subnominal IQ;
so what does that tell you about IQ?

>let's give up on humanity and our body's so intricately designed by mother nature because I have cheese burgers and wallmart scooters

jesus fucking christ kill yourself holy shit

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Thats the dadliest dad ive ever seen

he unironically looks like an albino nigger though.

>that hair and nose
dad better take the test

The 100m dash is a lot easier when you're running from niggers.

triggered much sweaty?

>I'm a doctor with an IQ under 80. I also went to harvard. IQ does not matter

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He's white you kike.

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minorities excepted, of course