At this point should I just shave it?
Ain't looking too hot
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If only you knew how bad things really are
Have your blood tested, might just be iron/ vitamin shortage.
shave what? your hair looks alright
I have vegeta temples
No. I was worse than you, you look totally hormonally imbalanced and that's another problem that you probably aren't realistic with yourself enough to face yet, ie. that you need to revolutionize and fix your diet, begin a daily exercise regime, and stop masturbating entirely.
Other than that you will look perfect with an SS/ peaky cut. Go to a good beard+haircut for men place. You look unkempt, you need to shave your face daily because you can't grow a beard, it looks nasty. Your hair is messy and nasty looking. If you get an undercut, like size 1 and up on the sides and comb it over to one side you will look suave as fuck and the hair loss will be barely noticeable. The first cut may not be optimal but you'll figure out a style.
You don't look masculine with your hair the way it is but you have a masculine enough face. You can pull off these:
Very good look for men. men respect it and women get wet for it. GL
go to a doctor they will prescribe you something to slow the balding till you are on your 40-50 where is fine, you have plenty of hair yet, far from being a visible issue
Did this a few months ago and they only said I was vitamin D deficient
I have been eating one meal a day though, and that one meal a day tends to be garbage due to poor impulse control, so maybe. I'll definitely bring it up with a doctor but it doesn't look diffuse so I don't like my chances.
I haven't washed it in circa four days so it kind of clumps together from all the oil, but even under these conditions it shouldn't look like this and is a harbringer for what will come. I'm only 18, I don't know who thought it was funny to do this to me in the character customisation screen but I'm certainly not going to be having the last laugh.
You realise trannies take finasteride because it's an anti-androgen and that DHT is influential in muscle tone and prostate function, right? I dunno about that chief
Go to the barber and show them a picture of the cut you want. Because of your hair loss (very likely excessive masturbation and weed related) having long hair on the sides is always going to look dirty and disorganized now because it doesn't "fall" correctly with your diffused thinning. The barber will know how to make you look like you have no loss on the temples and also give you the right volume everywhere for the look to work. My haircut is $25.
You can pull this hair off. Look at pic related. Notice he has vegeta temples? Ah, but the short on the sides make it seem natural! And he sweeps his hair over the other temple so you cant tell from that side. Thats the trick GL
Weed no, masturbation 4 times in the past 24 hours so you have a point, I will take your advice, thank you.
How much density can be regained with this method?
Your diet is trash. you need 2-3 meals and 3-5 whole raw vegetables every day, your only sugar should be raw fruits, you should eat not man-made foods at all. You're destroying your body and aging prematurely, your hormones are still in overproduction at 18 so you can reverse all the hair loss youve had if you stop living the way you are. stop cumming, where do you think all that liquid comes from? Do you think you just have an infinite amount? Newsflash its created using important nutrients inside of you. It's filled with the most important and vital minerals and nutrients, and look at your diet! Youre not even fking getting any to replace them. So youre just draining your body, and its even pulling from your reserves now and has no energy left over to keep your hair healthy.
You look fine OP. If it takes you a long time to grow out facial hair just go clean shaven. I know from experience having awkward peach fuzz for months isn't worth a mustache.
You're Hair looks fine though.
Don't worry so much OP. You look nice. You have a Toby Maguire look and it works.
>masturbation 4 times in the past 24 hours
Holy shit, get a grip on your life while you are still young, your hair should be the least of your concerns
all of it. the only reason you are losing your hair is because of frequent ejaculation. literally the only reason. it spikes cortisol which is an adrenaline and strss related hormone which is linked inextricably with alopecia AKA unnatural diffuse thinning and premature hairloss. Look up the vitamins and minerals in cum:
"It contains a ton of your daily vitamins including: vitamin C, calcium, chlorine, citric acid, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin B12 and zinc" THOSE ARE ALL THE MINERALS IMPORTANT TO HEALTHY FUNCTION OF HAIR, SKIN, AND NAILS. You arent even replacing it so with food, so your body is literally taking these important tools from your hair follicles and the bodily system that grows your hair, and giving it to your dick because it deems reproduction more important. Prior to the 20th century taking-over of medicine by pharma corporations this was common knowledge in every country, ie. that masturbation addiction caused premature hairloss and aging.
Don't let anyone placate you and tell you oh you aren't losing it etc. You are fucking losing it and its because of masturbation, I was where you were and it got worse, then I took the advice that I am giving you - at the time someone gave this same advice to me - and the hair loss stopped. Your hair will improve in quality DISTINCTLY 4-6 months after stopping and fixing your diet and lifestyle and hormonal balance. At your age I wouldn't be surprised if 100% of it grew back. Mine grew back about 15-20% but I was 24 and had done a lot of drug abuse.
Bruh just eat your cum then
last thing, you'll notice a better and more vibrant healthy feel to your hair even a week or so in. But scientifically the nutrient pathways to the hair follicles take about 2-4 months to regenerate. Orgasm = DHT release = hair loss if it happens excessively. There is a lot of conflicting info on this on the internet, lots of placating fucks trying to mislead you or console themselves to help themselves cope with their own addiction, and even 1000s of bots from pharma and hair loss pill companies spreading disinformation to encourage peeps to buy their products and keep balding. GL its not too late
No, because when you cum excessively it disrupts your testosterone production and converts the existing test in your body to dihydrogen testosterone which is linked to hair loss especially at the temples. Cumming is a huge shock to your central nervous and hormonal systems and takes a lot of recovery. Eating your cum is #1 absolutely disgusting and #2 solves 1/4 the problem.
Genuinely thank you for this advice, I needed somebody to drive this home. How hard is quitting masturbation cold turkey? Seems kind of easy because it takes 15 minutes to ejaculate even when I rush it, but I also have pretty poor impulse control.
Endocrinologist here. Trannies also take vitamin D due to risk of osteoporosis when testosterone production is stopped. Do you see the logic here.
Conversely, high DHT activity can be dangerous for prostate function due to the increased risk of prostate cancer. DHT has little to no anabolic effects, so I don't know what you're talking about with muscle tone. It's also a bit inadequate to call finasteride an anti-androgen. It's a 5a-reductase inhibitor so it halts other sex hormones' metabolic paths. Nice fear mongering by invoking the tranny meme though.
The following is an account of a man who visited a ward for masturbation addicts in the 1800s:
"...excessive secretions, which necessarily and speedily exhaust the vital principle and energy ; hence the muscles become flaccid and feeble, the tone and natural action of the nerves relaxed and impeded, the understanding confused, the memory oblivious , the judgment perverted, the will indeterminate and wholly without energy to resist; the eyes appear languishing
and without expression , and the countenance
vacant ; appetite ceases , for the stomach is
incapable of performing properly. The hair is
apt to loosen and fall out, the spirit becomes
depressed," tell me that can't apply to you in any way. You can be healthier, k legit last post GL
Super hard, I kept going back then off then back then off. I can't remember the source but there are studies showing that men who are in a dire physical state ie. poor diet and exercise, are actually much more prone to be addicted to sex and masturbation because the body feels as though it's on its last legs and is driving you to fulfill your biological purpose of reproduction. To quit masturbating you need to strengthen your discipline and improve your overall health - the weaker you feel the more likely you are to just say "fuck it im gonna go jerk off and drool over these girls". Isaac Newton said "To remain chaste you must divert your mind to something else. He who is always focusing on being chaste, is in effect always focusing on women"
If you are always thinking about not jacking of you will end up jacking off. If you try to implement discipline in something simple in your life, like your eating habits, ie. make sure you have 3 full healthy meals per day and never miss out, that discipline will actually pour over into other aspects of your life. Focusing on other things and exercising discipline will keep you occupied and you will find yourself with less opportunities to jerk off in the first place.
Also notice you tend to jerk off in the same place all the time, a certain chair or couch or wtvr, stop going there! It triggers shit in your brain that makes you recess into a comfortable state and do it again.. Get the fuck away from that place go sit at the fucking table! You need to improve your discipline and beginning an exercise regime, even if its just running 1 or 2 miles every day at the same time and eating right, is going to revolutionize your life entirely.
and last but not least ironically what got me to finally stop was just making sure I DONT CUM. So if I really caved in and watched porn I'd just edge, ie. rub my dick but not cum. Eventually you get satisfied with just doing that instead of cumming and it starts to get more and more pointless. The key thing is stop cumming dude and live healthier
also if you ever start doubting the correlation, just look around you at the kind of guys whose hair you wish you had, and those who are prematurely balding. The ones with good hair live healthy lives! They generally did sports growing up so their circulation was good constantly - circulation is absolutely key and the most essential part of good health. They probably led active lives and didn't waste 10000s of hours away watching porn on a screen in the darkness of their room cumming on the floor. Now look at the guys with shit hair that look greasy and fucked, they are usually unhealthy.. probably smoke, spend too much time in front of a screen jacking off, don't do sports, don't exercise, etc. It's directly related and it's an epidemic in our generation. In china its in the headlines - their young men are going prematurely bald at like 4-5x the rate of the last generation, because they're stuck on their screens jerking it all day. Jerking it makes you stressed whether you realize it or not, it is taxing on you, especially orgasming. Additionally all the no fap benefits you hear about increased confidence etc will come, but they come due to the fact that you are proud of your own self discipline.
>damage control for shitty white genetics
i am a huge faggot please rape my face
Sorry bro, I took word of mouth too seriously.
Also, does vitamin D play a factor in hair? Because I was on the lower end of normal in that.
ugh alphonse!! why can't i be a superior black man like you!!? you get all the ass and i get nothing. being white SUXXX
Being a nigga isn’t always perfect, cracker. Tbqh my dick is only 3” :(
sux 2 bee you. most black men have bigger dicks than whites
It can. Lots of vitamin deficiencies can, but almost everyone is deficient in vitamin D. What do you wash your hair with? That can be a factor too. Maybe lurk some women's haircare subreddits or whatever to see what people talk about when it comes to strong, healthy hair.
good thing i have filters on
>What do you wash your hair with?
Generic head and shoulders smooth and silky shampoo because it's what's in the shower. Probably not the greatest.
your hair looks very lovely to me, i don't think it's anywhere near time for shaving, you look beautiful user :( maybe take some vitamins.
>implying that changing soap will help this hairlet
white people are known for going bald. it's genetics. they're shit. shitty white male genetics.
I wouldn't go listening to women about what products to put in your hair. Women notoriously do whatever the most popular advertising campaign tells them to with 0 independent research (like most people though). Go look at a photo of men from 1910 or something from a farm, they all have luxurious hair and used nothing but fucking water. Everytime you use shampoo you are essentially rubbing largely untested (for the long term) solutions of chemicals into your scalp and hair. Fuck shampoo. and fuck this alphonse retard, it's not your genetics it's your jerking and diet and exercise. Also dont' rely on vitamins for your vitamin defficiency, I can assure you you have defficiency of literally every single vitamin possible. Lol start eating veggies and fruits then think about supplementing after.
No conditioner? What are the ingredients on the bottle? Brittle, undernourished hair is a contributing factor to hair loss. Man up and stop being a pussy and purchase your hair care products in the women's aisle unironically. Find a shampoo without sodium lauryl sulphate. Typically the bottle will say like "Sulfate and paraben free" on the bottle. Use a moisturizing/nourishing conditioner and use it on the ends of your hair, try not to coat your scalp with it. Drink lots of water, and eat more vegetables. Consider DHT-blockers if the side effects aren't too bad for you. Depression can come as a side effect sometimes because 5a-reductase metabolizes progesterone into a few different neurosteroids that have a antidepressant effect. The maximum effective dose for finasteride is 1mg/day so you can ask to start at a lower dose if you want.
Huh? Haircare absolutely has an effect on hair loss outside of genetics. Most dudes don't care that they're drying out their scalp and leaving their hair brittle and open to breakage. I've literally dated men who washed their hair with body wash, it's stupid. What are you even shitposting about?
When I only wash my hair with water it's oily as hell, same with my skin.
Do you know what the problem might be and how to fix it?
You could start finasteride it worked for me and my hair might make a full comeback, too bad the receding temples made me look older and I was hitting on women way older than me who were 27 or 30
This is the kind of pharmaceutical shill I was telling you about. Notice he interjected into the thread immediately claiming to be a certified endicrinologist.. beginning with defending the product Finasteride. Then here he/she recommends you start using Finasteride, which notoriously causes and is related to sexual dysfunction in many of its users. DHT blockers are largely untested and shaky science that also often result in sexual dysfunction.
If I were you OP I'd realize that you caused this hair loss by natural excess, and can return to normal by natural healthy means as well. Introducing risky pharmaceuticals that are consistently reported to cause sexual dysfunction and other mental and physical side effects is not a road you want to go down. Remember: the same doctors that will prescribe you this finasteride will simultaneously recommend you jerk off 7 times a week to increase your health.
>using nothing but water
Idk why I was researching this but they'd use a mixture of raw potato juice, lye, and some other nonsense to get their hair like that. And it was painful.
Any time hair loss related to masturbation is brought up in ANY FORUM on the internet, in a short while the thread starts to be overrun by people touting Finasteride or Minoxidil, because these corporations actually have budgets for teams and bots that scour the internet to advertise and encourage the use and purchase of their products. Be very fucking careful, this thread has run its course you've got all the info you need, if you are going to use shampoo only use it like once in every 3 days, also everyone has that initial oily hair phase, you have to thoroughly run the hair with warm and then cold water, after a few days the oiliness subsides and things stabilize. GL and bye
Thank you bro
If I continue to bald after fixing my act up then I might just shave it instead of resorting to the fin and minox jew, although my mum's side relatives died with full heads of hair my dad was done by 21.
>redpilled on the jew
even better lol wish you extra good luck, never know until you try, guarantee it'll change your life for the better either way
>Notice he interjected into the thread immediately claiming to be a certified endicrinologist.
hurr, countering some idiot invoking the tranny meme for shit he doesn't understand is a reasonable situation to speak up. Most of my patients are diabetics, but sex hormones are a part of my field and i did rotations in the andrology department back when. Also I'm a woman.
>DHT blockers are largely untested
False. Go to the library and use its research portal.
>beginning with defending the product Finasteride.
I actually ended with it. Notice 70% of that paragraph being focused on fucking basic haircare. It's the cheapest 5a-reductase inhibitor at the moment. I only mentioned it as a possibility if the side-effects don't become a problem. Would you have preferred if i called it a DHT-blocker or 5a-reductase inhibitor? Or are you just gonna meme about trannies to get people to be afraid of things that they can literally fucking google.
>which notoriously causes and is related to sexual dysfunction in many of its users.
Again, why I told the user to consider if it's worth the side effects. In clinical studies, sexual dysfunction only affects a small fraction of patients and the drug should be ceased if it's significant enough to cause self-esteem issues. I'm
I got mine cut 1.5 inches up there and buzzed between #1 and #3 on the sides, can't remember which or I'd say. I have that same hairline and wish I'd gotten this style years ago. Be careful if you have cowlicks though to really, really dry it at night or the sides will stick out.
>What are the ingredients on the bottle?
Now that I'm home, it's:
Water, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Cocamide Mea, Zinc Carbonate, Dimethicone, Glycol Distearate, Sodium Chloride, Zinc Pyrithione, Sodium Xylenesulfonate, Fragrance, Cetyl Alcohol, Guar Hydroxypropyltrimonium Chloride, Magnesium Sulfate, Sodium Benzoate, Magnesium Carbonate Hydroxide, Benzyl Alcohol, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone
One of these is table salt but I dunno about the rest, yeah, I should probably stop using this.
Min isn't the jew although it doesn't cure the root of the problem. They have the safe, cheap, effective cure, but they will hoard it forever because anything that levels the playing field for men is counterproductive to their schemes.
Fair enough. I suspected from your post that you've never actually used finasteride or measured its effects personally on yourself - if you aren't a shill then why do you feel so sure to boast it when there made be side effects? Are you just a naive psychiatry/med student?
He wouldn't be balding from soap, genius. I'm not shitposting if I'm telling the truth. He has bad genetics. End of discussion
>if you aren't a shill then why do you feel so sure to boast it when there made be side effects?
First, I didn't boast it. I listed it as a possible option, last in a list of other options (better haircare). Second, what do you mean by "made to be side effects"? All drugs have side effects either due to the mechanism of action or their desired effect chemically.