Alabama Nationalism

Why is Alabama the best area in the world? Also why does florida deserve the Panhandle?

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when you live among niggers, you learn to hate them

why the fuck would we give back all that land to france but grant autonomy to south florida? fuck the french, they already have new france; it's called quebec.

This is very true, You have to wonder why liberals in mostly white areas are more willing to embrace diversity than whites who are actually in diverse areas.

some people have to learn the hard way.

You're lucky we let your shitty little landlocked territory have as much of the coast as we gave you.
Consider it pity from superior Floridians

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Stop posting your shit. It's been months not a singe person wants your LARP.

>implying the panhandle isn't constantly trying to join Alabama
>Implying you didn't have a whole island reject you so hard that they named it "Ono" island.

I'm sorry sunshine user, but the panhandle is done with your shit. Panhandle anons can confirm this.

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I propose that Mississippi be incorporated into it for river and western access.

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Baldwin County represent. Swear to God, every other 20 something White dude here is on Jow Forums.

Bunch of dumb Alabama niggers

Visited Alabama for the first time ever recently. Can confirm it is full of blacks but also a lot of hot white chicks.

Yes, granted most whites in the bay area is redpilled as fuck, prichard would redpill anyone.

Because Alabama is just Georgia stuck 30 years in the past

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GA here. That sounds like a dream.

>When you're such shit not even Mobile wants you


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Really Prichard is what people think of when they think "the shit part of Mobile" Went from a blue-collard city to niggerville in 20 years.

I mean it peach bro, if the diversity just increases here by just .001% I'd consider moving to bama or another good state far far away. Or atleat escape the hell that can be the 285 perimeter. But by the time you move up north to the mountains or south to the plains, all the "diverse" folks and leftist transplants will follow and bring they're bullshit and further taint this great state. Leave georgia for native Georgians. It sucks here anyway, spread the word!

It's a damn shame. I try to avoid Mobile as much as possible, I stay down in Gulf Shores making a ton of cash off tourists.

Just know Huntsville has a BUNCH of germans in the city and there is a good chance you'll meet the children of 200+ nazi scientist who lived in the area. Von Braun moved to the area because of how much it reminded him of Germany.

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Ya now I live up north but the area as a whole is getting better, a bunch of industry is moving in now.

tennessee is like 80% white

That's good to hear, hope they don't just hire jigs or import.

Only problem really with mobile besides the niggers is Catholic cucks being open to accepting refugees. Thank god our state said no but those Catholics, my god.

Fuck them, damn Papists. So glad they shot down the idea of building that refugee processing center North of Orange Beach. Woulda ruined everything. Would have loved to see it get hit by a hurricane and help clean up

Not surprised, knew someone with German grandparents from Huntsville. Sounds based.
Tenessee is not a bad prospect, like it up there too. But I'm afraid from what I've observed that spics, gooks, and poos are just spreading out all over the place. And even worse are the freeloading nogs from up north like (ew Yor) and chicongo returning to to the south with their mediocrity and entitlement of gibs. Can't tell who's worse.

there are not many >80% white states left with populations as big as TN, enjoy it while it lasts. Also go rural

>the bay area
first time in my entire life that I've read or heard this phrase applied to someplace other than San Francisco

Ya I have German family in Huntsville, they can speak fluent german and they have a heavy german accent.

One problem with TN, spics, spics and spics.

I mean I've lived in the area the first 10 years of my life but never actually ever heard a name for the mobile bay area. I just call it the bay area because well it's the area around the bay, idk what else people call it. Is there a name for it?

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I think you mean niggers niggers niggers, as is the same all throughout the south.

Somebody told me there was a V8 Kawasaki in Alabama so I flew down there and there it was.

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Okay no, I mean spics. I went up to Nashville for the Solar Eclipse and when I got to my hotel, the receptionist did not speak english. I mean okay time to get the manager, manager spoke hardly any english. There was construction in the lobby and one of the spic workers overheard out situation and he spoke enough english to translate to the hotel staff we were here to pick up a room.

Okay then after that we got in the car and turned on the radio. It was on a spanish station, I mean alright we know there's a bunch of beaners here but let's just find another station. I went through station after station and they were all spanish. I had to go through 15 stations of spanish to find one station that spoke english and it was fucking NPR.

Yes, I know niggers are always a problem but in TN you have a bigger spic problem than you think.

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Based. you can take some of these brothers from mobile if you really need refugees.

Oh i've been to that museum a few times, very cool place. Probably one of the best moterbike museums in the world.

Lower Alabama you mongoloid.

If they built that camp, you know the locals would of just turned it into El Auschwitz and murdered all of the "refugees"

That's the plan. If the south gets too bad in the next 20 years I've got a couple other places in mind, won't say where to give no more ideas. Just wish people would stop moving down here. How do we get em to stop?
Tfw no proud german speaking relatives. That's the ubiquitous problem, too many spics everywhere, there's almost no refuge from em, and at this point neither from gooks. Don't get why people don't realize they can be just as bad. Guess too many believe:
>muh high iq gooks
>muh yerrow fever
>muh higher income brackets
Take it from me, most Koreans and viets don't give a rat's ass about here, just them and their communities.
Also true but at Least there's a slim chance that they can be more culturally compatible then these fucking foreigners with no desire to integrate. Country ones anyway not city nogs. Especially not the fuckers from other states. They come to the south and get mad when there's no gibs like back in their lefty havens.

This is fake news, everything below the black belt is lower Alabama. Plus I'm only refering to the Area from Magnolia Springs to Alabama Port (the blue)

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If we get hit with another Ivan tier hurricane and they decide to start some shit east of the bridge it will not be pretty

nice pic, but for us LA dwellers, you can expand the blue to orange beach on the east and to bayou la batre on the west.. locals call that LA or lower alabama... nobody considers anything north of citronelle LA

also anything north of the panhandle is considered the wiregrass

>thinking they deserve the panhandle
Fuck off, nigger. The Gulf coast is rightful Florida clay
¡Viva la república de Florida!

Okay so I think these area the general areas of the... coastal counties?

Red-Bay Area
Blue-West Mobile (like West West, quite beyond suburbs)
Pink-Gulf Coast
Yellow- DESU I know what to call this. I mean it is a region which is not really influenced by the gulf or the bay and it's kinda its own thing.

I was born in west mobile and grew up in Fairhope. Not like I am not a person from down there. Maybe that's what the kids call it now a days but I mainly hung around old folk. Mainly called it the Mobile Bay Area.

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North or south of Red Mountian?

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wrong pic,

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South, along hwy 280

I really do not enjoy how many of those pictures I instantly recognize

lets meet in the middle and Bring the Republic of West Florida back... all the way to tallahassee

ahh okay :) yeah the old timers all call it the mobile bay area still. come on home brother!

/wipes a tear away

Okay, this is 100% the best way to discribe Bama fans, other folks don't seem to understand the bear is a god to us and Saban is Moses. You wonder why Harvey Updyke posioned the trees, someone defaced the Bryant Statue. YOU DO NOT TOUCH THE IMAGE OF BRYANT!

Could you imagine living north of red mountian, Unless you're in the highlands, you're basically going to have to prepare to a battle everynight.

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Most of us folks down here consider the Gulf coast everything from slidel to pensacola

Dude, take your pedo anime shit and gtfo

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My folks are coming back but I don't remember the bay much, while I do enjoy it, my home is in the hills and walking along the Cahaba river picking the Cahaba lillies. Though I do love it down there and will visit quite a bit.

Oh ya the whole area is the North Gulf Coast from Dauphin Island to Port St.Joe, Mississippi has fake beaches, they do not deserve to be included.

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>on Jow Forums
heh, if only you were self aware

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Downtown is quickly being gentrified by liberals and leftists but for the most part its planet of the apes indeed.

Pol is no longer an anime board. Deal with it. This is frog country kiddy diddler you will hang

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It's beautiful up that way as well. I miss playing around in Desoto Caverns before it was all touristy

im stealing this picture. ty

Apologies fren for all the spring bugs on the know how it is

Inverness/Chelsea area present and accounted for

Oh no they took the #1 recipient of federal aid, and the state routinely at the bottom for all education and quality of life indexes... Whatever shall we do?

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Ya but it's just a small area downtown, I went downtown quite often and I recently went to the Iron games and saw how that whole area is growing. I mean it's cool since UAB is there but go west of I-65 or north of railtracks and you'll be faced with niggers and (especially right downtown) homeless niggers.

Actually funny story, so you know when they did Pic related ya? So 2 days after they put it up, I printed a picture of Pepe and wrote something along the lines of "Honor our confederate brothers" on it. I taped it to the big black box and walked away since there were so many homeless niggers right around there. I went back to my car and drove by and saw it had already been torn down and some niggers looked at me very angerly. I got the fuck out of dodge fast.

So when I got back I saw this in the news
This happened 5 minutes after I got in my car and left the parking spot. I parked my car in this very same block and I knew it was a nigger hunting me down.

I wished more Bham anons would shitpost the black box. great Fun!

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You can see where the progress of Downtown Birmingham completely ceased after the 1960s Race Riots because of all the 1960s abandoned businesses. That was when white flight completely took affect and we lost the city.

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Alabama drivers seem to all think that its perfectly normal to go 30 MPH over the speed limit

Florida needs the panhandle more than Alabama. Without it, we would vote blue in 100% of elections instead of 50%.

Chicken nugget IQ, GA had an ATL 30 years ago and AL has nothing even remotely close to it now and won't in the next 30 years.

Never once have I heard a leftist explain their point when posting this information

Well yes, it is perfectly normal to go 30 over (as long as you are not a nigger about it and stay in the left lane and treat it like the Autobahn.)

Hell I use backroads to get to Mobile from T-town and on HWY 25, I can go 120 and it's not a big deal since it's just a stright line and hardly anybody uses the road.

BTW, if you are coming from the T-town area to Mobile or gulf coast, I highly advise you take 25 down, it's a stright line and you can do it in about 30-25 minutes. great way to gain time on a long trip. No cops and the roads are in pretty good condition.

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I have to go through Mobile every month because my reserve base is in MS. Driving through Balbwin county and Mobile is like driving on the Indy 500. You gotta be careful though because state troopers are everywhere in the state.

>tfw you are not red

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LMAO that is hilarious
and finally a Jow Forums event applicable to our shithole city!

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Just saying fampai, GA ain't what it used to be, a lot of places are losing that southern charm. The whole Abrams thing was a revelation, whether staged or not, that it'll never be the same again, and it'll get worse and worse demographically and politically.

Well on the interstate that is. I just don't use the interstate unless I have to at this point.

One time I went on the interstate from bham to T-town I was just getting off my exit at around 4 AM and was super tired and ready to go to sleep and a cop turns on his lights behind me.
Doing 80 in a 70 isn't bad but apparently 400 feet before the exit it where a constructuion zone starts and the speed limit was 45 MPH for those 400 feet before the exit.

So basically cop got me going 80 in a 45, complete bullshit and it's why I hate going to the interstate, they're hawks man!

It's been a while though, is the box still there?

yes the box is still there, I'm guessing putting the box up was the best compromise the city could make between letting it stand and being constantly defaced and tearing it down angering all the suburban and rural whites.


Alabama native here: You are correct.

Alabama is very based.
They have shrines to racial cooperation everywhere but white people refuse to live in niggerham.

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Okay well it wasn't to please the whites in the cities, it was because the state made it illegal for cities to tear down war monuments. So all the mayor could do was put a black box around it and pretend it doesn't exist. Basically it's a cuck box.

We really do need to shitpost the box, would be something on par with other Jow Forums trolls. Imagine if someone hung the confedrate flag on the box?

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Obviously the box is an offensive appropriation of islamic culture.

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Not about left/right for me. I just didn't find the south appealing when I lived there. Full of lazy white people complaining about lazy black people. Beautiful part of the country though.

I’m glad the city is actually keeping many of the old buildings and using them for new businesses instead of tearing them down to build condos or leaving them to rust. I’m downtown often and I like the way Birmingham has improved in the past few years. I plan to move to the Highlands soon as I like the area (currently live near Homewood).

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>Also why does florida deserve the Panhandle?

Because it keeps the idiots at Ft. Walton Beach instead of the far nicer Gulf Shores and Dauphin Island.

I gotta ask What does "Stars fell on Alabama" mean? it is a sly reference to the civil war and northern aggression or does it mean Alabama is heavenly?

Hangout fest is gonna be a shit show this year

Also, I like most of the condos. They have a nice gentrifying effect, which we need more of—not too much, just enough to get Birmingham where it needs to be.

Stars fell on alabama is some love song from the 30's

Well funny enough it's actually about a meteor shower that happened back in 1833. I mean this was a massive shower with thousonds of meteors burning in the atmosphere. Some jazz singer came along and wrote a song about it about 100 years later. So it's not really representing anything, it's just about literal "stars" falling on to Alabama.

Never was unable to talk my way out of a ticket until I left bama

What do we do about the El Hoover question though? There's quite a few spics there. It's like the only spics in the state live in this small area but they're there and you know you're in the spic area.
>pic related

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I know the area you mean, Little Mexico I think it’s called. As areas go, it’s not that bad. They have their own businesses and tend to not bother people.

I do have fond memories of going to what used to be a Winn Dixie (which is now a bargain store...sigh) in the area, though—not to mention Lion & Unicorn. But if you want the area to be more gentrified then big box stores or new condos are probably the only way.

A Super Target, a Publix, and two or three condo buildings would likely do it.


I am a young northerner who moved to SC about a two years ago, moved back up to PA for educational reasons. Didn't like the South at all the first time, is it worth giving another try. I have great respect for the white heritage that's there, but I wish I had that up here in my home and state.

I used to be upset about the Vulcan statue downtown because of it's confliction of Alabama being the epicenter of American Christianity until I became a Right Winger, now I love the ties to Roman Mythology and the connection of how far western civilization has come. It's one of my biggest inspirations when I am going through downtown to keep fighting the good fight.

>pic related

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