How is Tucker still on air?

He keeps BTFOing neocons and kikes in general. How can someone this based be allowed on FOX?
He even destroyed the Venezuela narrative.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Honestly dont know at this point. He goes full anti-neocon and zionist interests as much as antileftism these days, almost like having a chad tier ron paul on prime time tv everynight.

>drops strasserite dog whistles in his show
>doubles down when confronted by corporatist "conservatives" and marxists
>believes that the west is superior and must be defended
>calls out zion don, despite ((Fox's)) wishes.
>firm believer of gender roles
>redpills the boomer menace on white genocide

depressing that Jow Forums rarely mentions this guy

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>Honestly dont know at this point
I think he's got enough of a coalition now that they don't want to fire him as he'd siphon off a lot of credibility from Fox. They'd lose an audience share but they'd regain it again. I think it's credibility at this point. He's their "free thinker".

I think what's interesting is his acceleration on this stuff. We know he's the heir to a fortune so he seems to not give a shit. I personally think he's gearing up for a Presidential run and he's betting on the changing tide that we all see happening. So I think he's seeing how far he can push it and getting all of his views "on the record" so to speak (for aforementioned later run)

but to that point... this woman seems like a shill. I don't know what to trust. So far Trump Bolton and Pompeo haven't done anything other than talk big and sanction a country that is misbehaving (via Cuba proxy via China/Russia proxy). That's NOT why the rebellion is happening though. Even if he lifted sanctions...that won't stop the uprising that's coming.

Not sure who to believe completely but I think it's a mix of 2020 socialism vs capitalism need / obviously oil / the need to deal with Russia/China gaining a new alliance and power in our hemisphere.

Her comparing it to Iraq is silly (as of now)

It would be kinda based if he got fired and he ends up on youtube with 2 million subscribers saying w/e he wants.

or tucker on rt, that would be hilarious

He makes Fox a lot of money is how.

So are magapedes pissed off tucker is cockblocking him?

oh there you go. She works for RT. She's shilling for the Russians. Tucker is just doing his "I give every angle shtick". He seems to want both parties to admit it's about the need to stop Russia/China from getting oil.

Jews love money and ratings. They don't wanna see their shit tank.

If Fox News fired Tucker they'd go out of business after the boomers die off. Nobody under 50 watches Hannity

I remember Christopher Hitchens said he would be a huge name, and thought he was very intelligent. I remember liberals being befuddled that Hitchens considered him a friend

I don't know about that. If he was being so problematic for them from a messaging perspective, they'd have been looking for someone by now. They're cutthroat - they'd find a way to end him and spin it.

I think it's about credibility at this point, not ratings. I think they're waiting for the Trump circus to die down. Once the ratings drop in 2024, and the non-boomers long for good whole wholesome conservatism, they'll dump rock-the-boat-Tucker. That's my theory. The man has been fired from nearly every position over the years.

>non-boomers long for good wholesome conservatism
Literally every young conservative I know is a closet racist at least

That's always been the case. The boomer thing is overblown on pol. Most actual conservatives are racist to a degree. They just like Tucker right now cause it's considered cool to be edgy along with Trump. I'm sure they're so sick of it...along with Trump. They're ratings are killing it but they know it all ends in 2024.

No, Tucker is a good influence on Trump. Trump watches Tucker regularly. It helps to keep Trump honest to his promises from a policy perspective.

Who's sick of it? Fox News? Sure. The people? Dude nobody likes Reagan/Bush conservatism. Populism is the future.

>but to that point... this woman seems like a shill. I don't know what to trust
She is, trust no one. Venezuela starving their citizens to death has nothing to do with sanctions and it's sickening that these communists would prop up another tyrant. That's what communism is though, being married to the cult and excusing this stuff for the cause.

He is literally the only based guy on TV. I think he lurks here to.

true; interesting point

typo * "they're sick of how they have to have a slightly edgy guy but keep along with their neocon deepstate guardians (Chris Wallace, Shepard Smith, Hannity [whom is just playing a Trump surrogate for now]).

Don't you guys remember when Fox news was doing the faux 'deepstate outrage' shtick for so long - under Bush and Obama? It's what opened them up to Obama turning them into a punching bag. Fox News is just playing along with Trump for now. And Tucker is riding the wave. The Murdochs hate Trump. I mean if you watch Chris Wallace - the guy is just playing the liberal talking points but acting like he's impartial. Tucker is literally the only radical that they have to keep for people our age. They'll throw us out the second the world "returns to normalcy"

>Who's sick of it? Fox News? Sure. The people? Dude nobody likes Reagan/Bush conservatism. Populism is the future.
Fox News is whom I meant.

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Controlled opposition. Duh! If fox didn't have tucker and hannity their ratings would have dropped to nothing. They always need someone to attack them... that way they can round up all the political opposition.

im pretty tired of this shit and dont wanna deal with it anymore

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>Who's sick of it? Fox News? Sure. The people? Dude nobody likes Reagan/Bush conservatism. Populism is the future.
I guess my point is - I compeltely agree - and it'll be interesting to see what happens 2024-2028. Will conservatives just stick with Fox and enjoy the "wholesome" thing? Or will they go populism and wake up? I think Fox is betting on keeping them along for the ride. So much money at stake. I guess it becomes imperative we get all the foreign money out of the media as well otherwise the media and tenor of people will just revert back to what it was before Trump.

>the second the world returns to normalcy
What do you mean? Either we become Brazil in a slow decline or we are in for fireworks. Either way it'll never be like the Reagan/Bush era ever again.

>What do you mean? Either we become Brazil in a slow decline or we are in for fireworks. Either way it'll never be like the Reagan/Bush era ever again.
It will return to normalcy from a media perspective is what i mean. We won't have another Trump around to destabilize them this much. And audiences will have a choice to either tune out and get online .... or fall back into the media grip and ... yah... Brazil.

Thanks for the Tucker appreciation thread.
He deserves it.

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As a working class american, i agree with these points wholeheartedly. I will continue to tune in to Tucker Carlson on Fox News every chance i get!

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based chinaman

>turns tv off and goes to bed
>everything keeps going in the same direction as people are satiated by a television program
hes based but people can’t just relax like they did because trump won

no where in that video did he BTFO neocons or zionists..

who makes threads? is it /ptg/?

How is James Woods banned off Twitter?

he does btfo neocons. Zionists maybe through innuendo if you wanted to hear it.

He doens't do it in that video besides the fact he brought a commie on who railed against us dabbling in Venezuela

he didn't have to. That dame short circuited millions of NPCs.

The interview he gave to that Jew tonight was disgusting. One of the few times I have turned off his show. The other times being when someone was filling in for him

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Red Scare on Tucker when?

>depressing that Jow Forums rarely mentions this guy
wtf are you talking about? he's probably the most talked about fox guy. even /ptg/ loves him.

As if YouTube wouldn't shut him down

then he starts streaming on dtube and migrate everyone off youtube

Don't know what happened to this dude.

He went from being a neocon lolberg to Nazbol.

He is literally the only interesting person on TV.

Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there.

Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

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>socialism vs capitalism
You mean socialist vs socialist, Guaido is a socialist with an even further lefty mentor.

It's pretty clear that this invasion is about global influence rather than "help da pipo", Venezuela will never, ever recover.

>a memeflag shilling corporate media

Bullshit. Military contractors have boots on the ground with much more incoming.

This is Iraq 2.0

Any serious threat to established digital monopolies will be shut down unless a parallel banking/hosting/payment system is established, or something politically happens

>I think he lurks here to.
>tfw I possibly called Tucker Carlson a nigger

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hes 2nd in ratings behind hannity - that's in a ranking of every pundit.

She's right, aside from the muh 40,000 died from sanctions. They extrapolated that number from statistical anomalies over the last few years compared to previous averages. Most of the blame for that has more to do with the general failing of their economy, of which US sanctions are a rather mild contributor.

Hi Tucker, you’re a nigger.
Tell whichever of your daughters that is closest to, but over, the legal age of consent in your state that I would like to take her to dinner.

That's what I'm worried about. They're all controlled and you can't put anything against that wall.

>She's right

So the people love Maduro, and love communism? Cuz it sure doesn't seem that way.

The people of Venezuela are retarded. They prefer Maduro over Guido, especially with American gov doing their most ham-fisted regime change to date. This is Trump's Bay of Pigs. Spooks selling something to the President that isn't practical without direct military confrontation. Much like JFK, I think Trump will pull the plug when they reveal how deep the quagmire really is.

>not pointing out that this is just Israel once again trying to start a proxy war between America and Iran

Pipe down, schlomo

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Even ZionDon hates him now days.
Tucker is pure Americana lads.

Trump got pissed at Tuck.
Watches all other FoxNews shows sans gayShep.

i feel like every time i watch Tucker I like him more.
but idk. i still haven't forgotten what an abhorrent, neocon hack he used to be. has he ever publically admitted that he was wrong on a shit ton of stuff in the 2000s?

He's a millionaire funded by billionaires so everything he says is actually wrong, sorry sweatie.

He has that filthy kike dershowitz on all the time, I can't stand it.

I honestly don't know if he knows about the chosen or he's completely oblivious

Yes almost every time it comes up he says how he was wrong.

Almost every public figure was wrong then, and the anti war people were mostly just contrarians and partisans.

You have to remember that for the most part, people are controlled by their information feed, and that's especially true for people like tucker or trump. They rely on their staff and entourage to provide them with information, and their conclusions are only as good as the information they receive.

Shitlibs and Antifa have been howling for ad boycotts against Fox specifically because of Tucker.

>It is bypartisan issue I wonder (((why)))
Lel this guy

Trump tweeted Tucker earlier where Tucker criticized his Venezuela policy. I was pretty shocked he tweeted Tucker at all.

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Tucker is pretty based indeed.

he'll never amass support or even platform any politics
he just mouthpieces for some views so the disenfranchised can cling to hope that they're not disenfranchised

I think his recent and current behavior makes up for it.

Why is Venezuela even sanctioned despite there is absolutely zero possibility of nuclear weapon or WMD, other than burgers being triggered by its oil reserve?
Literally they'd let the gulf nations do whatever they want but they're sanctioning Cuba and Venezuela just because >socialism?
Sounds fishy as fuck

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Eric Stiker's theory is that they want control of the oil so that when they go after Iran the oil market doesn't go crazy

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>Venezuela starving their citizens to death has nothing to do with sanctions

I mean he is the main event what other people on Fox News you watch Hannity?

Because they nationalized things jewish finance was invested in

Process is almost complete.
Fun times are around the corner

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>but to that point... this woman seems like a shill. I don't know what to trust.

Same. I know how rabid communists can get about their support for it no matter how bad it gets, and I know nothing about this woman. With that said, in general, I'm against interfering in another countries elections. If the Venezuelan leader was indeed not elected democratically, then let the Venezuelan people deal with it,if it's none of our business. However if other nations are taking advantage of the situation in venezuala and are attempting to overtake it or something to that effect, then we should try to prevent such a thing from happening if it's in the US's strategic interest.

serbian jew double bluff

God i wish hed run for President

How is that funny? Hyperinflation due to communism and the regime disallowing free trade while at the same time destroying their agricultural industry is their own doing.

I cant believe theyre still letting him on tv

Lmao look at these flags the protesters had

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>Hyperinflation due to communism and the regime disallowing free trade

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Exactly, you have no argument.

You forgot:

>Supports Yang and calls him the only candidate serious about the economic issues

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Fuck if I know, moe I guess
> with interest

I love him.

You might want to read up on US involvement in Latin America since the fifties. This shit looks just like Guatemala

>He went from being a neocon lolberg to Nazbol.
Quite a redemption ark. I'd describe him as a paleoconservative if not a national socialist.

He's never said anything pro-bolshevism.

the only good guy in the news really

>has he ever publically admitted that he was wrong on a shit ton of stuff in the 2000s?
Yes, he also apologized.


And you're an actual shill.

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Maduro was not elected legitimately, he is a communist and a jew, he destroyed venezuela totally with his economic policy, and having a commie dictator right at the US doorstep is a geopolitical threat.

Tell me exactly why this doesn't concern the US strategic and security interests?

Tucker is wrong on this issue, mostly because he is so anti-intervention that he decided to ally with Jewish communists to not look like a hypocrite.

he just tweeted tuck a few hours, retard

hes a kabbalah kike, cant find the pic, but you can see the red string under his sleeve

highest ratings of any other prime time host. they can fake the approval ratings for various policies citing made up polling but it's much harder to fake the shekels a channel rakes in when something is popular/unpopular

>Oy vey, more international wars goy. Third world shitholes are a real threat to the west.
Fuck that, idgaf about Venezuela, let them fix their own shit. Keep our troops home.