Which countries are you actively boycotting?


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You don't have enough money to buy anything made in spain

>boycotting America
>posting on the internet
You're a dumb nigger.

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Can you get more people to boycott us please?

The rest of the world, NY(except upstate), CA. And many parts of other states, including parts of my own. Maybe not Japan though.

i haven’t spent money in years.

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china, it's really hard to fight the temptation to buy competitive chinkshit electronics but i'd rather support team blue

> anything made in spain

wow, it's fucking nothing

Nothing has changed here. You should try harder

Boycotting Colombia now. Let's see if one unwise Colombian comment on Jow Forums can cripple the nation's economy.

>not boycotting Israel

Lmao that's like boycotting metal for being hot when it's been sitting in the sun for too long

My internet provider/phone line could be Movistar, but I'm not giving no colonizers a single penny.


I hate them.

You hate us, because in Chile we believe that all Colombians are blacks hahahahaha


We this two gone the world will fix itself.

The UK.

No more cocaine for you then, user.

You don't even have money


Nice try Zara only makes overpriced cheap slim fit pants without back pockets, I don't drink white wine and cork is useless.

Chileans are saturating our market not letting our own home-grown companies thrive, Fallabella, Homecenter, etc. Some of these come to my mind.

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>all of the middle east and Africa
>south america

the internet was made by an englishmen for god sake.

Everywhere not America

I'm boycotting Am*rica. In June I'm moving to Europe and renouncing my citizenship so the Great Satan™ can't tax me there. One less healthy white male and white family you devils can't destroy through your cancer.

maybe china but man that's fucking hard so sometimes I just forget that eventually they will enslave the world

>hurr durr tim berners lee made html

user, please

At least we have an excuse for this but Chile is not a global imperialistic force so why is this happening to you?

Enjoy getting macheted to death because you're a defenseless subject.


op is a faggot

While Colombians come to our country to just commit crimes and kill our people..

How ungrateful! We give them jobs in their country and they bring crime to our country.

What's "Spain" faggot?

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Then why do we have so many fat and ugly cleaning ladies from your country? Even my grandpa has one

I'd rather let my hard-earned money go to some korean family who can eventually pop out more beautiful lisas into this ugly world to even things out.

Hyundai, Kia, Samsung, LG, etc. You name it, support Korean business.

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Very much doubt that. Only old people liked Spain
so this "lady" you speak of must be very old. Young people don't give a fuck about your country.

I'm moving to a 93% ethnically homogeneous and 99% white country. I was born there and know everyone in town. Meanwhile every 3 months here a new pot head with 14 baby mommas moves into the bank owned homes on HUD vouchers. I'm not paying for these animals to sit around and literally smoke weed and fuck all day. Fuck your "values™" and "freedom™"
I'm a National Socialist anyway.. we have some unfinished business ;)
Who (((Am*rica)))?!

Should probably boycott this country too

>I’m moving to a 99% white country
>I was born there

If it’s anywhere in Eastern Europe they will hate you

I dodge American at every step I can but truth is I don't even have to buy american for them to profit from it. All multinationals here are american. Every single one of them. Costco, Walmart, Sam's Club, Walgreens, CVS, etc. You name it, it is american. I either buy japanese or Korean. My father is a German guy tho. He buys Volkswagon

Forgot pic

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Meant for I have no idea, we have a few big companies so it's understandable foreigners find it easier to compete in our market, also most consumers are ignorant and don't care about that stuff (like the fact they are basically taking money away from poor-crippling Colombia to Chile). But I can see among younger peeps there's a growing feeling to favor national products, maybe that will change in the future.

You can't afford American Products anyways

America will be more white in 2050 than Europe. We're the most racist country in history and on the verge of an Aryan Reconquista of the entire continent.

I buy my produce from Chile, they grow some fine produce

Stop boycotting my country you nigger, or I will stop buying Colombian coke

I was born there (been back several times). I speak the language fluently etc. Nobody gives a fuck unless you're an idiot about being affluent or well travelled.

Sure seems that way, people aren't hiding their power level anymore

colombia. those fuckers suck ass

You guys grow the best produce


Oh wait, Columbia has nothing to boycott


best of luck sir ..do what you want just understand that Europe will free Herself from (((your))) cancerous death grip.

you are not wrong, unless you want to boycott cocaine and hookers.

Godspeed user. I may try to join you in Europe soon. If America gets any less white it will no longer be my country. I don't give a fuck about the USA, my loyalty will always be for Dixie and also our glorious fuhrer. Sieg heil and good luck, fren.

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Their brown though
More like a niche fetish

Do we still produce coke? I haven't seen news about that in a while.

That's the point, we don't have anything to produce, Coffee? That shit is freaking disgusting, and every single year we keep losing market to Africa and Vietnam, but no one cares about that shit. Thank God I will move to Korea the moment i finish my undergrad.

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Am*rica is already less than 50% white in the 21 and younger category. Every law is specifically created to be used against you. Every dollar of your tax money funds your own destruction. Every politician is a traitorous whore. You have only one way to save whites in America, to leave it. If you love Am*rica so much you can come back in 20 years and reconquer it from the hordes of non whites.

I hate to break it to you, Koreans are really racist against brown goblins such as yourself

The shit already hit the fan in Europe, need to just stand your ground and fight, running away isn't going to fix shit

>Israel, of course.

I also try to boycott Jews in general. I also want to buy less American-made stuff. But I don't buy a lot in general, so it's not really that big of a deal.

Why would you choose to get stds in a banana nation when you can do it safely back in home? Also the average Colombian girl is ugly, disgusting hippos.

I'm not brown, and koreans around my age are actually open minded, I already know what to expect.

America is it's people. Democracy didn't make people Greek so why do people assume values™ and a paper document make you a real American™. It's their most powerful tool against whites in America, their identity being based on arbitrary and dynamic concepts rather than blood lineage as with all living beings.

Don't listen to the idiots telling you Europeans wouldn't welcome you there. You only need basic humility and everyone will welcome you. Everything you do here contributes to your own destruction. Your taxes fund political traitors. Your stability legitimizes their corruption.
Come home white man, Europe was always our blood and soil.

>Which countries are you actively boycotting?
(User was arrested for this post.)

Who's "running away"?! You have to understand what role you're serving in this system!
white Americans are what keeps the system functional. You CAN NEVER change the system because ALL politicians are traitorous whores! You can NEVER overthrow the system because they'll use it as a reason to usurp even more power.

EVERYTHING you do within this nation metastasizes the cancer within.
>You work harder, earn more to move your family?!
you generate more tax revenue for a corrupt system
>you try to "elect the right politicians"
you give legitimacy to the political whores which will stab you in the back

Your only solution is to not participate and to let it self destruct!

It all comes back to Israel and jews. Who don't like being labeled a jew by an outsider? Jews.

> I already know what to expect.
You think you do, you'll learn

Just china

what are you even trying to fight for anyway?! what belongs to you here? nothing! you own nothing and the nation sees you as a thief rather than a creator. The most important thing to me is that my grandkids are ethically similar to me. I could give a fuck less if I never own a gun or eat a hamburger.

Wtf show proof so we can start sending back the 100k+ of negros you have trapped here.

I understand this, I'm NS and had family in the Wehrmacht. However until and unless a world war begins, I understand jews need a host to live off. Nothing can be done in the current environment of the world/US. read this naming the jew does nothing because they have complete control of everything here.

>literally 92% of the american economy is domestic
>the remaining 8% alone makes us the largest consumers, the largest lenders, the largest debtors, one of the largest manufacturing producers, top food producer and top energy producer.

We already by default dont need any of you, its amazing how absolutely dominant America is in fucking everything and you stupid niggers have no idea and/or are in total denial about our laughably insane advantage we have over the world.

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Based negrito poster

>naming the jew does nothing

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>so this "lady" you speak of must be very old
She's a fat goblina, must be 30 something. We
also have some young puertorican whores.

>exports maple syrup
Not much to brag about there, right, leaf?


Can anyone else tell shes a coal burner?

Probably left overs from your shit dead end genetics bro

Why so mad? Must feel like shit being part of the sub human rape baby society we left behind. Dw if you keep cleaning the gringo's toilets u might save enough money to come here!

>your shit dead end genetics bro
That's the only part of your genes that makes you human, mutt.

I can actually go there to enslave you and your entire family on the condition to pay up your debt and bring you here to clean my toilets.


The rest can continue to pollute

I'd boycott Israel, but the only things they sell to US consumers are SodaStreams and those scam soaps that they claim contain Dead Sea salt.

>the internet was made by an englishmen for god sake.
Hahaha oh wow.


Puerto ricans will become an american state in the next 4 years once democrats get a control of the majority of the Senate, that makes them more relevant than Spain tbqh

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>imagine being this delusional
Nice try José, you and your entire family wish they were Spanish.

Puerto Rican pussy is top tier tho desu.

I bought a level 3+ bulletproof chest plate from israel
How fucked am I

How can you boycott Israel if you're using smartphones or computers you useless pile of shit

Maybe in ur shitty continent it does, but that's the same as saying Kentucky is more relevant than Spain in Europe.

puerto ricans are disgusting roaches

>Thank God I will move to Korea the moment i finish my undergrad

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China, Israel, Sweden, and The Vatican

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You all hate gringos, but at the same time you wish you could be them. Deep inside you, you all know how inferior you are.