I've only had one once and it started with a little blind(?) spot in my vision and then my head just started hurting more and more until it felt like somebody smashed me in the head with a baseball bat for a couple hours. Never happened again though, so I wouldn't discount their existence.
Nicholas Lopez
My bitch complains about migraines too, I'm going to stop that now, thanks fren.
I had a female boss at my last job. Several days a month she would say she "had a migrane", turn off the lights in her office, put on sunglasses indoors, and close the door to her office and literally get nothing done all day. But of course she was still on the clock not using sick time.
William Morales
I get migraines user, they're a killer. I learnt in my late teenage years though that they only go away once I fall asleep or vomit so at least I've got a quick cure I can keep working with a headache but a migraine is unbearable, any light exposure feels like a drill behind my eye and just constant wracking nausea
But like with many things, women co-opted that shit as an excuse to get out of things
Jonathan Torres
If a woman had the pain you just described they’d go to the hospital every time they had one. Maybe you have a worm, sorry bro
Anthony Gray
>t. doesn't get migraines Normies love to meme that they have them, but 99% of them don't. They're absolute shit tier.
Landon Myers
Tits or gtfo
Nicholas Hughes
Try the feeling you get when the dentist drills into a nerve for 4 hours straight.
Ayden Allen
Yeah I’m sure, I’ve heard it’s like stepping on A HUNDRED GORILLION hot coals all at once! (But with your head)
Caleb Foster
I get migraines and I'm a dude. It's like a headache, but on crack. Once I actually thought about drilling into the back of my skull to see if it'd relieve any pressure. I didn't because that'd of course be retarded. Not really sure what causes them to be honest. Will go months without having one then randomly I'll feel it coming on. If I don't take some Advil right away or drink a bunch of water and lay down I'm in for a world of hurt. Light is unbearable, loud noises feel 10x louder, and the pounding in your head feels like someone with a hammer inside your skull trying to get out. It sucks.
Dominic Young
I had migraines since I was 6. They are bad. They can last anywhere from 8-12 hours. Pain is so bad it causes me to vomit All I can do when I have a migraine is alternate between crying, throwing up and sleeping. I just want to lock myself in a dark quite room until it passes. I become really sensitive to light and sound. They both just hurt. It even hurts to think. As a kid was sent to doctors for years Even set to Chinese acupuncture Even taken to a curandera (witch doctor), she recommended marijuana but was not available medically at the time Nothing worked. Last major migraine I had, after throwing up, I found myself in the bathroom rolled into a ball crying while alternating between punch myself in the head and pulling my hair because those different fleeting pains gave me relief from the excruciating agony of the migraine. It usually takes me another day to recover.
Alexander Brown
get an MRI?
Nolan Sanchez
>fall asleep or vomit Yeah. I feel you bro.
Jonathan Walker
Done that. Nothing.
Dylan Brown
Gavin Turner
Virgin detected
Christian Thomas
I am guy. I had migraines a few times. It is not frequent. It's really bad, like, the pain makes me vomit for real and light is like swords entering in my eye. Happens in early morning when it comes to me. I just take a bigger than usual fix of heroin and it's better. Don't believe women though they exaggerate everything. They have a little headache ? Yeah that's a "migraine" for them. If they had an actual one they'd rush the hospital, not go get anal bashed by Tyrone while you go working. Fucking cunts
Henry Clark
Crying I guarantee you are gay I get them and want to drill. I have my son sit on head to alleviate pressure
Crying tho?!
Adrian Hill
Based and Frenchpilled
Evan Gutierrez
I've dealt with cluster headaches since 15, and always powered through because, as man, I cant just go into a dark room and be left alone. Women need to suck it the fuck up.
Easton Myers
>when someone complains that they get one migraine a year
fuck anyone who says that. I used to get multiple migraines, or severe headaches, or whatever you want to call them a week for most of my life. I wasn't free of them until a couple months ago when I started taking blood pressure medication. Shit sucked
But i would say migraines exist because i would get three types of headaches The first would be a normal headache that hurt all around The second would be what I call "migraine" with most of the pain centered behind one eye; maybe linked with sinus headaches, although I still have bad allergies despite no headaches The third type was an extreme pounding headache that came in waves, I don't know what the fuck you would call it But yeah, I don't take anyone seriously when they complain about headaches. Grin and bear you fuck
I got one (1) once after coming along to see my then girlfriends lawyer with her. It was actually terrible, if I remember correctly there was a spot of light in my vision and holy shit it hurt like I had been stabbed above my right eye into the brain with an unsharpened stick, with the stick rotating around in my brain once in a while. I couldn’t do anything but lie down for a few hours while it did it’s thing on me. Eventually it went away and I haven’t had one since. It’s been about 5 years or so
Nicholas Jenkins
lol, shut the fuck up faggot. Migraines come with an "aura" that fucks up your vision, that's the difference.
t. migraine sufferer
Oliver White
Kys for trying to retconn migranes. Men get them all the time; sometimes I get them so badly I want to sit still in the dark and just sleep until tomorrow.