Styx preaches endlessly about "morality" and "scriptural guidance", but beneath that tailored garb, slicked back hair, and glittery facade lies a sex-obsessed devil worshipper who revels in depravity. Beware hizs alkcohol fueled machinations.
>the site has been partially inoperable ever since the inauguration weekend, Variety has found. Most notable, petitions filed after 1/22 don’t display any new signatures at all beyond the signature of the initial petitioner. Petitions filed on or before that date at times don’t seem to display new signatures for days.
When I refresh the page it says 7 for a seconds, then switches to 6. It's probably using a YouTube video counting method: royally screws up but eventually evens out correctly.
Xavier Gonzalez
OMG we're up to 7!
Xavier Stewart
keeps dropping down to six for me
Adam Martinez
If a bunch of goobers want to give him money for a laptop that’s fine. It’s like throwing money and roses to an entertainer in the old days.