Stצx Salvation Laptop Fund general ▶▶▶ו666666666

Discussion on Pastor Styx, aka Styxhexenhammer666 (who is a moderator btw), and hizs recent conversion to televangelist style pledge drive schemes.

>Hizs catalyst appeal broadcast
>Preview of hizs new broadcasting style (precisely what he will use hizs new laptop to produce)

Styx preaches endlessly about "morality" and "scriptural guidance", but beneath that tailored garb, slicked back hair, and glittery facade lies a sex-obsessed devil worshipper who revels in depravity. Beware hizs alkcohol fueled machinations.

Attached: styxhexenhammer666.jpg (1284x900, 155K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Go take your meds, OP.

Also, Sage.

Did he win finally?

>Did he win finally?
He unboxed his new laptop, if that's what you meant.

that is exactly what i mrant
he's so shmeless

>that is exactly what i mrant
>he's so shmeless
lol I think you meant to say that is exactly what i meant he's so shameless

thank you,
you are very kind

he's turned into a NEOCON

Sign the petition to make Styx get a job

Attached: styx-job.png (1892x945, 465K)

Today Styx thinks he's Morrissey's evil cousin:


Attached: needshirt.jpg (3024x4032, 1.34M)

Fucking Kek. Lulz......

Fuckin kek

wtf is up with this gay laptop shit for this efag


Attached: 1555711337304.gif (540x540, 279K)

kekking fuck

You're very welcome. Keep in mind that if you have any problems, talk to me and I will help you.

I will add this to the next general. Thank you.

Oh man!

Good work anonsters!

Lol archived Styx links

Styx is unironically based and redpilled and videos are oddly relaxing too.

He's a fucking faggot. Look at him. I would kill this retarded fucking nigger if I ever saw him.

Yeah you can STFU now Mediocre.
Who gives a rat's asshole


Come on people. I did my part.

Attached: awdwadwadw.jpg (1440x500, 93K)

Kek, its been awhile since we've got a good petition going.

signed it, still says only one semite signed it....

Why are these emails not being counted? It only says 1 so far.

Why is it stuck at one?
I signed.

>the site has been partially inoperable ever since the inauguration weekend, Variety has found. Most notable, petitions filed after 1/22 don’t display any new signatures at all beyond the signature of the initial petitioner. Petitions filed on or before that date at times don’t seem to display new signatures for days.

I signed it too. Wtf is up with that?

Oh thanks

We need to find another site then cuz this is just too damn funny not to petition.

It works, but there seems to be a delay depending on the country. The Netherlands, via TOR shows 6 so far.

Attached: cffhdfhtdthdh.png (1366x768, 179K)

same user posts the same shit every night. I bet he jerks it to styx when he unbuttons that shirt

its at 6 now. surely trump will address the serious issue.

Shit aight, we good to go then. I'll spread it as much I can

aww did user hurt your feefees

Attached: 1541666926990.gif (400x400, 1.64M)

When I refresh the page it says 7 for a seconds, then switches to 6. It's probably using a YouTube video counting method: royally screws up but eventually evens out correctly.

OMG we're up to 7!

keeps dropping down to six for me

If a bunch of goobers want to give him money for a laptop that’s fine. It’s like throwing money and roses to an entertainer in the old days.

Give it time to correct itself.


Stop shilling this "free market" jew in here

If you love something let it go.


Attached: 2nd_styxhexenhammer666_pillow-r66b87fbb34b54111810471d49ebdabea_6s309_8byvr_367.jpg (367x367, 24K)