I want to kill myself, but I don't want my body to be found. I want there to exist the possibility that I went missing...

I want to kill myself, but I don't want my body to be found. I want there to exist the possibility that I went missing. I live in the US, so where can I go?

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Go to the coast, claim its for vacation, and drown yourself in the ocean.

If you don't mind me asking, what's making you feel like killing yourself? Please stay strong. If there's a horrible situation in your life like abusive people then run away from it and start a new life but please do not end your own life. You could have some beautiful experiences in the future, there's so much to do and it would break my heart if you ended your life. Don't mean to shove my religion down your throat but I'll be praying for you, user. I love you


Please don't end your beautiful life, user.

why do you want people to think you got kidnapped and shoved in a dumpster? because that is what they'll think.

I'm this poster. Just wanted to add that you shouldn't kill yourself. There is much joy left to be had. Please don't end things.

>I want to kill myself, but I don't want my body to be found. I want there to exist the possibility that I went missing.
Wow. You and me both. I didn't think I'd find someone who shares this dream.

Midwest. Cuz why the fuck would you live mideast?

This. Walk into the ocean at night, fully clothed. Don't leave anything on the beach. This is my plan.

Also, uh.. Don't do it or whatever.

Sorry. Middle east*

There is always the chemical route, you can decay your body, into nothing after offing yourself in a landfill, my kind of delusion

commit a normal suicide in the middle of the canadian wilderness
a bear or wolverine will eat your corpse before they can find you

please don't take any advice on killing yourself, please go to someone who can help you through this dark time in your life, this pain is only for a season and better times are to come, i promise you. whatever you do, please don't give up and please be strong

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Travel to Mexico and walk into the abyss.

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Go to a river, or deep ocean, with heavy clothes and drown, that’s about all you can do, or you could go deep into the woods and shoot yourself or overdose on some lethal drug.

watch a silent voice on netflix first

Don't do it user.

If you don't want to be found that leads me to believe there are people that would be at a tremendous loss if you were to go out, regardless of how it's done. Those people care about you user. You should take some time and foster those relationships.

Also, take a bit of time to focus more on your hobbies. If you don't really have any, then pick something up. Anything that will take up your time and give you more purpose is key.

Stay strong user, there is a meaning for it all.

>I want there to exist the possibility that I went missing.
>he thinks this is better than giving closure for his family with a body

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Find a place that's known for wild boar. They eat everything. Just do it quick so they don't find you while you're still conscious.

I was going to say this same thing, listen to this user, OP

agreed, please don't end your beautiful life. you always have a friend in us if you need someone, I believe you can get through this

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Lmao just jump into one of those meat grinders for pigs

Literally get on a plane to Australia or something and spend what's left of your money. Overdraft all your accounts. Then off yourself after having a good time.

Bro dont kill yourself just have sex instead

+1 on this
don't go without having watched this it's a great movie

also gonna an hero myself within a week or so and watching this was one of the few things i dont regret

Just go live with a provider off /soc/ let him turn you into a sissy fag it’s great

TFW when you already live in Mexico and if I just wanted to do it I just have to walk outside in the middle of the night.

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old abandoned underground drainage. I think its better place to get lost.