This song is so problematic!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Blink 180who?

early 2000s
>no trannies
>no psychotic SJWs
>no mainstream pedophilia
>no drug/opiate crisis
>pre-great recession
>baseball players were allowed to do steroids

take me back

I shit on this music so hard and called these people fags, but I'd take it back in a second to rid us of the nigger shit plaguing the airwaves.

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in 20 years you may think the same thing about now. maybe it'll just get worse.

Fuck ...
Back then I only had to worry about being called a faggot because I listened to a shit band.

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nice digits

Blink is shit, but 14 year old me still misses when I listed to them

fuck u faggot zoomer
i love you
i also cringe at shit i listened too
metal? no.

what is this operation slowdown the suicide rate wtf ?!

You're probably right.

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cmon homie. cmon ...
blink 182 goat as shit ...
you fucking nigger

One thing I've noticed is that, so called "nu-metal" have nothing to do with "nu-males". Disgusting.

Oy vey ...

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This song was inescapable

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i escaped just fine.

chill out faggots

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NHL still had fighting, PS2 was new, Supras were affordable still, we were still blue pilled

my boys are still goin.

Interesting shitposting.
VPNs, TORs, mesh bullshit are trash.

>tfw my older sister used to play this song to cover up the sound of her masturbating
>she was a moaner and we shared a wall
>every time I heard it I knew exactly what was going on
>popped more boners to this than anything

Literally OP.
Interesting ...

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Get out of my head, fellow emo faggots.

Sum 41 was best and they crashed the hardest too

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agree with this user it really is a plague

is she cute?

Lol OP here.
So surprised no one linked this edgy shit.

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listening to this as a teenager with parents still together i thought it was just another cool blink song. but now in my 30s, divorced with kids listening to this again fucking destroyed me. fuck, bros.

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I would do almost anything to marry 2007 Hayley Williams.

>NHL still had fighting
they didnt get rid of fighting, did they?

wow you made it with having kids.
that's amazing.
What the fuck?
I'm literally 30 khv mentally ill neet.
stop complaining.
you won in life already by reproducing.

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saw their debut show opening for offspring before they hit mtv, watched my fatbro get knocked out by a rogue thot elbow. bitch looked back, shrugged, kept on. my sides were in ruins. asg started in the next town over from me, we skated/surfed in the same circles, gotten wasted with the lead. frens sister was used for the first album cover for them. pic related, he sold us weed.

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2000s rock music is fucking awful, I hope to christ people my age don't look back on those years fondly.

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seems like you don't know anything about the early 2000s. You just have some nostalgia about a time in which you were some bluepilled and naive child or teen. Hollywood still existed back then and all those pedophiles together with those SJW-Bots. The latter-ones were the Emos back then. Submissive, suicidal, can't think for themselves etc.

why didnt you try to fuck her?

yeah i was a teenager and i didnt have to worry about all that shit...

wtf are you saying hans? go give all your money to greece, portugal and spain and cuck your wife to a somalian

Who said we didn't?

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>I shit on this music so hard and called these people fags, but I'd take it back in a second to rid us of the nigger shit plaguing the airwaves.
now imagine 20 years from now when takashisixnine and lil pump and lil xan will seem quaint. im not even sure how people could be more ridiculous but maybe everyone will finally just get tired of nigger shit in 20 years.

whats happening here, explain. please dont say fetish stuff.

shut up faggot
you sound like the typical faggot high school kid that linsted to link related

Ah...the painful truth. It hurts, right? Try to insult me as much as you want. This won't change the fact, that the 2000s weren't as great as you think. Just dig deeper and free yourself from this destructive nostalgia.

Post Danzig is shit and you should feel bad.

NVM though you posted the later version.

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Rammstein was always a degenerate Band. Just search for some 90s/2000s live concerts.

im guessing you didnt have the balls to fuck your own sister


Anything before 2000, even country music.

REEEEE take back your country already.
you get this link just for linking that. damn you all, take that shit.

Shut the fuck up you faggot.. Rammstein was always goat you nigger. You sound like a westerner.

not painful. true that times were different and I was different. You don't wish you could experience your teenage years again?

that being said, your country and economy will fail in the next two decades caused by native cultural displacement and the fact that Germany is the only country holding the EU economy together

Based SE NC poster.

I grew up in said town.

Not an Offspring fan, but I'm a fan of this song.

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They had a few bangers

I'm guessing you don't know how much of a whore my sister is.

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Interesting. Thanks for testing.

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>3.6 mill. views
>generic nigger rap song 200 mill. views

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so you did fuck her?

whatever you say.

yeah I know hwhat it feels like, but it holds us back to create a far better future, not only for ourselves, but for our children. And yeah I know that Germany has problems, but so do the united states. your situation isn't any better at all. This shouldn't be a fight amongst whites, whose country is worse. If you don't stand up and fight your melancholy, then nothing will change.

kek, be here during the storms. theres always shit loads of us, fucking hundreds of polacks around us. i usually pass out the frying pan tower cam links. im on the island on the other side of your ferry, not the richfag one.

early 2000s
>no pc
>no internet
>no Jow Forums
>no JQ
>no EU
>no '''refugees''''''

Nothing will change regardless hans. This is how the world works and how it always has worked. Just be ready for the collapse and be ready to build something better when it comes.

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No. You were right, I didn't have the balls. Then she started fucking blacks and mexicans and I can't even get hard to the memories anymore. Now she's got a hellspawn biracial child with a deadbeat dindu.

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Do you guys like hallucinogens and magic and stuff?

I want to go back ...

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You might be right. But you can't rebuild anything, when you live in the past and pity yourself.

when this song came out internet users were probably 20% of what they are today.

The first last and only weezer record that matters.

your family have any status? or more on the white trash side?

sad thing is, Germany has a great economy. You guys make great machines and your banks are strong too. Just the rest of the EU has no work ethic and youll never get your money back from the ECB. I'm sorry your politicians are destroying your culture to feed the social taxation system.

>early 2000s
>no internet
found the phone poster

lets take a moment for some blood and soil, and forget about the apocalypse for a moment.

wow, are you a horny retard?

only thing that kinda helps whites in america is that we have enough land to still keep ourselves somewhat segregated

pretty eyes

whites are angelic

op music is too garbage for me to listen to but this is kino

did you see my flag?

big truth right here, I guess they just realized dressing funny & edgy doesn't make them any victim points

Me too, only sometimes though. I am enjoying my life nowadays.

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I just can't listen to this version
ever since I stumbled onto this..


This is the REAL emo music, son.

Yeah. My sister and I are the product of a medical doctor and an nurse who then became a stay at home mom. Normal childhood, or so I thought. My sister has parental abandonment issues or something to that effect. Parents are dissapointed with both of us because my sister actively fucked up her life and I've done nothing with mine.

the politicians just got bribed like in every other western country. By the way the economy isn't everything. Without culture your country is nothing at all and many germans rather listen to nigger music, watching animes or doing drugs. Many of them don't know anything about their history at all, other than maybe muh WW1 or WW2.

I always made fun of people for liking this shit band. Thank God my taste in music was never this bad.

I wanna go back, bro's

i visited you in the late 00's, i had a good time.

that really takes me back, thanks user

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must be true, i remember nothing

i dont remember much either, fucking rakia man. its good shit. i do remember the cassette vendors, and jean jackets. hang on, let me see if i remember something. te ci mnogo hubava putka. is that right? or close

>>no drug/opiate crisis

That's when the meth epidemic took off in my home country tho. I remember so many of my friends getting hooked on the shit when we left High School.
I had the internet in the early 2000s. Have you never heard of Napster you Zoomer faggot?

Oldfag here, lost the v card to this in the 90s. 2000s kids don't even know.

>I've done nothing with mine.
age? also, it's never too late to start doing shit especially if you're relatively normal and dont get into trouble. fucking stories like this make me paranoid af about having kids though. you can do everything right and still have to watch their lives spiral out of control and blame it all on you.


Post pics pls
We should probably ban this song from all college campuses.
>I was ten years old
>Doing all that I could
>It wasn't easy for me
>To be a scared white boy
>In a black neighborhood

pretty close, its amazing you saw cassets, even cds were long gone

have you heard of poverty?

haha you fell for my trap.
t.30yo khv

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*searches limewire*
big tits hot blondes
>fucking horse porn
big tits hot blondes
>horses reeeeeee
big tits hot blondes
>thats definitely not legal
man those were the risky click days.