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What do yummy snacks have to do with the tech industry?

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memory is the only part of the "tech" sector?

the part about being a stemfag is that i know how to play the market to make a killing off of this while idiots like are about to get their shit pushed in

uh oh another price fixing

t. Snackless no fun faggot

>not getting a shitpost
>bragging on an anonymous board
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha at your """""""""""""""""""""""life""""""""""""""""""""""""

Manner or tfw, faggot.

I haven't bought a new piece of computer equipment in 6 years. Why bother? All they're doing is packing in more of the same tech on to a larger board, which means more heat and more electricity without any real gains. This tech has come far enough to just wear out the computer hardware I have and replace it as it dies.

Manner does make a good wafer

silicon wafers are apart of a nutritious and complete breakfast

why the fuck do I need to upgrayyyddd, anyway?I'm not a Jow Forumstard, I hardly game and if I want to game it's going to be on a console. I'm not going to run a server or anything. There's no reason to upgrayd


For real. To think you need any sort of upgrade in a modern machine (past few years) just shows you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what they are actually selling you.

>I'm smart guise

choke on a chip you buffoon

reminder AMD has 7nm chips planned for Q3

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did somebody say snacks?

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Apparently people like feeding a computer 2,000 watts an hour to play some boring game that wastes cpu cycles on horribly inefficient shaders.

Honestly, the video game and hardware industry needs a down cycle to clear out the trash employees who have been hired for diversity quotas. There is zero creativity, just more gpu and cpu cycles until you have a space heater sitting next to you.

Lack of memory demand means lack of hardware demand means lack of sales.

Apple stock got blatantly Plunge Protected despite awful sales figures. The market is in sham status and the Fed/DoD can't let the Tech Bubble 2.0 collapse lest the ENTIRE WESTERN FACADE collapse with it.

The industry need a down cycle for its own sake. They have morons leading it.

hopefully the down cycle lasts 50 years

I was thinking more like 5.

This is what it is

You're blind. The "gaming industry" feeds hardware sales hence Activision's decision to make Diablo 4 a tablet game. There is no "gaming" industry anymore just a bunch of faggots selling you well calculated color movements meant to keep you engaged and buying.

Because as points out who the fuck needs to upgrade their old iPad let alone PC.

This. Unless you are obsessed with playing triple A budget video games, there really arent a whole lot of reasons to need a computer that is any better than what was top of the line say back in 2010.

Thats when I got my computer, it is a little lacking on ram, I could double it and open up the amount of games it could handle a bit I stopped really "being into games" a while ago and now only play casual shit thats been out for while every now and then.

It's more than enough to fuck around with DAW's, its more than enough work with blender, of course it would take 2 days at full capacity to render a 10 minute video, but if I had a one off project that came out good and really wanted to render a video in 1080 I'd rent a server for a couple bucks and run it on there.

I've thought about building a new computer to replace this one but, running the numbers, in order to build something that out performs what I already have, from 2010, I'd be looking at a $900 build at a minimum. And all things considered, the increase in performance is marginal compared to the $900 it would cost.

"there's no there there"

I'm not blind to anything. I work in this industry. Steam has a growing indie scene that I am hopeful for, but we need a breakthrough before these faggots take the Planned Obsolescence into overdrive. There is only so much hardware they can add to a board before you have enough heat to drive a steam turbine.

sounds like crypto mining is slowing down.

all their sales forecasts and demand would have gone to shit with crypto, inflating everything.

Also in regards to memory, i have been on 16gb for over 4 years now and don't see any reason for more atm.

Based brainlet

ask an user who used to grow single crystal silicone ingots anything

>Also in regards to memory, i have been on 16gb for over 4 years now and don't see any reason for more atm.

New consoles will inflate system requirements. 16 is minimum now, 32 will be sustainable minimum in 5 years.

A 2700 or 1700x and 32gb RAM would build an eternal gaming system if you're not some VR Meme faggot. A used GPU now and something new once second gen ray tracing GPUs come out will solidify eternal status.

>old ipad
Funny you mention that. All of the 'smart phones' that I used to have always lasted about 2 years before the planned obsolescence became obvious. Out of all the computers that I've owned since 94 only one or two of them ever had any sort of performance decline. The only actual decline they had was in contrast to newer, faster computers that had been released. Other than that, a clean format always brought them back to factory new performance.

I even have a shitty imac that still works just like new.

this is everyone's first wafer connotation. it's too bad we all had to learn about the semiconductor variant later on and forgot about the original.

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time for a new standard hardware format imo, ATX is too big. Surely they can make smaller GFX cards and memory modules and high output psu's.

>before you have enough heat to drive a steam turbine.
Yea fucking all those builds that run so hot they require a literal fucking radiator to run blow my fucking mind. What the fuck possesses people to think that liquid cooled electronics belong in a home.. That shit should be relegated to labs and nothing else. Fucking house fire waiting to happen.

It seems like whenever I'm eligible for a subsidized upgrade to a new cellphone, my current one receives an update and it starts running slow. Almost like they intentionally load software that hogs memory which in turn makes all the apps you want to use that much slower or they even crash.

We can call it micro atx

Just a little wafer thin mint?

12 inch wafer demand is always going up

With the ladies

Because when I saw wafer I really mean penis

And when I say going up I mean my penis is becoming erect

And when I say demand I mean women want me to insert my erect penis in their vaginas

Gnomesayin Jow Forums?

>16 is minimum now, 32
Only if you are playing the cancer they keep coming out with. Im still on 4 gb ram and Im playing it runs that horribly unoptimized heros and generals game pretty fine.

This is intentional. Don't question the obvious.

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Also, 10/10 foodsnack

Reminder that Apple is niggers

jesus christ you're a faggot

im talker smaller, smaller memory modules, smaller gfx cards, not just a cut down matx.
I want to build high end rigs in a smaller footprint.
think btx but with smaller memory and gfx and a 800watt psu that isnt the size of a brick.

>Tech Bubble 2.0 collapse lest the ENTIRE WESTERN FACADE collapse with it.
We need a WAR! Quick!

I only hate Google and Facebook.

>This. Unless you are obsessed with playing triple A budget video games, there really arent a whole lot of reasons to need a computer that is any better than what was top of the line say back in 2010.
more 2014

I'm on a pretty old system with 12GB ram and having no issues at all. Honestly the hard drives are the biggest issues now. It feels like everything is made for solid state drives.

I disagree, I had money falling out of my ass back in 2010 and bought myself a rig that ran me $3,500. And it is still shits on all 'entry level' computers and I'd have to spend $900 to build something slightly better.

I'm still using my gaming computer from 2011. I see my family buying craptop after craptop while my PC is still going strong.

2010 is like a geforce 480
2014 is geforce 980

you should hate everyone equally user

Get those big fat Threadrippers and such now before they’re all gone...


fuck em.

t.frugalfag (living in a household where 4 of us bring in $330k+ a year in combined annual income) with a fucked up (yet working great) 2006 desktop

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>4 of us bring in
wait, what?

The entire silicon valley is a scam. The bust is going to be glorious.
t. bayareafag

> the virgin Si industry vs the Chad Compound Semiconductor industry
> opto/photonics looking good

Attached: photonics_generic_banner_1.jpg (458x258, 43K)

Nuclear family of 7; with a trucker, car repair/customization/seller, logistics coordinator and data analyst.

Good I hope smartphone prices skyrocket and welfare niggers start protesting because they can't afford a new one every year.

He lives with 3 other people and combined they bring in 330k a year net income.

That’s basically flagship cell phones and tablets.

But you can get mini itx with laptop style memory slots and half hight short length graphics cards

Sounds comfy, have a safe life fren. Remember don't do drugs.

Buying puts on the triple q’s?

Apple is releasing something called “arcade” and the cloud is a huge growth sector. Perhaps memory demand is decreasing due to software being not stored or run locally.

12 inch wafers are old technology. Most work is done in 300mm wafers and right now there’s a worldwide shortage

Is this actually a potential happening or just another pink wojak meltdown from Jow Forums that won't amount to anything?


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trips of retardation
based and american education pilled

why should we believe you when you can't spell silicon right?

>that wastes cpu cycles on horribly inefficient shaders.

its almost like they don't care for efficient code because inefficient code drives the whole computer industry (software/hardware)

yes, I'm still using an "old" laptop it works perfectly fine *because* I don't really care for games

THis thread is full of boomers... the reason to buy a computer with a CPU that has 6 cores which OC to 4 GHz and has 32 Gb of 3200 DDR4 RAM, with a nice graphics card, could have to do with any number of sectors. People are hugely underestimating the power of tech industry - personally, I think supply will fall; not demand, so cards will become more valuable and less constantly upgraded...

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Well I can’t afford a fucking computer.

Also because most of the actual coding is done by pajeets and they couldn't write efficient code even if the alternative was getting locked in a room with the toilet witch.

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