
Not sure if its a great replacement by the jews or a secret mass eugenics project by crypto nazi shadow government. Are they trying to forge the perfect white man by imposing harsh conditions? What do you think Jow Forums am I just paranoid or is Hitler running our shadow government?

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>Are they trying to forge the perfect white man by imposing harsh conditions?
yes. only the smart ones will survive.

It's just how nature works. Europe became complacent and decadent, so it lost the plot, so conditions worsened.

And yes, the Jews are so ubermensch because they suffered harsh conditions for millennia and a half.

b-but that's how it's always been

i highly doubt it
if hitler was alive he would be the oldest man to ever live at 130

The perfect white man already exists its called the Australian.

australians are not white

This is a harsh time for white men. But dont fear, harsh times make strong men... Now Im going to order a flesh light on amazon and have it delivered to my door while i search for some porn on the internets.

Some times it takes me like an hour to download a game on steam, and I have to swipe on tinder rather than give it voice commands.

Harsh times white man. Its worth it tho.

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australians are evolving into niggers. you become darker and darker because you are so close to the equator.

no. we're talking about elaborate and precise eugenics right here. not literally the strongest.

pic related the current state of white women. everything is about IQ the stupid ones will have not other chance than dying. The smart ones will see that they have been tricked.

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>forge the perfect white man by imposong harsh coditions
How could this work when A, so many fall through the net and B, that your simaltainoisly desemating the white mans home and natural habitat in the process.

Too hard to believe, occums razor has us thinking otherwise...

> And yes, the Jews are so ubermensch because they suffered harsh conditions for millennia and a half.
LMAO, they are schizo gay gypsies and they can't do shit besides jewing people.

perfection of form is subject to the current environment. equatorial niggers have to go back. australians need to go north before its too late.
logical razors are a fallacious jewish artifice especially when used incorrectly by pretentious faggots like yourself. they are inherently sophistic. just like jewish science.

You may cope all you like, it won't change the fact that you labour and dance for the Jews. By not having intellectual bravery to acknowledge dry facts, you take away any chance of getting better.

95% of whites will die or give up, but the ones that remain will be 7'0 chads with monster cocks that cannot be cucked, maintain a harem of teenage fans, reproduce constantly, and are resourceful enough to make some money and support their offspring.

If the average white man was a 7'0 tall chad, no white woman would ever stray.

Dont you think, on reflection, it moght be worth it?

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white people will practically cease to exist in Canada in 200 years.

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who cucked the giants then? the giants are all dead. the glow in the darks are hiding their bones from the public.


see this is the perfect form for this mans environment. hes on a scooter which supports his weight. he has plenty of energy stored up. he is slow but doesn't need to escape predators. he has a hat to shade his eyes. peak performance of white genes right there. majestic

Probably manlet 6 footers got tired of being cucked by GIANT 2 foot cocks and all manlets of all races banded together to kill anyone over 6'3 which is why heights taller then that are so rare nowadays

fucking aussies always shitting up my threads. they will be turning into stupid niggers soon. evolution work your magic.

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So we're the descendants of incel manlet rage. What if it keeps happening until we are all raging hobbits with clinical micropenis?

Oh shit maybe thats what Japanese people are: a smaller, angrier iteration on our way to hobbit-hood.

> By not having intellectual bravery to acknowledge dry facts, you take away any chance of getting better.
Oh shit this cut me like a knife. I'm not being sarcastic. It sounds so simple, too simple to be profound... but its actually one of the great scourges of faggotry that afflict the human race.