What did he get right and what did he get wrong?
How based was Hitler?
Should've trusted and listened to Erwin Rommel more.
Erich von Manstein too
i think Nazi's flirtation with socialism was mere political expediency to appeal to the workers
therefore "National Socialism" is not the eternal solution for your people
i think he was too tentative about abandoning Christianity. Europe must abandon Christianity for their heroic virtues to prosper
He got it all wrong. He doomed the west. As much as I like Russian women we'd be in way better shape had he managed to wipe out Russia.
He tried to invade russia which is like tumblur and normies trying to invade Jow Forums.
Hitler was a woman with a stick-on mustache. It looks fake as fuck. All leaders are like this. We live on planet dick-girl.
I'm just saying this for the sake of conversation but isn't it arguable that most countries with a strong faith - specifically Christianity - prosper? Examples include pretty much most of Europe and the United States - objectively the most developed countries in the world (i.e standard of living, murder rate, happiness, etc.)
He stopped listening to Goring, himmler and rommel. all of hitlers own decisions were retarded.
>What did he get right
>and what did he get wrong?
Seriously bad at propaganda. Didn't even manage to frame himself as the defender of Christian civilization against the evil godless commies to the Anglo public.
His initial assessment of the German people.
They let him down. :(
.. because hitler didnt like Christianity, nazism was borne from the thule society, and hitler rejected Christianity and tried to oust it from Germany
Thinking he should b an artist
>kill Polak & other slavic Christcucks
>portray himself as a defender of Pisstianity
Lol wut?
right but they had faith in the blood of the nation, and the virtues of Christian faith are foreign to the virtues of the German people
furthermore Rome produced high civilization without the need for Christianity, even having embraced religious pluralism
the key is to live for virtue
if the Germans had been eminent in honor God would have granted them their victory
He was so based that he was the base.
>Many commenters on this matter like to blame Jewish influence for these shifts in social attitudes, and it is true that Ashkenazi Jews commonly hold and have promoted progressive agendas. But what these commenters ignore is this: why do people listen? Or more to the point, why have some people (and peoples) embraced these views and not others? A promoted agenda is only as good as the traction it gains. Clearly, the trend towards universalism has been the purview of Northwestern European societies almost exclusively. If Jewish influence has had any role, it is only in the form of a rush in a much larger prevailing current.
>Indeed, Jews are a vanishingly small portion of the population in many of the most progressive countries, such as the Scandinavian ones. Sweden for example is known for being a foremost champion of progressive causes.
>too dumb to read without getting triggered simply by the word "Christianity"
>commie atheists in a nutshell
The point isn't about Christianity but how terrible Hitler was at propaganda. He had no idea what he was doing compared to the kikes. Burgers killed lots of Christians but still managed to establish to some degree the propaganda that they were defending the Christian world against the godless commies. Hitler had lots of avenues to get Anglos on his side but he was naive enough to actually think truth matters in kike propaganda wars.
>brown eyes
>black hair
What I'm trying to say is that faith is extremely important when it comes to the development of nations. It brings a common bond and moral standard that society lives by. Once that is taken away that civilization fails - inevitably. Rome fell and that could be argued due to the lack of common identity, specifically faith - not necessarily Christianity but just faith in general.
Peasants need god to keep them in line? Might be true. Cannot the heavenly imaginary father figure be replaced by something from objective reality or does it have to be subjective nonsense (like father figure in the sky, for example)?
The way you're saying that reads like you're offering mild critiques to Hitler, but you're actually challenging the entire premise of Nazism.
They fought against the two christian countries that eschewed all forms of socialism.
It might be true that Hitler, Göering and other Adolfs henchmen (this does not include Goebbels who was of pure collective mindset) were never socialists in any sense and were cynical opportunists. But the roots of that movement grew straight from working glass and their struggles. Ernst Röhm was the archtype of true socialist in this movement. Little by little, movement was stripped clean from anyone who showed socialistic tendencies.
One of the greatest mistakes that Hitler did, by his own accord, was that he never did strike against capitalists on the right. He did smash the left though. That explains why modern Germany is a capitalistic, multicultural hellhole with miserable people.
>what did he get wrong
Not purging the world of the international poo.
Listening to his speeches and comparing them to modern politicians makes me rage. Nobody in our era even remotely gives a fuck about society like Hitler did for Germany. Life could be so much better than the current hell we're lving in. The only thing Hitler fucked up on was how to wage the war. He was completely right about everything else
The jew nose the truth
>politician's speeches
>face value
Save your rage for something else darling.
>How based was Hitler?
He was a Zionist Jew. So whatever whatever.
Im back, this time no compromise, no mistakes!
So what's the plan mein fuhrer?
Start fucking forming groups and stop shitposting, unload all of this pent up frustration into the real world, its rotten and ripe to fall, my spirit is with you, you will not fail.
Great politician, not very good general
Based & redpilled
He surrounded themselves with kissasses and mad scientists. He also abused the Ukrainians when they could have been useful allies.
Actions lead to the deaths of tenths of millions of white europeans, the fragmentation of Prussia, the rise of the USSR, the prominence of liberal socialism in politics, the public repulsion for fascist and phalangist policies and the political scape-goat for the rest of modernity that is calling someone Nazi and this person being automatically ostracized because "we're supposed to dislike them, right?"
The biggest twat that ever lived, and the biggest saboteur of the west in the late century.
>inb4 muh jew cleansing
killed some few and paved the way for the fight against anti-Semitism, which is why they're thriving today and are much better than they would be today had the Vienna Art School been sleezier in it's entrance exams.
Retarded Brazilian who has no grasp of history...... Go read a book.
>t. "Hans" Ivanovich
Rolls for double 88
Going to kill another 75-80 million non-jews?
Going to steal another 19 billion in gold?
Going to put all the jews in more comfy camps while everyone else dies?
Going to jew the jews another country of their own?
Going to hold back the white race another 100 years?
How can anyone think this guy did anything good for whites?
He's a kike jew rat bastard.
>How can anyone think this guy did anything good for whites?
*Looks at the Western world for 3 seconds*
Yeah how can people think Hitler wasn't so bad?? ITS JUST BEYOND MY COMPREHENSION
>did wrong
Attacking USSR, treating Anglos as humans.