I was talking with my grandmother about politics and at some point came topic of Ukrainians...

I was talking with my grandmother about politics and at some point came topic of Ukrainians. My grandmother said you can't trust them and that they would sold us and kill us if given a chance.
Hearing that i begin to wonder how does this look in the west?
Thousands of migrants that look different, have totally different culture and language, act differently and have no doubt far more spite toward Europeans than Ukrainians will ever have towards poles.
Do people trust them or what? I don't get it...
pic semi related

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The masses have been brainwashed by (((them))) through diversity is our strength propaganda

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there is no such thing as "ukrainians". It's similar machiavelian military deception as with circumcizers dividing themselves into muslims, arabs and jews. So ukrainians are slavs, russians, etc.. It's an al-queda base of joint operation. Keep in mind the "pilgrimage" to rebbe nachman grave in uman. Think of dnepropetrovsk maniacs... So Ukraine experienced chocholocaust of biblical proportions at hands of red, white and blue axis of dr evil. Both NATO and Russia acted in unison.

Well i kind of understand the position of 'ukraine' since after the polish-soviet war polish delegation during peace talks in Riga betrayed their 'ukrainian' allies in favour of the 'soviet ukrainians'.
And that might be off topic but whether of not ukraine is real during the ww2 they had all the reasons to ally with the germans since they were fucked by everyone around them.
Also it wasn't really the point i was making.

no. "ukraine" and "ukrainians" are just labels. It's artificial language, artificial nation, etc.. Something like esperanto.

Oww man i get it ok? Austrians created their nationalism in xix century. It doesn't matter now does it? The province of ukraine will stay were it is until boom happens.

nobody knows what happened in XIX century. all history is cooked books by mighty pens.

>slavs hating each other
You're all the same: dumb as hell hicks.

O come one now... According to this logic no country exists since you know no one knows what happened before hehe.
Anyway this thread went really of-topic.

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What is the difference between Poles and Ukrainians?

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You know there are historical events that make people hate one another everywhere.
But of course since you are so smart i guess this doesn't concert you huh?

Shut up slav monkey!

exactly. brexit empire wished not carefully and globalized the entire world turning it into no country for old man and no child left behind. So none of the countries exists beyond rich heritage of doublespeak doublethink labels and words. Do you know what you did last summer? You would be very hard explaining yourself if you had to account for all your actions minute to minute.
So the world experienced rainbowlution of 9/11 and rainbowcaust afterwards where they exterminated all the straight people by using doctrine "you're with us or with the terrorists". You know from the word "terra" - earthlings. Current situation is as follows - nobody is with us so its very simple.

This was kind of a point here. Poles and 'ukrainians' are very similar and still don't trust each other. So i was wondering how that this look in the west where are loads of niggers.

Idk in murica people from the different regions have slightly different culture and dialect, but we all see ourselves as murican for the most part. Panslavia would make a pretty fucking powerful country.

Why does your grandmother say that about Ukrainians? I am ok with all kinds of Eastern Euros coming in my country. We get a lot of immigrants from everywhere, but they are the most prone to integrate and don't disturb the state of things.

I guess we just think it's strange you don't work more closely together since you have fairly similar language and culture.

I guess history and also the fact that ukrainians have a grudge against Poland. Also they don't care about Spain in the great scheme of things so i guess they act neutral?
Personally i didn't have bad experiences with them so i just assume here. I understand though where this is coming from especially that we took over 2 mil of them and they now demand more rights and better payments.
Mostly history stuff. You got your civil war but thats it as far as i know so yea.

>Poles and 'ukrainians' are very similar
In your fucking secondary school or high school imagination you flag waving hick

they could be worse. Sure, we have not historical hassle with them, but our cultures are more distinct than their culture and your culture.

>they now demand more rights and better payments.
Well, that's normal. Jest a labour -related protest. Nothing related with ethnicities.

Oh come on. Western ukraine is a fucking Polish clay so yea we are similar.
kys faggot

Thats fair i guess

Gee, I wonder who could be behind this memeflag.

>Western ukraine is a fucking Polish clay
only for stupid young people like you

Yea it's me, I need to see your tv license right quick.
Why aren't you answering the door?

Ok so that din't work hmmmmm.
So hmm maybe tell me how are they total aliens to us then?

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>Do people trust them or what? I don't get it...
Not really.. When it comes to real shit like hiring someone, normal people don't trust them. They tow the party line of equality, but they don't want to live with them. They just can't say it.

>My grandmother said you can't trust them and that they would sold us and kill us if given a chance
literally all of eastern Europe in a nutshell, the whole solidarity thing has always been a meme

I would sell some of my RL neighbours for two roubles tbch. Fucking pricks.

I never realised i was living in the balkans.

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i've lived around non whites my whole life. you can get chummy with them but you'll never quite form a real relationship with them. the tension never really quite goes away. especially as they get more and more exotic. some arabs run a small convenience store by me and walk shoot the shit sometimes but no matter what i just can't get over the awkwardness when talking to them. interacting with them in the aftermath of a major muslim terrorist attack is especially difficult.

the various races of man can live together so long as the institutions that govern their locality are robust and well organized but even still it's unpleasant to say the least.

Sorry bucko we're not retarded like your grandmother. Eastern Europeans aren't the brightest of people.

Oh hell no my grandma is based. We may disagree on some things but at least we agree that jews are evil. I fucking love talking with her.

I'm sorry if I made you feel offended, I'm just joking. But although let's be honest our elderly are a little cuckoo, times have changed, we can all be friends. The only real enemy is ourselves.

I dont know shit about Ukranians but

you have good taste in anime and
Ukranian lolis are world class

Its just the western ukrainshits. the eastern ones are good russians

Thats fine. I should have expected it anyway.

Immigration is going to change this country, it already changed it. I'm not staying here. fuck it.