I probably hate Americans more than anyone else here...

I probably hate Americans more than anyone else here, I would not hesitate to straight up KILL every American poster here, man or woman, adults and children, if I saw them on the streets. I would curbstomp them until their faces are nothing but MUSH and steal their wallets so nobody could identify their mangled, broken bodies, leaving their families in extreme emotional pain. Then I would visit their funeral, shit in their casket in font of their own beloved ones and then kill every single one of the funeral guests because I would assume they are American as well.

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that's sad

put down the vodka cunt

they are degenerates i agree with you

This is a jew

say that to my face, pussy

We love you to friend

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>Forgot to green text.

cool story bro

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Woah be careful with that edge there friend.

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>merp merp merp merp merp
Sucks being poor
>merp merp merp merp merp
American have all the money
>merp merp
And I have none
>I hate them for they have all the money
>And I have to suck dicks on the subway to survive
>$5 a dick, even the money is American
>merp merp merp

WOAH simmer down kid

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Lets be friends, Mikhael

I feel the way he does about your country. In minecraft of course. Also i'm not that bitchy and self descriptive like I'm some narcissist. But I hold the same amount of animus.
lmao the USSR got btfo. sucks to suck bitch

Thanks, I love you too!

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Take off your VPN Bruce

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You have never killed anyone. “I would not hesitate.” Fuck off coward. Drink more vodka if you can afford it and continue to jerk off fantasizing that you are a real boy. Faggot.

>I would not hesitate to straight up KILL every American poster here
no you wouldnt

>be russian

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Too bad laws against that sort of thing exist then, eh?

You'll probably be banned for posting this gay motherfucking off-topic bullshit.

What's weird is that I actually like Russians.

I'm still going to be best friend with Ivan.

Why? Are you falling for the meme view of Americans?

Who’s fucking your wife rn

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Amerimutts are living memes

>its a jew with a proxy thread

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Go play with your beyblades faggot

>shit in their casket
Jew confirmed...or a German on vacation.

why though

>the internal dialog of a Slavic nigger

Probably but still

They hate us cos they ain’t us

beat me to death daddy!

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Yeah, you may want to consider very seriously contacting a medical professional as soon as possible. Sounds very disturbing and frankly sick! Even writing down to troll harming children of any origin, race or religion even is not OK.

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I hate Americans too but not as much as Russians.

user is jealous of our greatness. Hows it feel to be that sad?
Also, you couldn't curb stomp an easter egg, faggot.

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plz jus get along

>imagine a country living in your mind rent free this much
sad tbqh

Ill beat that boi pucci to death, faggot

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Beating Americans feels great

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I would actually love to live in Russia, you're pretty much right. America is a shithole that will soon be flooded with shitskins.

Texas is filled with spics and most of the state is completely unlivable. Nobody wants to live around civic nationalist retards.

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Hitler was right about you. You're just niggers with pale skin.

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lol you guys really came out on top

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If you made this a little funnier you'd have yourself a nice copypasta.

Is this a ylyl? I got a decent kek. Russia isn’t something most Americans waste their time thinking about—their economy isn’t even the size of Italy’s, despite having more than twice the population. Every now and then, they dick size with over publicized nuclear weapons “advances” or minor military action to stay relevant. Their system of government has changed twice in just the past century. Russians, at their core, are defective.
Now China, they’re going places.

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good for you faggot.

>Doesn't know what GDP even is
>Sanctions himself into economic collapse

>my surprise to see this thread again

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Come on over and try it. A concealed carrier would blow you away. It might not be the first person you attacked, but maybe the second or third one would have a pistol, and would rid the world of your verminous ass. I want you to attack me, I need the target practice. Never can have enough target practice.

What flag is that even? Some shitty country where they live in 500 square feet apartments with no oven and all IKEA furniture?

Jesus dude... fucking savage.

lol stay poor ivan

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Or you'll get the Aunt Jemima treatment. ATTENTION!

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Ok, but why?

eyy uh whats with them ruskie, what do they call it? spetnaz? their special forces, and their fucking faggy ass pirouettes that they do. You know if they had to fight boston female firefighters, I'd bet on the boston female firefighters, I'm just sayin. All you non bostinians, and especially all you ahh, "Europeans" as if I beleive you exist, are all faggots.

I love you too, Ivan

Bolshevik jew

Based. I feel the same way user.

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you have to be over the age of 18 to post here

I'd like to fuck you.

Israel without foreign gibs would have a negative GDP


Literally you

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come out of your mothers apartment and try it you poor worthless waste of air.

Two facts I'm sure will make you pleased:

1. I married a Russian woman
2. I have more guns and ammo than an average infantry rifle platoon

Surely you see now how you are powerless in life. Perhaps that's the source of your anger.

yeah, i'd love to live in a country that will have it's economy die by literally walking itself into a sanction trap all because "DE EVIL SPICS"
i hate them too autist but faggots like you who are actually most of which underage gladly never even go through with it because you're underage and mentally definicit, subscribing to theories against people who are more successfull than you (jews) is only just a reaction of jealously

>I would not hesitate to straight up KILL every American poster here,
dayamm bro, you should chill and spread some love homey

We're you molested by a burger as a child?

I own an apartment there and honestly I kind of like it. Still the entire country is chock full of Armenians, Caucasians, and myriad central Asian step monkeys that behave the exact same way that the spics do so it's hardly any different. If he's going to Russia to get away from brown people I want to be there to see his face.

What propaganda is RUSGOV posting nowadays? Got any relevant content?

Russia has the biggest amount of natural resources of any country in the world. M-muh economy is a meme that can change overnight.

Central Asians aren't brown, they're the muh Hapa master race that weebs salivate about.

I consider this a declaration of war.
Tanks in 30 mins.

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False flag, sloppy job mossad.


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Time for another homocaust or holodork —whatever it takes to weed out the dysfunctional Ivans.

Russia needs communism again, they turn into a degenerate oligarch cesspit without it.

Based and redpilled.

>t. someone that's never seen an uzbek
There's a reason they're called churkas, dummy.

>lefty/pol/ in charge of not being the best of goyim
They were a degenerate shithole, oligarchy with it. How the fuck do you think Russia got this way?


The only way to make that happen is to send more Jews. They’re like a political bioweapon.

Why don't we just play some vidya instead? You can use your cheats if you want. I know you guys like that.

>t. GCHQ

Hey op do you like cats

Hey op can you add Germans to your list

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Hello JIDF.

yes, your VPN works, faggot. now kys.

> I would actually love to live in Russia, you're pretty much right. America is a shithole that will soon be flooded with shitskins.
Im unironically confused by this shit. Russia/USSR is literally the origin of modern multiculturalism. Russian cuckolds pay literally billions in taxes to support mountain nigger bulls.

mfw you try literally any of that and I blow your head clean off with my carry

Is this the start of an EPIC new meme?