Do women even want relationships anymore? I've met lots of girls who outright wanna be single moms because they don't want men in their life
Do women even want relationships anymore...
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They do. The sad part is, there aren't a lot of men in today's society who desire to be a man. Men in the western world are too afraid to go after what they truly desire- that's what turns women off. That's why men from other countries get the women, because they actually go after the best for themselves.
Women will be women. It has been this way in history. They follow the men. But if the men aren't fit for leading, the women will leave and go after men who CAN.
Don't bother getting married or having children at a young age unless the relationship is arranged because it's a huge waste of time unless you're both massively paid.
Every bitch I ever met always had another loser waiting in the rearview, regardless of our own relationship status, and usually it was no surprise to me when we broke up because I'm "gay" anyways... so by the time they realized the relationship was over...they were just reacting to my own boredom towards them.
Sometimes I had to wonder whether they were just jealous because their own friends would end up liking me better. Other times, I knew they were sluts and usually tried to help them advance in some matter or another, with the added benefit of a lousy pussy because all they wanted was sex.
Do you really want to know why women don't want relationships anymore?
It's because every woman wants to fuck around until their 50 years old. Children are just accessories like your everyday purse-poodle. Lastly... imagine having a vagina instead of a penis... Jealousy is too real nowadays.
Oh boy, it's today's "everything was better in the old days because Jow Forums told me so" poster.
No OP but what if i gave up on my dream for my wife? I passed up my dream job because it would require me to travel for most of my work and i would only be home 3 months out of the year. I knew i couldn't just leave her for 9 months at a time so i turned it down.
I used to feel the same as a teen
Horrible family dynamics (broken nuclear family) led me to not trust that a man wouldnt absolutely destroy my child.
Planning a family with fiance, now, so honestly its similar to incels just not having experience
Some do. The number of men who want a relationship (and who are willing to do their part) is correspondingly low, however; probably even lower than the proportion of women who still are decent. Don't let the state of society get to you--plenty of guys convince themselves that it's okay to join in the cesspool by pointing at failures in female form, but that just makes things even worse than they already are. For example, some have over-the-top paranoia that makes them want to hide their assets in marriage and routinely keep secrets from their spouse. Others will bemoan the prevalence of whores while refusing to commit before having sex and leaving girls who do want to wait. So yes, it looks bad to you because it is, but a woman trying to find a good partner will see the same pile of shit, just from a different angle.
The point of all this is to say that however bad it seems, remember it's never an excuse to stoop to that level. The degenerates don't care and the innocent get dragged down with you.
>For example, some have over-the-top paranoia that makes them want to hide their assets in marriage and routinely keep secrets from their spouse
Keeping secrets is not okay but hiding your wealth is smart.
>It's because every woman wants to fuck around until their 50 years old. Children are just accessories like your everyday purse-poodle. Lastly... imagine having a vagina instead of a penis... Jealousy is too real nowadays.
and, in addition to this, they all want to fuck Chad. US surveys have shown that 28% of men had no sex in 2018 while only 14% of women did, and that's only been shooting up exponentially since Tinder came out. The present and future's women are all hoes looking to be whore single mothers supported by your tax dime, don't expect anything out of them.
They don't not want men in their life, they only want Chad's face and cock in their life. The government already forces you to pay them via welfare, so dealing with all sub-8 men is an unnecessary chore. Women were always like this, but a deadly combo of easy living and society pretending they deserve rights has turned into the current state of affairs.
Fuck off to r/braincels. Your incel lies are not welcome here.
Women can obtain a child with superior genetics by fucking a guy who's out of their league and won't stick around. It's not a bad deal for them if they can afford to raise the child by themselves. Most can't however so they settle for a dude who can support them financially and isn't so bad.
Nah mate, it's all supported by statistics and will only get worse over time, you can't even imagine it. The only reason these facts are associated with incel community spergs is because they're butthurt enough at society to call a spade a spade even during its inception, most people who can't get laid are completely bluepilled and don't call themselves incels either. Trust me, in 30 years, if society isn't collapsing, we will all acknowledge the same truths and probably try to rationalise them as being good because of how cucked we are.
Your 28% is objectively false. You are an incel, every "statistic" you quote is wrong. You are a cultist with no ability to think on your own.
All because you are part of an evil death cult.
even though 99% of inceltears users are unable to use a website without an upvote system so this is most likely a LARP, it's should be noted for all the men out there wondering what the problem is with them that it's a real phenomenon.
no you were a dick
How can I be a man user. I want to change but never had a Male role model.
Not the guy you're bickering with but to blame women for it is a cope. It's undeniable that incels, and a growing proportion of the entire male population in general, are huge cowards in every facet of their lives, sex just the area they care most about so they complain the loudest about it.
Getting laid is so easy for the 70% of us with the guts to try that we're astounded by the existence of people like you. Sex has never been easier to get. #metoo a total outlier possibility. Yeah yeah, ib4 the degeneracy cope. Go whine about sex being immoral while you yourself live a hideous life of wickedness in all things BUT sex.
>we will all acknowledge the same truths and probably try to rationalise them as being good because of how cucked we are.
That's already happening.
>Normie sees claims about growing male sexlesness
"WTF that's all lies! Real life is nothing like this! Leave your basement you pathetic incel!"
>Normie reads about it in the news, sees studies and statistics
"That's a good thing! All those men are fat pathetic disgusting creeps and deserve to die alone anyway."
for starters, I never said the point you're attacking so I'm pretty sure you're strawmanning me, either way you're not really onto much.
At the same time, if self-proclaimed incels did behave like you how do you think it would end? Do you not think undesirable people are socialised into being asocial little pussy drones that never bother anyone?
I suppose accepting responsibility for yourself is a good place to start. Having no role model as a child is no excuse for you now, because you're aware of your deficits yet do nothing. Even if some adult meant to guide you is at fault, what exactly do you want? An apology? My outside perspective perceives it as an attempt to get people to excuse you from being better.
>you had no role model growing up?
>oh that's ok user it all makes sense now.
>Go play some vidya, we'll send along a gf to suck your dick shortly
>should've told us sooner!
They do and they get different types if relationships from different men. Men are so desperate. Women get mostly everything on their terms and money or money spent on them. Narcissistic women in western society.
Strong chin, clearly defined jawline, well defined ramus, hunter eyes, smaller philtrum than chin, eye width on point, minimal upper eyelid exposure, no bags (poor under eye support, bones), hairline NW0-1, at the very least 5'10 or so, ideally white, black or a white-leaning Hispanic, neurotypical, thick neck, good frame, good muscle tone (non subhumans get this without even working out, also ottermode as opposed to ripped is ideal for women), good shoulder to hip width, hollow cheeks, strong zygomatic bones, cheekbones that dovetail with your jaw above the hollow cheeks, ideally "tall, dark and handsome" appearance. Any problem?
And i still am too.
I'm also a dead beat dad by more women than any of the gross groups of skanks who estalk me could ever even guess.
Do you know why I still don't give a fuck about any of them? Because they're just worthless whores, at the end of the day.
No matter how they dress up or how many dicks they suck in my absence, they never had a choice with me since the beginning anyways.
What's really wrong with society nowadays is every bitch thinks she's a diva when in reality their closer to disgusting fucking pigs. Looks don't mean anything... it's personality that drives the good ones away.
You know bitches lost it when they start bragging about being fucked by the same old creepers like it's a reason to be proud. You desperate bitches disgust me!
>Getting laid is so easy for the 70% of us
Lol, where did you pull that statistic out, your hairy asshole? Disgusting, freaky user.
28% of men aged 18-30. You said 28% of all men. You lied and you know it. This is why nobody takes your incel cultist bullshit seriously, you can't even post a single truth
Getting laid is easy for 99% not 70%.
99% of all men alive are between the ages of 18 to 30.
>being normal lmao
Not him, but we don't know the statistics of all men using this graph.
But if men in don't have sex when they are young. Why would it drastically improve as they get older?
I hope you are right and 30 year olds are getting pussy left and right but I don't think this is true.
I think it would be interesting to see this split into more tiers.
Like how many have been celibate for two years, three years etc.
Having a single threshold makes measurements weird.
Finding how many months a man is celibate vs how many a woman is on average might show that men are single a lot longer than women.
The whole incel ideology is basically a copy paste of feminism, but reversed to hate women instead.
They go on about female privilege, and how they want to have whatever women is having and then they make insane statements like wanting sexual equality.
Not everyone views getting laid as a goal.
Many care about who and how.
It gets worse actually. People lose their virginity up to 26-28 yo, people who don't lose it by then stay that way until their 40s.
And who the fuck wants to have sex on their 40s? If that's my fate I'll probably kill me in my 30s, life ends at 39 anyway
>Not everyone views getting laid as a goal
Kek, nice cope. The classic "it's a choice" argument. Used it myself as a whelp.
Call it whatever you want, but if getting laid was all everyone wanted, why is the cheapest hooker you can find the best solution?
A lot of people want to be with a specific person, have an emotional bond etc.
When that doesn't work out, you don't just go to a hooker, that doesn't make it better with the girl you liked.
But even if you look at people who go to a lot of prostitutes, they don't just go to the cheapest, they want pretty girls too.
Sex isn't everything. It is part of it sure, but it isn't all there is. Reducing it that is just sad.
The only thing that graph shows is that men and women are losing their virginities later. This is well known. There are more virgins aged 18-20 than before.
And yes, this graph is pretty worthless because 18-30 is far too large of a bucket to give an accurate picture. It simply makes no sense at all to have 18-20 included in with 25-30 since their sexual patterns are totally different.
Where's your source for all this? Your ass?
Not having sex is a choice, as is being an incel.
I never understood why people refused to get old. As a kid, I couldn't wait to get old. I skipped most of my childhood and youth preparing for adulthood.
A big part of why I am single is because I never saw the appeal in hookup culture or dating. I want a marriage and kids, not staying up late having a conversation with a drunk girl over some loud music I don't like.
But I also know you can't have one without going through the other. I still miss the days where you could just ask girls to be your girlfriend and then they were. Who even enjoy dating?
Mine has been the same from 18 to 29.
How are other people having a different pattern?
It was some article I read. Can't be arsed looking for it but a quick Google can tell you all the bad shit that comes from being a late life virgin.
Because getting old is only fun if you have a relationship, a good job and all that shit to fall back on. When you're 26 and you've been lonely for your entire life without a girl throwing so much as a glance at you, spending your 40s alone isn't as fun anymore
Can't find anything credible saying this. Which makes sense, since why would being a virgin at 25 make it harder in life? Maybe 15% of people are virgins at 25 but only 1% are at 40. Meaning that "if you haven't lost it at 25 you never will" is obviously bullshit.
Right, you represent every male on Earth.
It's not that it makes it harder, it was more like "up until here people consistently lose their virginities but from this age and onwards they just kinda stay that way because there are obviously much bigger issues at play".
And yet nearly everyone loses it sooner rather than later. Virginity percentage does not plateau at 25. Or 30.
That's the point though. The later you go less people lose it, so by the end the ones left are the fuckups.
If you're 28 and you haven't had a girl even look at you then I'm sorry but it's unlikely it'll happen.
If that were true then the percentage of virgins at 28 and 40 would be the same. But this is not the case, not even close.
Got the numbers incorrect but as you can see there is a big plateau from 25 to 35 and I guess afterwards you're just so desperate you either settle for whatever or get desperate married. Either way it's pretty safe to say at 35 you aren't having a very fulfilling sex life if you haven't had sex the previous 20 years.
Why would you when you can put the least minimal effort possible and still pull in a Chad or two a week?
>this is what incels actually believe
remain bluepilled, I don't care
I doubt it. She can get knocked up by good genes (Chad) and then the state will subsidize her and the spawn's existence with the taxes of unattractive men. It's a very neat setup but honestly not surprising. Ugly men like myself are actually lucky because in the past we would either die naturally or be killed at the order of attractive people. Such is life, I suppose
I can't find any credible sources on any of this stuff.
Is this not a scientific field, actual scientists study? Because these graphs are about as informative as an apple chart showing how much faster their cpu is. I mean look at They have a shitty sample size and chose to group people together in buckets of 4 years, purposely discarding a ton of data.
It's the same reason Chads don't get into relationships.
They can put forth minimal effort and have a steady supply of girls willing to sleep with him at any moment. They give him attention, sex, love, companionship. Anything he desires. Even knowing well there he has 5 more girls he's sleeping with.
But Chad's only make up about 20 percent of the population. All women have that power.
Well, 80 percent do but basically that's relatively all of them. I truly wonder what it's like being attractive by default
You need to stop going on incel websites, you've been indoctrinated by their toxic community. Literally everything you said is false. You have built this fantasy world in your head and are starting to think the real world is like this.
You're seriously saying all women would gladly be part of a harem? You're fucking delusional. Women are jealous and definitely don't want to share a guy. Who told you something this dumb and why did you believe him?
It's true. They don't want to be in an ugly guy's harem. But they'd all gladly share Brad Pitt
Clearly most would rather be in a harem with Chad than a loving relationship with a 5/10 man. Those who can't take it become cat ladies when nobody meets their ridiculous standards. For the most who can take it the drama of who is having sex with who is fulfilling in the same way video games or lifting is for a man. Women are truly subhuman and if not for their holes I would wish death upon all of them.
Can you post just one source which shows that women would gladly share a guy? If this were the case why isn't it common for a lot of guys to have several girls all at once? Why doesn't Brad Pitt have 5 wives?
Keep in mind that monogamy is still in the process of breaking down, but:
“When a Finn turns 30, two-thirds of women and four-fifths of men are still childless,” highlighted Rotkirch.
Also, who was the 86% of women having sex with? Can't be 72% of the men. There's sharing Chad on the downlow, he's dicking down tons of bitches. Way more than these surveys would ever have foids admit and it's only getting worse thanks to social media and feminism.
antinatalism is the best way to save the planet tho
women are still having children bruh, just to the same men
>I've met lots of girls who outright wanna be single moms because they don't want men in their life
I don't think any woman really wants this fate, but it might be because they're getting older and their bio clock is ticking. Not to mention that people still have parents who push them to get married, have kids, buy a house with a white picket fence right after college. They want a kid, maybe through an user sperm bank so there's no legal issues, and don't want to deal with custody/visitation/child support.
Also you won't save the planet with the dysfunctional crotch spawn of single mothers
Tell that to Africans and Afghanis, not Finns and Americans.
Also, 3rd world hordes are the ones who are overpopulated and your decadent ideology will only effect 1st world people which are ironically the only ones who care about "saving the planet"
So you don't have anything showing how women are gladly sharing guys? Does that mean you were making shit up? You are repeating something that is completely false, and hoping that when you repeat the same lie enough times it becomes true.
I repeat: not a single claim you have made is true.
>monogamy is still in the process of breaking down
Wut. Divorce rates are decreasing and have been for a long time.
It's not even because we're ugly, but it's because us men have lower standards and the attractive guys are willing to fuck an uggo or a fatty if they can't get someone hotter, thus it fucks up the dating market even more and makes women feel entitled to hot guys only.
And I'm sure you've seen that Jow Forums post about a guy who had been lifting for quite some time and had a great body, but decided to post pics of him fucking some gross fat female who had several disgusting rolls on her stomach.
When will this meme die?
Absolute divorce rates, as in divorces per 1000 people, are decreasing because marriage rates are also falling.
Relative divorce rates, or the proportion of marriages which fail, are still abysmal--and they haven't improved despite the increasing concentration of the religious who even bother to get married in the first place.
Yeah, I think I saw that once. Either way, shit's fucked for us lower males but we can't complain because, according to normies, we created this situation
this is the most anti-white shill pasta i've ever read on Jow Forums
how he would have looked
You are superimposing divorces and marriages in the same year and not with a 20-year delay. Your graph is meaningless. Divorce rates are falling and no amount of your incel intellectual dishonesty will change this fact. It's amazing how you incels cannot even write a single post without lies.
Divorce rates are dropping because less people are getting married, you dumb cunt. I'm beginning to think that you're the incel here and not the guy you replied to.
Divorce rates are dropping because less people are getting married and more marriages last than before. This is because there is less pressure to marry now, and people are less inclined to get into a marriage they are not sure about.
Can't blame them. Men are stupid, ugly and immature.
This, this, and this. So much this. I can't even. All the internets for you
The graph already takes it into account, retard. Why do you think the trends mirror one another in shape? I'll give you a hint: it's not from people divorcing within a year of marrying.
I'm not an incel, either--not that it would matter to a drooling retard who thinks everything he doesn't like must be a lie.
>Divorce rates are dropping because less people are getting married
The only true thing you've said.
>people are less inclined to get into a marriage they are not sure about.
You accuse others of "lying" while you do nothing but spew literal shit without sources. No, the reckless behavior of people who cavalierly dismiss the importance of commitment is a driver of divorce--they slide into marriage after wallowing in a moribund cohabitating 'relationship' for the better part of a decade, and to nobody's surprise such unions collapse at high rates (that is, even the few in which the degenerates bother to formalize the arrangement).
And before you accuse me of lying in your usual infantile fashion, here:
>"On average, researchers concluded that couples who lived together before they tied the knot saw a 33 percent higher rate of divorce than those who waited to live together until after they were married."
>"Part of the problem was that cohabitors, studies suggested, “slid into” marriage without much consideration."
Would you look at that, the opposite of what you said. You can stop posting your worthless drivel now.
cohabitation in which she blows 10 dudes every night while he's not there and divorce rapes him via de facto relationship
That paper says that boomers are the divorce generation. They use something called "age-standardized divorce rates" which is a bit questionable as to what it actually measures. The authors conclude divorce rates are on a downward trend after the boomer generation.
Do you ever read the links you post?
I’ve lived for a long while and all i see is that women have become more independent, which is great, but because men have been on top for so long they’ve kinda dropped the ball. They are weak, spoiled and entitled. It’s a shame. But hopefully they’ll get with the times and start putting in some effort, you know, like how women have done for so long.
Have a feeling this statement is too edgy for this board, lol.
to what do they think they are entitled?
Entitled' is a fairly meaningless term that does not accurately describe most of the incels on this sub or elsewhere on the Internet. On one extreme, the word 'entitled' is used to describe men who literally believe that they should be able to force women to date them. On the other extreme, the word 'entitled' is used to describe men who are merely frustrated or sad that they can't find anyone at all to date them. This type of frustration is reasonable, since sex and romantic relationships are regarded by many as one of the most fulfilling things in life. The problem with using the word 'entitled' for both categories of men is that it lumps them together, demonizing men in the latter category by comparing them to men in the former category. If you wish to criticize our views, please be more specific than merely calling us 'entitled.'
>men who are merely frustrated or sad that they can't find anyone at all to date them
Those don't exist though.
Never do that. Take her with you. Make a plan to settle down eventually. If she doesn't want that path then you aren't compatible. I'd rather a guy pursued his dreams than gave them up for me because I wouldn't do the same, ideally we would work it out together.
You are gay
Women are starting to realize that men don't actually see them as human beings nor want to. Why they even fuck men knowing this is beyond me. I suppose sex is more important than integrity to most people.
If you wouldn't do the same do you really love him? He actually loved this girl.
Now that the economic factor of marriage has been greatly diminished, women are primarily focusing on mens character.
Due to men not seeing women as human and largely not being interested in seeing them as human, women see this as a shitty deal and are largely stepping out of the arrangement to avoid the unreciprocated labor that sucks their life essence or avoiding the violence.
Rather because women won't date down, and men have low standards for who they fuck.
if a 4/10 roastie fucks an 8/10 chad, because the chad will fuck anything, she's then under the impression that she must also be an 8/10 and refuses to even consider anyone in her league.
You often see ugly guys with hot girls. Rarely the other way around.
I'm not talking about a relationship, I'm talking about ugly whores occasionally getting dicked by chad because chad kind find anything else.
Frank Sinatra is none of that and he's considered the archetypical man
But the incel definition of chad is that he can always find a 10/10 stacy to fuck. Are incels wrong? Or does chad not exist?
We're using the term chad loosely here because I don't know the full fucking chad-brad-stacy-kyle ruleset here
Women need to be stomped in the face. The majority of average men need to gather and be men again. Remind those little whores. Beat them and rape their holes.
Based retard user showing exactly why women don’t want to be in relationships with men anymore
Cringe but redpilled