why do people hate israelis when its the muslims that are slaughtering christians in europe and in lebanon?
stop being little bitches and conquer your real enemy
why do people hate israelis when its the muslims that are slaughtering christians in europe and in lebanon?
stop being little bitches and conquer your real enemy
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Jews brought mudslimes to Europe, Day of the Rope awaits them both but jews need to go first
no u retard the muslims
>implying jews are a physical threat to us
I agree but we need them to kill all jews first
Jews are thecreason muslims are in sweden you retard cuckold. They are at war with whites and are using muslims as their occupying force. That effectively make jews a physical threat to you
Pick one.
>my fellow goym, we need to conquer the holy land to show these mussies
Our civil war basically started due to palestinian savagery. The jews kicked them out to Lebanon and started murdering christian settlements. Christian militias had to be formed to fight back. The 15 years of civil war really set us back a hundred years and we know have a divided corrupt government which abused identity politics to benefit certain religious and/or racial groups rather ths improving the country as a whole. Fuck Jews and Palestinians. I wasn't born in that time but the after affects are clear to see.
>1 in 4 blabla
This is College Feminist tier bullshit
Jews are why the ME is a radicalized nightmare and why the US and most of its population was convinced bombing it for 20 years was a good idea. Jews are also behind the idea that letting people into your nations for free, giving them money, and letting them do literally whatever they want after you've been bombing them for 20 years is a good thing.
Jews are literally the root cause.
How can one person be so incapable of critical thought? You realize you dont have to pick one or the other to like and hate right? Both kikes and mudslimes are a threat
so then kill their occupying force and you wont have to worry about them...
i thought it was the jordanians that pushed them into lebanon
They're both scum and a blight on this world. Jews have been a blight longer. I hope they exterminate each other.
Lmao youre an idiot. Do you mow weeds or do you pull them up by the root?
its better to side with the zionist jews first to kill off all the bands of palestinians and syrians that want to kill christians...
then u can kill the jews
how about we don't kill anybody? sure we should still defend ourselves but we shouldn't be picking sides in conflicts not within our borders.
Lmao nigger faggot youre in america. Not palestine. What are you like 15? Go away. Annoying little dumbass
killing jews doesnt kill muslims...
im gona completely ignore the guy trying to kill me and im gona kill the guy who sent him...
bruh, these are our enemies...
by not attacking them even as they stand in their homelands, you are betraying your own race
Kikes are funding the mexican invasion of the US. How about we kill the kikes and how bout you shut the fuck up
mfw any muslim kike can live in america
kikes are good for killing muslims though
If these so called Christians are such Jew lovers then they are also wolves in sheep's clothing and deserve the rope as well.
Jesus christ do you turn the overflowing bathtub faucet off before or after you start cleaning up the mess?
You have the logic of an actual retard with dimentia. Sadly you are one of the half of all white people who need to be killed along with the brown hordes you dumb fucking democrat
And muslims are good for killing kikes
shut the fuck up u fucking retard pussy...
you would be on your fucking knees if the slightest disturbance happened in your little trashheap reality...
just keep crying about the jews online you little slave
Learn to history kike. Thise Muslims wouldn't be there if it wasn't for Israel and Joeda Jordan trying to take out the competition. Lebanon used to be the best country in that part of the world, arguably it still is.
bud u see how its muslims and niggers raping your daughter? not jews? no? alright whos the one with dementia
no lebanon sucks and its only getting worse...
the lebanese diaspora is its only hope
You have the self awareness of a kike. The fact remains that the Palestinians were sent by Jordan and the Israelis.
Druz and Christian Lebs are O.K in my experience.
your a fucking loser not worth even talking to
the palestinians killed the christians why the fuck should i worry about who pushed them into the country?
no one gave them any orders to do what they did you infantile pussy
How about we get rid of both?
what is more imperative? the jews or the muslims
Don’t feed him any more (You)s
its my thread faggot
Yeah thanks for proving my point.
Not quite sure how anything I said makes me infantile or a pussy, but then again
And you would be fine, nice and safe in your mommy's basement with your piss jugs and turd fort.
the kikes didnt kill christians in lebanon...
it was muslims
this is a beautiful example of english neurosis your daughters are being raped and its clear to see whos doing it but your small dicked ass wont even acknowledge the perpetrators...
this is why ur gona have a hard time
They knew full well what would happen. Btw Id smash you're teeth through your lip in a second.
you wouldnt do shit your country still does sword fights
i have guns
>they knew full well what would happen
thats not the point
I wonder who could be behind this magazine cover where all it takes to convince people that it's true is a grainy black and white photo
its true lol
You heard me, Jew lover. I can't wait until Jesus gets hold of you, faggot. You've got some splainin to do.
maybe I'm just saying I immediatly doubt it and would look into it myself
sabra and chatilla massacre was a retaliatory strike carried out by the lebanese against muslims from both lebanon and palestine...
the same people who massacred christians yesterday and carry the hezbollah banner today were executed
thousands of people were exterminated thanks to the helping hand of the israelis
> Calls others a pussy
>Says others have small pee pees
>Needs gun
Its not our fault you've been genitaly mutilated
IsraAID is an NGO that is financed by Israel's ministry of foreign affairs.
IsraAID is the NGO responsible for the migrant crisis in europe.
HIAS is an NGO that is jewish through and through. It is funded by Israel, Open Society Foundations and Bill and Mellinda Gates Foundation.
HIAS is the NGO responsible for the migrant caravans from Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Venezuela into the US.
I assume it was palestinian against palestinian being covered up by Jew media, but I guess it was just a Jew massacre, i'm suprised stuff like this got published by time even during the 80s
>why do people hate israelis when its the muslims
why do people only hate one of the two?
all im saying is jews arent as big a threat to us PHYSICALLY as the muslims and can be used against our enemies if looked at from the *arab israeli* side of things
a jew would fucking die alongside a christian to protect israel and the rest of the levant from muslims...
no the jews just watched over the massacre they didnt take part... the christians were the ones who carried it out
If it weren't for Jews, all those towelheads would be chilling in their deserts right now, not giving a fuck about religious extremism. (All those conficts in MENA right now were caused by colonialist jews carving random borders in a historically complex region and good old USA sponsoring the Muhajadeen and dictators like in Iran. + removing all the old powers keeping the region under control like Gaddafi and Hussein) all in the name of "western values" which have no reason to be forced upon randos in the middle EAST
shutup fag
One day you'll learn how to present a valid argument. Untill then I guess we'll have to put up with your demented kikery and fallacies
bro ur whole entire nation is past its expiration date
Not an argument.
Jews genuinely lack self awareness. This whole thread all you've done is de rail yourself and look truly ridiculous. Quit whilst your behind. ;)
im not trying to argue with you im telling you a fact.
you dont have a nation anymore and youve been duped into thinking you can pull out of whatever shit your in now
all the best brits fled a long time ago when they saw what was happening
your people are stuck in shit and thats because you dont understand how perilous your plight is
this is worse than any potato famine or civil war
your people either die or kill
Tough words coming from objectively the most degenerate, racially cucked country in human history.
>most degenerate
weve been pretty well off i mean this countrys always had niggers in it
what were going through now is nothing new and eventually well just conquer the inferiors (including romani kikes) and live on with ourselves
england im not so sure
Why do ISIS and Al Qaeda never attack Israel?
There is no difference
jews dont have the physical potential to slaughter christians the way muslims do. muslims are indeed much more of a threat
Israel threatens Europe with nuclear war if gibsmedat is discontinued on the regular.
Belgium lol. I’ve been to Brussels several times. How you doing Muhammad? Turkey runs your country.
Get rid of the Muslims they're fucking everywhere. Pieces of trash are more of a threat than anything else, then we go after the jews at least they have the decency of keeping to themselves unlike the fucking sand niggers that want to fuck anything that walk to reproduce and spread their islamshit
>jews at least they have the decency of keeping to themselves
fake news, big nose
yea no shit
that's why.Wars to flood muslim is jews psyop.Jews don't even hide it anymore
that pic is impossible to verify
those pictures are just screenshots from real videos.Do your research ....but you probably be comfy shitposting and masturbating to anime so really don't give a fuck what you believe..
i dont care about syria desu theyre just more sand niggers...
like 80% of syrias population is muslim
too lazy huh?
Netanyahu visiting his Syrian terrorist in hospital
the assad regime is aids
i know you don't care but this have nothing to do with syria.Israel is supporting and funding most muslim gangs.You should know that
How is mossad paying these days for shitposting,shlomo?
they fund muslims that destroy regimes like assad... assad is bad and desu he rules over a people that are like 90% sunni and hes an alawite or some shit...
you cant really blame the jews for exploiting a great weakness such as that
fuck off sandnigger
they lose in syria and now they are travelling as refugees to fuck other nations (including your nation).They are their toyboys
all this muslims pigs are flooding rest of the wolrd ,deal with that.syria war is over,they lost
so then they are the problem... you deal with muslims first then jews... duh
why not both...flooding 'refugee' caravans will never end...it's been for who much?6-7 years?they won't stop
yea but obviously you deal with the flood first, not who is pushing them... you conquer the brown shits before the big nose ones
Jews never fight but always use other people
exactly... so its muslims and niggers that must be killed first.. then jews
>33 posts by this ID
shutup fuckin kike
>we had no enemies in the middle east XD
>wed be friends with them if it wasnt for the jews
>i suck muslim dick
Weak bait
Aids ?
Honk honk
u are a nigger who lives in a shithole country and is afraid of another civil war with your neighbors
thats why u like muslims over jews, even though the israelis were the only people who actually gave serbia any aid during that war
>takes part in the slaughter of maronites by muslims
>is literally an entire nation of people bent on exterminating the christians of lebanon
Iran hasn't recognized Kosovo, while the US has
Easy choice for me :^)
kosovo is muslim dickhead
Who says we can't kill off both?
No my friend
Kosovo is Serbia
It's obvious for all to see, apart from you and your Jewish freinds, who like you lack any sense of self awareness, that you are rather averse to facts. Otherwise you too would rightly be blaming Israel for what happened to Lebanon.
Remeber people