What’s the consensus on race mixing in Asian countries?
What’s the consensus on race mixing in Asian countries?
racemixing is only bad if its done with niggers
You can tell the which side is going to get cucked.
Only divorced Asian women will marry a white guy in a developed Asian county because no Asian man would lower his social status to marry a divorcee.
In poor Asian countries you can marry any Asian woman you want if you promise to take her out of her shithole country.
pretty kimono desu ne but that hook nose, hikaru what were you thinking ayayaya
Literally married to an Asian woman who was never divorced. GG
Hehe, more like same height manlet couple. Sheeeesh. What kind of screwed up thinking calls a man her same size powerful? Every woman I know cringes at being with men even near their own height. This bitch hates herself, I guarentee it.
Been to plenty of Asian countries.
There is no shortage of women from any of them who will jump your dick and try to keep you if you are a six foot plus white guy with decent manners.
Race mixing is objectively immoral and has only ever led to disaster when practiced en mass.
Oh no no another asian masculinity concern shitpost. Bro u have small dick literaly tiny according to chink stats 11 cm i had that when i was 9 yo. You are like 174 cm on average, so average chink is manlet. Most asians have yellow brown skin ugly flat face and acne. Most of them get cucked by their gold digger russian brides. I mean look at zhat couple that asian dude is not even attractive by asian standards. Dame height as female who is 170 cm tall kys chink and slice your neck open
Its a korean?
High tier: Japanese
Medium tier: Korean/Hong kong
Low tier: Philippines, thai (no bargirls)
Absolute third world insectoid tier: Cambodian,laos, mainland china
t.dating a philippine girl
Can confirm, you can be a white trash poor fuck and still get hot Asian women.
t. seething
The only thing better than a white guy in an Asian country is a mix raced half white half Asian. That way she has all the perks of dating a white guy but someone who will know their culture and traditions.
Not seething, I’m just stating facts user.
It is a sin.
i doubt asians go for fat balding guys with bug eyes, unless they are rich and they visit some poor shithole like the philipines or vietnam
Racemixing is bad for your kids.
Their zog leaders are already setting them up to mix with browns so you might as well to be honest.
tfw no japanese bf to take me to the promised land
tfw have to live in mallshartia
Well imagine this scenario. You know how you have white guys with yellow fever who think every ugly Asian girl is a 10/10 waifu goddess? There are Asian girls who think every white guy is a 10/10.