Why do people think italians are shitskins. i mean theyre almost 100% romans

why do people think italians are shitskins. i mean theyre almost 100% romans

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Oh look, it's only the 9th thread on pol today about the same topic. Shills are out in full force today...

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Just ignore those retards, its very likely that they are mohammeds trying to make us fight eachother.

it's another kike proxy shit on italy thread. this shit should get a ban. fuck off.


Italians have tons of African genes because Moors and turks occupied their country for a thousand years. Gtfo roach defending shitskins

please enlighten me of how and when turks and moors occupied my country


The roman empire collapsed because you were getting fucked by niggers that migrated there. Open a history book

fuck off we're full

There a lot of people in Sicily and Calabria who are brown skinned. Most are white tho.

Those kind of shills are made by 3 people,a nigger,a chinese with small dick and a jewish mental ill women.

The only response.

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The Empire collapsed simply because it run out of money, causing invasion form Germanic and other barbaric groups. If anything the collapse of the Empire made Italic people whiter

People from Romania are romanians not romans.

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based and redpilled

"Io sono rumeno perché sono di Roma"
Fuck off austrian scum or we kick your ass again.

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Someone needs to explain what Count Roger II did to these burgers, I swear

Southern Italians are black. Northern Italians
Are black too

e se vedo una donna,io gli strappo il perizoma.

lol, i am noticing now that this song is the anthem of white genocide

Pic is the typical Italian archetype

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You can not talk about white people,le 56% beast
Why do you posted a selfie?

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typical german teens >honkhonk.png

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it's a pic of your weak father

i just want an italian gf pls

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That's what he said, yep.


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Invaded by mudslimes.
Tonnes of them are greasy brown skinned with dark hair and eyes. Thats why you massive log sucking faggot.

shit people use them time for say that italians are not white, and them info are ''i saw an italian''
when maybe they saw an sicilian, cause the italian immigration in '20 was all sicilian.
if you come from trentino, you are a fucking austriac

I wouldn't say that, but they're not Anglo.
Just being white isn't good enough. If you're aren't French, you shouldn't be in France. If you aren't British, you shouldn't be in Britain. And, hell, you shouldn't be in the US, either.

Italians are good people but they do harbor nigger like traits

and half blood people? if someone is half british and half french?

> Trentino
> 2.09% of the Italian population
nice comparison.
pic is typical Italian

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Half-bloods would depend upon which each half is. The British and French are both very close people, so I'd consider such a half-blood to be whatever he was raised as. A half-nigger, on the other hand, is just a mutt, and could never be French, British, or anything else.

come on dude, dont laught, you girlfriend gonna fuck a nigga tomorrow : D

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That's your típical German man.

i has a friend, he is half spanish and half italian
but the parents have french blood and latin blood.

idk how i can insult him

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Don't have a problem with Italians, I appreciate such inventions and history that came out of Italy along with the Roman Empire. Hope they rise once more and clean the filth that is occuring in Europe. If not, reawaken the Germanic tribes and bring forth a reincarnated Arminius.

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talk seriusly, italians are not a problem, but when i say italians, i say people from north italy...
i cant talk for terroni

I didnt even know sandnigger looking Italians existed until I came here.
First thing I saw here was "look at the statues and look at Italians now. My entire 100 man family looks exactly like those statues and I'm a burger. Jow Forums is full of shit

bro this

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