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Why are young white women abandoning motherhood?
Nathan Flores
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Adrian Martin
because emcels can't create real connections with other humans
John Morris
It is not only "dog mom day". It's also my birthday.
Connor Adams
Oof maybe social media was actually a bad thing
Jayden Lee
blame feminism, islam needs to crush the west faster & put woman back where they belong.
Charles Baker
It's only temporary
Soon science will let us breed with dogs
Matthew Barnes
Those are the only ones who will get in her snatch.
Noah Roberts
Well act least it aint cats
Christian Richardson
Imagine this as a solution
>Who in the fuck could be this retarded?
My lungs you fucking niggur whyy u do dis?
Anthony Lewis
peak identity consumerism
Luis Lewis
I don't know any filthy woman who prefers having dogs over kids other than Jaclyn Glenn
Christian Long
that's a good thing
less people=better future
Jose Martinez
Oliver Cooper
Aiden Smith
Kek. Toasty roasties you mean.
Ethan Ortiz
Probably same reason I'm avoiding fatherhood. Bachelor life kicks ass and kids ruin everything
Michael Barnes
Women who own dogs fuck those dogs.
Adrian Cox
>if oy you knew how bad things really are
Michael Hill
I approve of these people dying off. What's left of the Aryan race will be stronger and more cohesive.
Nathaniel Gomez
Just like Mother Shipton said in the 16th century. That would incels would cling to cat and dogs like babies. Men Neets would live like pigs.
Liam Clark
The only reason someone lives alone with a dog that still has its genitals is because they are fucking it.
Nathan Collins
This is the most accurate thing a meme flag has ever said.
>See cute girl walking her dog
>See giant testicles swinging wildly from dog
>Gen envious
Isaac Price
many such cases. Sad!
actually very sad. a life of cope awaits them.
Tyler Adams
niggers are breeding so fast it makes white non-births irrelevant.
Evan Foster
Lol that's not the only dumbass thing that day
>Brunch for Lunch day
>Eat what you want day
>National Girls Learning Code Day
>World ego awareness day
God I can't read any more of this tripe. Just burn this gay earth.
Jaxon Williams
They are told to do so
Jose Murphy
Quantitative easing.
Jace Johnson
You just know.
Xavier Foster
Happy early birthday swedefren
Ayden Gonzalez
You need to spend a season over the pacific north west, you'll be surprised
Austin Lee
and your alternative solution is......????
playing video games, masturbating and smoking weed doesnt count.
so while i agree with you, something has to be done instead, as shit as islam is, at least it works in suppressing the female tendency of self annihilation
Liam Perez
Is this neccessary a bad thing or is it comparable to children having baby toys and taking care of them like they are real babies? Maybe it shows their caring and nurturing nature and that they actually really want children? Or maybe Im just completely wrong, who gives a shit
Adam Richardson
They use pets as surrogates because they're career women who can't be arsed with real kids, and want something cheaper they can leave home alone.
Parker Cox
Necessarily, sorry
Angel Powell
Dogs are a replacement for children
Levi Sanders
All three need hosing down before coming back in the house, I know that.
Isaiah Reyes
>is this bad
Calling yourself a dog "mom" is absolutely a bad thing. Dogs are animals not people. Imagine calling yourself a virtual dad after playing The Sims. It's pathetic, the female equivalent to the neckbeard.
Angel Ward
The problem with Islam is that it doesn't only suppress woman, it suppresses everything that doesn't bend over 3 times a day to praise the pedo prophet, since it's consider haram so basically your trading woman suppression for going back to the stone age.
White cucks need to find their balls and put your white whores back in check
Brayden Hernandez
Leo Phillips
They arent career women tho. They are just 20-something college students larping as mentally unstable quirky women who afterall want someone or something to take care of
Everyone wants a partner and children. It's just edgy and cool to say you don't want, but they'll grow out of it
Xavier Ortiz
Only shills are pushing this
Jordan White
Logan Sanders
Jordan Clark
60 years of Social Engineering:
Instead of a Husband they want a Career.
Instead of kids they want College Degrees.
Michael Campbell
Easton Richardson
>Why are young white women abandoning motherhood?
Because "men" sit around playing video games and getting drunk/smoking weed instead of being strong and noble leaders.
Justin Campbell
I'm losing more and more sensibility.
Sebastian Allen
>but they'll grow out of it
My work force me to interact with people and I can tell you, this women will die alone, sad, bitter and confuse.
The few who manage to grow out of this eddy phase will still grow bitter and unhappy which will make any poor idiot that couples with them bitter and unhappy, they are brainwashed in to the feminazi doctrine I know because I have interact with every age of this car ladies
Isaac Stewart
I'm one of the biggest dog people, but anyone who compares raising dogs to raising kids is an absolute retard and should be ignored.
Easton Williams
>A man will never commit to me, and I’m getting too old to have children
>Hello, doggo. You’ll always love me no matter what. You’re never mean to me. can be my child... if you want to...
Elijah Hill
Oh look another thing that women are going to blame on us
Leo Robinson
Emcel hoes will try anything except to make kid to stay relevant, but they wont and when they realise its already too late.
Xavier Bell
Of course is men fault, what a surprise...... stupid roastie
>ohh men are playing videogames
>let me gangbang some chads every week
Jeremiah Morgan
Because it's fucking expensive
Owen Myers
Because they are in a huge cue to screw me like this stripper who’s just bullied me into staying in a hotel with her tomorrow. I’m sure she only wants a few hands of rummy and will bring an accredited chaperone. Wew!
Aiden Hall
Women are grounded in reality and expect a man to be the same. When he spends his time masturbating to vidya instead of interacting with her (or being productive), it is a HUGE turn-off. This isn't very difficult to understand if you are a man and not a child.
William Johnson
>Women are grounded in reality
Matthew Wood
>the alternative is masterbation and vidya games
Hey, BTFO vidya games. I play every weekday night. There is no dichotomy between liking vidya games and sex you meme head.
Every weekend I have sex with as many women as I can. I went out midnight on Saturday and fucked three women before Monday this week, including Kassi my latest stripper playmate (I’m trending amongst strippers right now, this is the second Ive dated in the last two months, I’ve ducked so many both on and off the books I lose count) she was first. I was full of coke and Vegas mix, went straight on to the last woman to try it on after Kassi then on Sunday night I blatantly cucked my mate and slept over with his GF.
Then mon/tue/wed I played Fallout 4 on survival.
Robert Young
>went out at midnight on Saturday.
Colton Williams
Happy early birthday fellow taurus.
Hudson Nguyen
If they can't get a top 20% Chad then they're not going to bother.
Jonathan Bell
> don't reproduce goy, women only want Chad anyway
Fuck off Moishe.
Robert Thomas
thats reality
where the fuck have you been the last 10 years ?
the fucking thot culture jewbook and tinder destroyed everything
Camden Bailey
whos gonna post that webm, girl in park with dog, dropps trousers and dog mount her vagaja.
Blame Femminism. That dogmom is goona hit thw dogmom wall, and either become a turbo fem, or ceast to exitis
Jeremiah Adams
Right so us /pol guys stand no chance, right?
I love the way leftypol assume we have their lives.
Liam Rogers
Can confirm Canadian pussy is mighty cold
Christopher Cook
Many happy returns of the day Swedey. It really is my nieces 21st. I’m taking four 21 year old girls and my sister to an exclusive restaurant @ 6pm. Hope someone treats you too lad.
Jacob Wilson
Grattis på födelsedagen för då!
Luke Campbell
This roastie needs to come home to a Muslim bvll. He will throw away here useless dogs and give her a good pounding and beat some sense in her. The next day she will be cured and learning how to run a proper household and cook for her bvll.
Leo James
too busy being whores
Evan Peterson
evola was afag